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Found 7 results

  1. Back in 2017 I thought I'd build a Sherman. I came across the Plastic Soldier Company and their multiple vehicle wargaming sets So I bought the Shermans. They're quite simple so what can go wrong? I asked myself. First the paint didn't want to "take". As can be seen from the left hand Sherman above. Also I painted the (here dry-fitted) tracks rust. I drilled the gun muzzles, the lifting rings and added stretch sprue loops to the turrets as the moulded rings were too small to drill. Then noticed the sink hole in the Firefly mantlet. and had to fix it. Another coat of paint got things looking a little better. Next I re-painted the rust-coloured tracks and added a gloss coat. I made some decals and borrowed some stars from the spares box before a matt coat. The matt coat had damp in it! They came out looking like I'd left them out in the frost. Lots of helpful advice from fellow Britmodellers and another gloss coat minimized the problem. I tried a pin-wash over the gloss coat. My pin-wash technique is still very much under development. And so is my oil-dot technique. I saw the technique on Youtube but found that lots of dots of lots of colours doesn't work for me. To achieve the following I went over the oil-dot coat with fewer dots of closer colours, white, tan, burnt umber and yellow. Used a wide brush with wipes on paper between sections. I found this prevented it all deteriorating into a uniform colour I could have used a single colour for. This is the state of play so far. There's a GBG between the rollers and the outer track guide teeth. A matt coat, without damp this time. The Commanders need finishing. Stowage needs to be painted and fitted then I'll probably find half a dozen other things........... To be continued, probably for some time to come.
  2. I know it's madness but I'm going to try and finish these before the end of the GB. I was going to try for the first time the Blitzbuild but I don't have the flexibility to deal with the constraints so I'll try a 'semi' Blitzbuild of this here. It's typical PSC, well moulded and crisp. The model comes with parts for two carriers, with crew and two 6 pounders, again with crew. The carriers are virtually flawless, with just a couple of moulding flaws and one injection depression. The 6 pounders ahave a few mould seams. I think the 6 pounders are an older moulding as I have a boxing in the stash. Mind you the quality is very good and removing the seams will be quick swipe with a sanding stick. Obligatory gratuitous shots of the sprues. There are instructons for the carriers, usual simple PSC style. No options but extra stowage. No instructions for the 6 pounder though. Just as well I have a set in the stash. There are alternative parts for the US variant as well as the 6 pounder. Lets see how the madness goes.
  3. A few quick builds this week to give my Mustangs and Fireflies something to aim at. Untitled by jongwinnett, on Flickr Untitled by jongwinnett, on Flickr Untitled by jongwinnett, on Flickr Untitled by jongwinnett, on Flickr As you can see, I couldn't resist tinkering a bit, so one Opel has had the tilt opened at the rear. My only other addition so far has been drive shafts: Untitled by jongwinnett, on Flickr These are very good value, three in a box (One 251 D still to build), quick and easy to put together, and a decent basic canvas for detailing if you want.
  4. Good evening all Have seen some of the amazing things people can do on this site, it's with some trepidation that I post the pictures below....but you’ve got to start somewhere.... I made a few models (badly) in my youth when war-gaming and then nothing for a long time but got back into it last year after 20+ years, when my young son decided he wanted a model tank that he could play battles with. Below is a selection of some of the betters ones but I’ve still got a way to go especially when it comes to weathering and stowage. At the moment my aim is to get them looking reasonably like they're supposed to, which I think I've managed. Better historical accuracy will hopefully come with time. Thanks for your time and please be gentle..... Andrew PS you'll also probably notice I'm not a great photographer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Armourfast Cromwells with some very basic stowage Plastic Soldier Company Churchills One has some extra stowage from S and S Models http://www.sandsmodels.com/ Armourfast Achilles x4 Again these have some additional stowage from S and S models. At some point I'll look at putting a couple of crew in. Also I know the weight should be 29 tons but I don't have any 29 ton signs. I also know the camo is not right but there are reasons (to do with my son) as to why I went with it. The bottom two are the first two models I finished after coming back to the hobby. I overdid the matt varnish on one of the but managed to rescue it (just). Plastic Soldier Company M5A1 Half track I have a total of three of these, of which this is probably the best. One thing that does annoy me slightly with PSC is some of the odd and inconsistent scaling. The 0.50 calibre MG on this model is WAY oversize but the ones on their Shermans are pretty close. Plastic Soldier Company M4A4 A couple of these have stowage/tarpaulin made of sprue off cuts covered in tissue paper, which is covered in PVA glue. I got the idea from someone on the Armourfast forum before it went offline (Dave if you ever see this - thanks for the idea). I also has to replace the .30 caliber bow MGs as they were as wide as the main gun!! I used short section of the same plastic I use for the aerials.
