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  1. So I just wondered if anyone was interested in having a look at how one of the larger scale Helicopters from Kitty Hawk goes together? I haven't seen too many of these beasts on the forum so not really sure what the appetite is for them....also since Kitty Hawk's gone tits-up I'm guessing probably not much!? Anyway I've built a couple of these things now and love building them and wanted to add a another to the little nest of Hawks so thought I'd give the Ocean Hawk a bash. Okay, this will be the 1/35 Kitty Hawk SH-60F Kit Number KH50007...will probably add a few bits and here and there and intend doing it with the blades at full extension rather than folded...I think they look kindda sad and dejected with the wings folded...these are Hawks...they're mean looking sweethearts so I like to have them in all their glory. Just puzzling over which scheme to do though....was thinking of this one.... or but not sure as sometime next year I'm planning to build the HJ-60 Coast Guard version...so it'll be a make it up as I go along sort of thing. This beast will probably take several months as I'm a pretty slow builder but I think the idea will be to point out some of the oddball things about the kit and the parts and play around with scratch building some bits and bobs...nothing major. Anyway I'll start putting together some piccies and stuff as I go along. Thanks for looking Cheers
  2. In 1933, Charles Zimmerman designed a circular winged light aircraft for a design competition. The plane would have wing tip mounted propellers that rotated in opposite directions to the wingtip vortices preventing their formation and also increasing aerodynamic efficiency. The design was rejected by NACA as being "too advanced". However, they gave him a job and he helped design a "free flight wind tunnel". He hadn't given up the idea of a circular winged aircraft and he built several flying models to prove the theory. Civilian companies and the Army Air Force were not interested in his ideas but the US Navy were, they financed a prototype, the V-173. The first flight of this fabric covered aircraft was on the 23rd of November 1942, the aircraft had been built at the Vought aircraft plant at Stratford, Connecticut and as it carried out its test flights the circular body gave rise to reports of a UFO in the area. With an ongoing test and improvement program proving that the aircraft could out turn any conventional aircraft and could slow down almost to a hover and not stall the Navy decided to proceed with a pair of military aircraft, one would be for ground testing the other would be for flight trials, these were designated XF5U-1, this was on 15th July 1944. These military versions of the flying pancake as the aircraft became known as were constructed using metalite, a metal and balsa wood sandwich skin. The main problem that arose from the design was having the propellers mounted at the outer edges of the wings, the engines were, out of necessity further inboard so a complicated series of prop shafts and gear boxes were required the turn the propellers, these absorbed a lot of engine power and caused vibrations. As WW2 ended and military spending was being cut, the XF5U-1 still hadn't flown and had still not overcome the vibration problems, jet engines were what the military wanted so the project was cancelled and the two airframes were destroyed. The original V-173 survived and is now part of the Smithsonian collection. This 1/48th scale model appeared in 2015, the interest arose from the design being used in a Japanese comic series, resulting in some strange markings included with this Kitty Hawk kit. I think I saw it first on a well known auction site and made a low bid as I wasn't really interested in an aircraft that did not fly but liked the unusualness of it. I won the auction and it has sat in my stash ever since, I had not even opened the plastic bags such was my lack of interest. The kit comprises of four grey sprues, a clear sprue for the canopy, clear radome and position lights. There is a small etched fret with some seat belts and the decal sheet with the weird comic book markings. The red and white striped rudder markings are for a silver aircraft and all the stars are to go around the Uncle Sam image on a Midnight Blue version. I will paint mine in Midnight Blue with the nose art that was applied to both sides of the nose on the prototype, they are on the decal sheet to the left of Uncle Sam's hat, Bugs Bunny eating a carrot whilst riding a flying carpet. It's not a very large aircraft so I taped another Chance Vought product together, a F4U-4 Corsair to give a size comparison. I also have this book on the these aircraft, ironic that it's from a series of Naval Fighters when neither of the prototypes flew in Navy markings, it does show the V-173 test aircraft in its bright yellow dope on the cover though. The worst aspect of this kit is the undersize and poorly depicted wheels, the real aircraft were fitted with four of the same wheels as the F4U Corsair so they are easy to replace with some resin ones I have in the spares box. The cockpit is quite well detailed, as are the undercarriage bays so I can get started straight away. Thanks for looking, any comments or questions are always welcome.
  3. Kitty Hawk is to release a 1/48th modern Russian airfield set - ref. 80158 - including: a URAL 4320 truck & APA-5D Russian airfield starter truck Source: https://www.facebook.com/song.wang.5076/posts/2105122629746351 as well as Russian bomb loading carts Remember AMK is supposed to propose - one day... - a APA-5D kit: link V.P.
  4. Source: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=2925044454214488&id=736521713066784 V.P.
  5. Not only a F2H-3/-4 "Big Banjo" - ref. KH80130 - (http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234946848-148th-mcdonnell-f2h-3-4-banshee-by-kittyhawk-in-2014) but also a McDonnell F2H-2 Banshee in 1/48th by Kitty Hawk -ref. KH80131. V.P.
