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Found 13 results

  1. After the MD-11 (link), Eastern Express is working on a 1/144th McDonnell Douglas DC-10-30 kit. Source: http://www.pas-decals.ru/forum/novosti/1078-novinki-vostochnyj-ekspress?start=405#36881 V.P.
  2. This is the 1972 NITTO kit of the DC-10. NITTO,later Doyusha produced a range of airliner kits in 1/100 scale,like the 747,TriStar,767,DC-9,707,727,737,DC-3 and Concorde. The quality of those kits is very nice,given the time when they were produced,with resessed panel lines and some fine details. The 747 kit was back then,the largest injection moulded kit ever and is very impressive,both in size and amount of detail. The DC-10 is also quite a good kit,considering its 50 years of age. In some places the fit is tricky and some areas need a bit of improvement/corrections. Things I added/ corrected or improved are Engine inlet on No.2 engine: plastic tube inserted to get a more realistic look and a seamless intake. Intake ring recreated with Evergreen plastic sheet to get a round inlet. Wing engines: Inlet rings recreated like on No.2 engine,top and bottom of the housing flattened to get it more round. Otherwise its egg shaped. Landing gear: Hydraulic cables, disc brakes on the main gear,struts added to the front gear Rudders lowered,these went in down position once the hydraulic pressure was off on the ground Intake on the left side opened up and the flap inserted diagonal as on ground operation Landing lights on the fuselage sides drilled open and recreated with white glue Position lights on the wings:drilled 2 small holes into the clear parts,clear red/green paint inserted and glued on the wings with white glue Cockpit:Front window /nose angle corrected as good as possible,otherwise its shape is like on the Caravelle with no step between window and nose. The decals for the Demonstrator come frome the kit. Despite their age they worked quite well,only the white between the red and blue lines isnt as white as it should be. I had no choice as to keep it as is because the silver framed window openings and cabin doors are printed on the stripes. To get the windows and doors alligned,I cut the decal into 5-6 sections and applied separately to avoid any discrepancies with the fuselage windows and door outlines. The frame for the cockpit was done with silver decal stripes, Paints are Gunze white surface primer 1000 for the upper half,Gunze grey primer 1000 for the wing box and inspar panels. Gunze metallics . Sealed with Gunze Premium Gloss. This DC-10-10 was delivered to United Airlines after completing flight tests on 3 june 1972 and went to FedEx on 22. october 1998.
  3. For a quick build of a kit I bought as an eBay bargain I’m very pleased with this. The kit dates from 1980 but mostly fitted together really well despite its age. I filled and sanded over the windows and used decals instead, but otherwise it’s out of the box.
  4. About 3 years ago,I found this desktop model on a aviation fair in Switzerland for about 45 Euros.Back then with Finnair markings. It was seriously damaged,as it probably "crash landed" .The rear fuselage was broken and had been glued back on somehow,leaving some nasty gaps and missing fuselage pieces. The rest of the plane was intact,just the airline markings showed its age and the white fuselage had yellowed in some places. Earlier this year I decided to finally repair and repaint the model. It was first planned to repaint it in Finnair colors,as it originally was.This decal set is offered by f-dcal,but as I usually have to wait "ages" for the decals to arrive from him almost every time ( my Aerolineas Argentinas 747SP decals are still NOT here,since early december),I decided to buy the Continental decals from 26decals. They are very nice to work with and Ray is very fast and reliable with the printing and dispatch. The original marking were large stickers as it was usual back then for such models. With paint remover everything was cleaned.Then the repair work started,reattaching the back and repair the gaps and seams using putty and superglue. The wings were pushfitted so the whole section could be repaired and painted as a separate unit. On the upperside of the wings I recessed the flaps and slats as well as the rudders on the fin and tailplanes. The whole model was primed with Tamyia grey and white primer and paints are also from rattle cans Tamyia pure white,aluminium and Revell light grey. The engine exhausts and wing engine intakes were brush painted with Gunze metallics. As the model was devoid of any details,such as cargo doors and airvents,I ordered the superb detail set from NAZCA to further enhance the appearance. Gloss coated with Gunze gloss from a rattlecan. This renovation took a bit more than a month and it was a fun task. The overall shape of the model is quite good and the new decals and added details breathed new life in this classic. Cheers Alex
