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Found 6 results

  1. I have seen on the Kitlynx website a pre-order for the P-61A/B Black Widow from Airfix. Is this a kit from Airfix; or a re-boxing of their two older kits? My search did not reveal any information; but, I may not have asked correctly. And, it is a 1/72nd scale model. The photo shows the box top but, just says "P-61 black Widow" and seems to how the P-61B; but, the site's label says P-61A/B.
  2. Here's my latest build, the new Eduard Tempest that I picked up at Telford all of a month ago (only 11 months till next year!) lovelly kit with all of the strengths of Eduards recent releases (surface finish, detailed cockpit/wheelwells etc) however it does not quite fall together as easily as their spitfire kits and there are a few issues which need addressing for a "series 1" airframe, however for the expenditure of a little labour the end result is imho as good as their spitfire and it has real prescence! I like it a lot. Changes I made to better represent a typical series 1 airframe were. The lumps on the wing roots covering the fixing bolts are missing and need added (again pretty easy to do) I removed the 4 lumps under the wings that cover the wing bolts as I am pretty sure they would not be there if the upper bumps are in place? I made a cowl to fit into the chin intake as pics seem to show these were quite widespread (not sure if my aircrat had one fitted but had fun trying to make one) Some of the issues I experienced were The spinner slots are much too large but they are easily fixed and I am sure somebody will come up with a resin one pretty soon. Some of the clear parts did not fit quite as well as they maybe should and some needed a bit of fettling, I am still not happy with the sit of the canapoy which may be linked to the internal framework, have a plan to drop this on future builds. The underside seam accross the flaps is a bit awkward (I may well try out their flap set on my next build to avoid this) There are some surprising sink marks on control surfaces which I made no attempt to rectify to avoid having to try and repair the surface detail. I also added a few mods just to make the kit a little different by dropping the radiator flap and opening the handhold under the canopy, all in all I really liked it and will certainly build a few more For anyone who does not want to wait for their future release it looks like a series 2 could be built from the kit without any real issues except a change of markings. Ohh and the visible cat hairs and sanding dust have already been removed! lo
  3. Hi everyone! Today I want to present you my new build of a new model from ICM. This kit went on sale about a month ago and I decided to make it immediately. Model is very nice , especially considering it`s price, although it have some drawbacks ofcourse. Realy weak point are decals, it was difficult to give them a decent look. As usial - some parts in cockpit and engine were added and modified, rivets are made, and some exterior parts are added too. Machine guns - Vector resin parts. Some photos of build proces are incuded. The kit is painted as a plane from 3/Aufklärungsgruppe Ob.d.L, Ukraine, August 1941.
  4. Just picked this kit up over the weekend. I will be using the kit decals and loading it up for bear using stuff from a Hasegawa F-16CJ kit. So far I've done some upgrading work to the kit seat. Original seat on the left and upgraded one on the right. I'll most likely add seatbelts in due course. Mark
  5. Has anyone heard any news on the release date of Airfix's forthcoming C-47A/D Dokota/Skytrain kit? The Big H and others have it listed as due in April - well there's not an awful lot of April left now, I was expecting to have heard something by now so I'm wondering where it's got to - I saw the test shots at the Yeovilton show and it looks lovely! Wez
  6. Any of you seen this. New 72 nd scale kit from platz I have one on its way from hobby link . http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/image/10183968b6/30/6 Glenn.
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