  6. Hi All, this is my version of the 1:35 Kitty Hawk, Black Hawk - HM-60L.....sorry bout the photos I promise to get a better camera....wanted to try this out as painting something that's supposed to be totally black and make it not look totally black and boring was maybe an interesting challenge....yeah so....anyway make what you will of this thing... Thanks for looking Cheers
  7. Hi, so this is my version of the 1/35 Kitty Hawk MH-60R in the HSM-35 "Magicians" colors. Sorry about the photos they're pretty crappy....must get a new phone....iThingy....camera....whatever the hell they are nowadays had a play at doing some of the lines/connector whajamcallums on the rotorhead......meh.....it's okay for a first smash. got a few more of these so will get it right next time A few of the interior bits and bobs before it was zipped up... This is the overhead cockpit panel...whatever its called.... this is some sort of in-flight entertainment system???....bomb droppy thing....god knows...I sort of jazzed it up a bit as the side was just a blank wall of plastic which was a bit boring ....anyway.....was a ballache to do as its so damn tiny....but fun.... This is the interor....the spidery thing on the left....that was ridiculous....on the sprue it was almost a solid chuck of plastic that had to be surgically removed....that weren't fun..... Cockpit....bog standard really.... same again....sans chairs.....thing about me is I'm totally crap with decals and the kit comes with this decal set of the instrument panel....sod that....tried me best and didn't use them Overall view of the inside bits and stuff..... Anyway that's enough for now...thanks for looking!! Next one is the US Coast Guard "Jayhawk" - the Astoria one. Got all the conversion stuff/decals from Werners Wings so looking forward to doing that. Cheers all Alan
  8. KittyHawk is working on a 1/48th Vought F6U Pirate kit - ref. KH80152 And request help. Source: https://www.facebook.com/736521713066784/photos/a.736556396396649.1073741827.736521713066784/1473638509355097/?type=3 V.P.
  9. A new M. Song Wang subliminal message in the Kitty Hawk afficionados Facebook group. Kitty Hawk might have a 1/48th Kamov Ka-52 Alligator "Hokum-B" kit in the pipe line. To be followed Source: https://www.facebook.com/groups/369828906819827/permalink/667734353695946/ V.P.
  10. Recap - ref. KH80163 - Sukhoi Su-27 "Flanker-B" - ref. KH80168 - Sukhoi Su-27UB "Flanker -C" - ref. KH80169 - Sukhoi Su-30MK "Flanker-C" - ref. KH80171- Sukhoi Su-30SM "Flanker-H" - ref. KH80175 - Shenyang J-11 family - ref. KH80176 - Shenyang J-16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kitty Hawk is to release in 2019 a 1/48th Sukhoi Su-27 "Flanker-B" kit - ref. KH80163 Source: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/5966177390 Box art But it's a Su-27SM in the box art 😜 https://russianplanes.net/id198962 https://russianplanes.net/regs/RF-95255 Schemes Source: https://www.facebook.com/groups/369828906819827/permalink/665630623906319/ V.P.
  11. Some rumours say the next Great Wall Hobby (GWH) 1/48th kits might be a family of Sukhoi Su-25 "Frogfoot". Same rumours for Kitty Hawk. Wait and see and fingers crossed. V.P.
  12. Kitty Hawk is reported running two 1/48th helicopter kits: Bell AH-1Z Viper (Super Cobra) - ref. KH80124 Sources: http://www.kittyhawkmodel.com/#!80123/cnuv http://www.kittyhawkmodel.com/#!80124/c1eup http://s362974870.onlinehome.us/forums/air/index.php?showtopic=266634 http://scalemodels.ru/news/6428-vertoletnye-anonsy-Kitty-Hawk-Models-1-48.html Also a UH-1Y Venom (or Super Huey) - dedicated thread http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234974037-148-bell-uh-1y-venom-super-huey-by-kitty-hawk-cads/ - ref.KH80123. V.P.
  13. A CAIC (Changhe Aircraft Industries Corporation) Z-10 Attack helicopter CAD was published by a Kitty Hawk representative in a Chinese forum. Is there such a helicopter type 1/48th kit in progress as follow on to the Z-9 Haitun kit (http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234980039-148-harbin-z-9bcw-haitun-new-variant-by-kitty-hawk-released/)? That's the question. Sources: http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4200282951?pn=1 http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4488709074?pn=1 V.P.
  14. Source: http://www.network54.com/Forum/149674/message/1344567290/Re-+Trumpy+A3D+Skywarrior Kitty Hawk homepage: http://www.kittyhawkmodel.com/ If not 1/48th F-11F Tiger (what a pity!)... Anyone's guess. - McDonnel FH-1 Phantom - McDonnel F2H-2 and F2H-3/4 Banshee - in the pipe line - North American AJ-1/AJ-2 Savage - North American FJ-3 Fury Kitty Hawk 2018-2019 ? - Douglas F3D/F10 Skyknight - Czech Model kit re-released - Grumman F9F-8 Cougar - done - Vought F7U Cutlass Kitty Hawk 2019 ? - Grumman AF-2/3 Guardian - Special Hobby kits - Lockheed T2V Seastar Etc. Current (06/2019) programme/catalog... No Cutlass! https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235047344-kitty-hawk-panda-hobby-catalog-2019-programme/ I vote for the AJ-2 Savage and the F2H-3 Banshee - with AF-2W Guardian the outsider V.P.