  5. This is the old Heller kit of the famous DC-10. In came out around 1975 with UTA markings and is still available now with Aero Mexico decals. The Swissair boxing came,as well as their 747 kit,in the 80s and offered decals for the earlier red stripe livery as well as the then new brown stripe livery. As with the 747 Swissair decals,the red stripe decals are also on the DC-10 kit way off shape,so the whole livery was painted on and only the logos and markings were used from the kit decals. Heller got the shape of the DC-10 quite right compared to the Revell and Airfix offerings,only the cockpit clear part is a little wrong.That can be corrected by using decals. I added those little fairings on the engine nacelles,seems only Hasegawa in 1/200 and Nitto in 1/100 had them included.All other manufacturers seemed to omit these parts for some reason. I also opened up the air inlets and backed them up with small parts of evergreen plastic under the cockpit as they were only scribed on the fuselage. The APU was also made of a small plastic tube as on the kit is nothing but a circle. The rest of the build is OOB and the parts went together without issues. Its a great kit in my opinion that builds up into a very nice DC-10,although the odd scale doesn't allow comparision to other airliner kits except Heller's . Paints are all Revell enamels,the decals come from the kit,door outlines and handles were obtained from a Revell A380 ! and the cockpit window comes from the 1/144 !! NAZCA detail set for the DC-10... A very detailed and nice decal set,but they went completely out of scale with the cockpit windows.But they match perfectly on the1/125 heller kit Enjoy
  6. In case anyone is interested Ray Charles currently has EE DC-10s at £35 plus postage. He's offering a tempting range of decals including Iberia, Sabena and Monarch. It may also be worth noting that Ray is intending to stop production of laser decals at the end of this year. Dave G (PS I have no connection with Ray except as a customer)
  7. I received this kit from a modelling friend who got it from someone else too. It was already started,although in very bad condition.It must have been started some 20+ years ago with some parts already glued and terribly painted. My friend was unsure what to do with it,so he gave it to me,hoping that I might have some use for it,being as a parts donator for my other DC-10s. I thought I try to save it and repaint and finish the build.But as the Revell kit has its issues,I tried to correct some areas and enhance the overall look of the kit. Changes / corrections I made; - Correcting the nose,cockpit area - Rework the engines ( extending the mountings and rework the intakes and exhausts) - adding the APU - extend the wingbox to match the DC-10-30 (kit is more a DC-10-10) - lowering the slats like they were when the DC-10 was on the ground It took quite a while to get all as it should be,the wingbox was the most time consuming area. The decals come from 26,NAZCA and Authentic airliners. I am not completely satisfied with the outcome but it was a good exercise for my other Revell DC-10s I might do a WIP on my next Revell DC-10 to show the conversions Enjoy,
  8. This aeromexico DC10 will be a bare metal finish with orange decals. the grey areas are the only parts not to be a metal finish. I'm using xtreme metals matte aluminium on top of a glossy black finish for maximum effect. The matte aluminium is going on last as its not advisable to use masking tape on it as it will just peel away and its horrible to try and blend in a re-spray. The grey areas will be masked off prior to spray
  9. McDonnell Douglas DC-10-30 1/144 Aeromexico XA-DUH Kit - Airfix Scale 1/144 Decals - 26decals This livery was worn by a pair of 2 DC-10s XA-DUG and XA-DUH delivered to the airline in 1974 original thread is here
  10. Hi folks, this one from my collection. Homemade decals, automotive paint. LanChile leased a Laker Dc-10 in late 1980, then added four more from PanAm and Air New Zealand. We operated them until 1986 when they were replaced by the "all-new" Boeing 767-200. The Dc-10 was LanChile's first wide-body airliner, flying primarily on high density routes to the United States (Miami, New York, Los Angeles). CC-CJT was delivered new to Air New Zealand on 10.11.77, then started flying with Lan on 13.06.82 before being transfered to American Airlines on 17.06.86. It should be scrapped by now as far as I know. Hope you like it! Ignacio
  11. Seeing Radleigh's DC-10 thread has prompted me to post a few from another recent DC-10 retirement. On the 11th April 2014 Netherlands Air Force DC-10 T-255 made its last flight from Eindhoven to Newquay Airport where it will be scrapped. Fortunately the DC-10 arrived and parked directly outside the Classic Air Force enclosure, unfortunately it only stayed there a couple of hours before it was towed away to its final resting place. A RNLAF C-130H accompanied the DC-10 to collect the crew and some equipment. Final landing at Newquay Crossing the Runway: Heading towards the CAF enclosre. Unloading equipment: C-130H arrives. Crew munch some sandwiches before the flight home: C-130H leaving: DC-10 is towed away to be scrapped:
  12. Hey All I finished this quite some time ago, but never got around to taking photos of it. It happliy resides on top of my friends TV lol. Its the Revell SAS DC-10-30. The decals are from RichW, brilliant as usual. I enjoyed this build, the old ten, iv'e been on a Northwest one back in 1999, if id known what it was back then i dont think id be happy lol, it must have been ancient! Anyway here's my kit. That's all folks :-P Thanks Bradley
  13. Hello Everyone I was trawling the web and came across this 1/144 resin MD-11. http://www.aircraftresourcecenter.com/Rev3/2301-2400/rev2383-Airliner-Vieira/00.shtm Has anyone else built this before? What does everyone think of it? Thanks Bradley
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