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Found 7 results

  1. Luftwaffe Messerschmitt Me 410 A-1/U2, 11./ZG 26 Horst Wessel, 1945, Gardermoen, Norway Airfix's amazing new tool Me410. What a great kit! I had fun putting this together - and had a bit of fun painting & weathering it too. Painted with Vallejo acrylics, weathered with Ammo products and oil paints.
  2. Rejoining with my final entry for this GB, the very new Airfix Me 410 Parts and options in the kit.
  3. Dear modelling community, I love the Airfix Me 410, what a fine kit! But Airfix didn‘t provide the ventral, under-belly weapon container WT („Waffentropfen“) 151/20 with two MG 151/20, which a number of Me 410 carried. Perhaps in a future edition? - My question is: was this weapon container under the fuselage of the Me 410 the same as the weapon-container under the wings of the Fw 190 A-5/U12, so that I could use the corresponding parts in a 1/72nd kit of the Fw 190 (for example the old (70ties) Aifix Fw 190 A/F or the newer Revell Fw 190 A-8). TIA and Happy modelling!
  4. In my old(er) age I'm less of a fan of building aircraft with swastikas on them than I used to be. But, I am a fan of taking on the challenge of replicating the intricate and varied paint schemes those aircraft often wore. What to do? Captured aircraft, that's what. A year or so ago I picked up a Meng 1/48 Me 410 B-2 for considerably less than the sticker price you see on the box below. I've always thought the 410 to be a cool looking aircraft. It's nothing like a Mosquito, and yet it sort of is. Now, the Mosquito is my favourite WW2 aircraft (I'm not sure why I'm not building one, actually) so that comparison is not lightly made. Some years decades ago, I built the Promodeller 410 and made a bit of a pig's ear of it. Exhibit A. As I remember, the kit wasn't bad at all but my technique was, shall we say, less subtle. Reviews suggest the Meng kit isn't a great improvement over the Promodeller. Anyway, it's time to redeem myself and build a 410 to display but without the markings of the former effort. Luckily, there's this one... A captured airframe offers the challenge of the paint scheme with the markings of the good guys. It'll be painted in the classic 74/75/76 scheme with a light colour - to be determined but it looks to me to be a light grey - covering the rear fuselage and fin. I still get to try some mottle and paint the camo pattern on the wings, and that's the fun of it. You may have noticed the Iwata box next to the kit box? I now have my new needle and nozzle ready to go, the Iwata will be back to its former ability to go really fine - I hope I am too. I've ordered some PE for the radar array. It might need a little modification and a bit of scratch building to get it close. I have this shot too, for reference. This is a filler project until a container load of goodies arrives from the UK. The container has various bits and pieces for many of my planned projects for 2023. I'm going to try my hand at jets, and I have acquired a few kits of that type, and am raring to go on them. In the mean time though, I'll have a play at some German camo. Cheers.
  5. Got it because online shop hasn't updated stock availability and I had to swap my original purchase. I think it's my favourite german plane, tbh, one of the 3 planes in front of I always spent most of my time in Cosford . Goal is to glue everything clean and neat and paint it with more vibrant colors than usual (and with more contrast). Might not be 100% historically accurate because of that. First thing I've done after opening the box: was glueing together few interior pieces and painting everything else in sprues: I've notice that there isn't any decal for control panels. First time in my life I've decided to paint everything inside with a brush. (only aftermarkets I'm going to use are Montex masks and Aires exhaust - mostly because I had to add something to have minimal order at Hannants ). I'm in the middle atm, and I'm quite happy how it looks tbh. Few things have to be corrected, have to add some mud on the floor and some cables at the back of control panel as well (back is going to be clearly visible).
  6. Hi All one of my last kits to finish, the Meng ME410 bomber version Built totally out of the box and painted with Vallejo acrylics If you have one of these in the stash build it it really is a peach of a kit. panel lines are a bit heavy as are rivets but i goes together with no filler and just a bit of mr surfacer. it was based in northern France 1944 and involved in the "mini blitz"
  7. If you have this 1/48th kit in the stash. And you would like a masterclass on how to build it. look no further..... http://www.modelersalliance.com/forum/chukw/147807-me410-all-the-way This build by Chuck W dates from 2009 - 2010. There may have been a link here before, But it bears looking at again. Amazing work. If you don't have the kit but want some resin guidance, have a look. The build does contain some offbeat humour. So the easily offended are advised not to go there. I found the link on Hyperscale.com. Pete
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