  5. All Below are some pics of the first batch of German AFVs I've built since returning to the hobby. As with my British submission these are all quick build kits. As you'll see they're not up to much compared to a lot of what's on here, my German camo needs more work and the weathering was is a bit hit and miss but I've got to start somewhere!! Any observations, comments and constructive criticism will be gratefully received. Andrew PS in addition to the models below I got 2 Armourfast leFH 28s and a Zvedza 88 that need finishing off at some point. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Plastic Soldier Company Sdkfz251 - 4 variants This was the second kit I bought when starting up again and for me it was a great buy. I'm never going to be building vast quantities so the opportunity to build several different versions was appealing. The kit comes with 4 models and you can build 4 x 251/D halftracks or one each of 251/8 Mortar Carrier, 251/9 Stummel, 251 /16 Flamm and 251/7 Pioneer - or a combination thereof. It also comes with 37 crew and a huge amount of spare equipment and stowage - which with having absolutely none to start with a big bonus and some of it generic enough to work on Allied vehicles I ended up mounting the mortar and crew on a very impromptu plastic base rather than mount on one of the vehicles. I also now realise that their uniform tops/smock are should probably be the camo variety but being naive I was following the box art. Needless to say I will be revisiting the base....but it was my first attempt. Amourfast Pz IV G Below is a pic of one of two I have built but the weathering didn't quite work as I was hoping. This one has some stowage from S and S Models on it. Armourfast Stug III This is one of the two I have. For some reason I didn't put any stowage on, so they look a bit bare.... Armourfast Panthers x2 These were actually built by my young daughter. She also did the tarpaulin on the back made from tissue paper covering sprue off-cuts. You'll also notice the lack of weathering and additional stowage. They are sort of her's and she didn't want them looking all cluttered and dirty!! She is a girl after all!! The figures are taken from PSC's German figure and stowage pack - if there are any newbies out there like me with a lack of stowage and crew, then the kit isn't a bad buy. The cupola mounted MGs were spares from Armourfast German MG Team pack. The brackets to mount them were made two of my plastic aerials glued together to make them stronger, sanded down to make them smooth, cut to length and bent slightly.
  6. Recently completed this one. If you ignore the thickness of the schurzen, moulded on tools and some heavy details I think these models make a nice change. Construction is quick, as you'd expect with kits designed for the wargame market but for me they provide a good excuse to practice some painting. The figures are Valiant Miniatures late war German infantry and although they are a little larger that 1/72 they don't look too out of scale, particularly when not mixed with other manufacturers' figures. Had some silvering with the Skytrex decals used for the turret numbers but this one was for practice. Thanks for looking!
  7. Even though I've been making models on and off since as far as I can remember, I've never made a tank. I went through a Humvee phase a few years ago but that's about it. At the weekend I fancied taking a crack at one and ended up in Argos with some vouchers I got from work, hoping to get the Airfix Battle Front set (2 tanks and a diorama -another thing I've never done- seemed like a good start) however it wasn't available so that's ordered for later this week. In the meantime I went into Boyes to see what they had and there were a few Airfix ones for about £7-£8. But next to them they had some from the 'Plastic soldier company' who I never heard of and there's not much on here about them either. But then again they're aimed more at the wargamer but at £11 for 3 Shermans I won't argue. I wasn't expecting much at worst it would be a cheap thing to fail at and bin, or end up like the infamous "British battle fighter" but as a tank. However I'm quite impressed with them, they're only made up of a few parts and the fit is excellent and from my untrained eye it looks like a sherman. This is the first one of three, while reading up I learned the British would team two shermans up with a firefly variant since the latter wasn't very effective against softer targets. So here is the first of the myself and the plastic soldier company's 1/72 Shermans. I'll put the other two up when they're done, any tips on this would be helpful as I hope to get the re released Airfix D-Day 70 stuff and make something a bit larger (providing I don't cock up the battle front) As an aside does anyone know where I may get some decals for the tanks, they lack any sort of markings and it's nagging me. Thanks for looking
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