  15. Slightly late to the party - I wasn't intending to start this build yet, but I moved it up because for once I wanted to actually finish before the deadline! This is my first groupbuild entry in flippin' YEARS so I'm looking forward to it! Here's the much-maligned Kitty Hawk F-35B in 1/48: The kit has a poor reputation with bad fit at the top of the list. Let's see if I can beat it into shape! There's a lot of plastic in this - all of the weapons bays are capable of being displayed, and the lift fan and main engine nozzle are intended to be deployed in the hover configuration. It's well-presented with a colour instruction book and some very nice decals for about eight different options. Because the kit isn't challenging enough (ha!) I'm also going to use the Eduard Big Ed set. It's not exactly their usual Smörgåsbord of goodies, this one is quite cheap and just contains the interior and exterior plus masks and the RBF tags (completely redundant for this build!) The weather's very nice, so I might as well waste it and do some undisturbed modelling! Alan
  16. A close look at the Kitty Hawk's messages in a chinese forum concerning the future Mirage 2000 kit ( http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234995392-148-dassault-mirage-2000-family-by-kitty-hawk-cads-release-in-2016/ ) display, in the signature from the KH representative, a Boeing MH/AH-6 Little Bird CAD. Would be quite logical after the 1/48th AH-1Z Viper ( http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234975145-ah-1z-viper-148/ ) and UH-1Y Venom ( http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234974037-148-bell-uh-1y-venom-super-huey-by-kitty-hawk-released/ ) kits isn't it? Source: http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4260567148 V.P.
  17. This is sort of a book mark for now….not 100% committed to building this or joining this GB at the moment. Have quite a few builds to clear off the bench first….as can be seen…. ….but I need to get at least a couple off the bench before I starts this build. Normally the model comes first, but this time the decals were the first thing I bought about 2-3 years ago, and not 100% sure why I did! There were plenty of the Kitty Hawk models around until the shut up shop then they became impossible to find at any reasonable price!! I was already to sell them when this one showed up at my local club meet in June this year…and at a nice price as well. It’s quite a big model and there’s lots to it……..and being a Kitty Hawk model it’ll be a super pain to build!!! There were some nice schemes out of the box, the one with the undercarriage did grab me… ….but she will be a RAAF bird, either the later Camo versions or possibly the Yellow Artic one, though a single solid colour scheme can be hard to get right, but it would certainly be different! Anyway as mentioned this will be a place holder for now, but with luck I should be able to start this build close to the start of the GB.
  18. Hi All, I built this Kitty Hawk 1/48th Su-35 recently, it was basically an experiment really, just to see how to go about replicating the heat staining (I assume that's what it is?) on the engines and tail stabilator. I have no idea what is causing the colouration on the stabilator but again assume its heat stress?? I think it turned out okayish but if anyone has any thoughts on the result I'd appreciate your hints and tips on improvements! Sorry about the photos they're not the best in the world but thanks for looking Cheers
  19. After reviewing this kit a while back here, I figured I'd give it a go, cos I do rather like these Russian side-by-side two-seaters, and I've not built anything modern for a while. I've built a few Kitty Hawk kits over the years, and found that as long as you test fit and keep your wits about you, they build up into pretty good models. So, with as many wits as I can scrape together, I set about building it, which is nice I'll try to flag up any gotchas so you don't have to find them out the hard way, but there's always a better way of doing things, so I reserve the right to be wrong at any point I began at the beginning (really? ) with the cockpit, and the seats, which are made up from a surprisingly large number of parts. I always clean up parts prior to fitting to remove mould seams, any flash and such that inevitably crop up with even the bestest moulding machines. The seats went together well with a bit of the aforementioned fettling, and given the part count, I took my time, adding a few parts and leaving them to dry off while I did something else. Each one has 20 parts before you break out the seatbelts, so if you try to put them all on together, you're gonna have a mushy mess on your hands. I ran across an issue with the rear panels on the headbox, which were a bit wide at the front, so I trimmed them down and they fit nicely now. I also noticed that the kit sides have two location pegs, but only one hole in the seat pan, so I cut off the rear one. It doesn't affect fit at all, as they butt hard up against the rear of the seat. The end result is some rather nice seats Their ejection rails are a single styrene part with a PE back, but there's a little break in the groove that holds the PE, so I sliced and trimmed that out so they fit within it better. Quite delicate, so I'm trying to be careful when I'm handling them. Incidentally, some of the part numbers are switched on the small parts, so check the diagrams, rather than trusting you have the correct arm-rest or whatever. The cockpit floor needs a few parts adding, and those are quite small and delicate, so before you add those, widen the slots for the launch rails a bit, so they fit a little looser. You'll thank yourself later Here's a weird thing. There's only one pair of rudder pedals, and they seem to be fitted between the two pilot stations, with one pedal for each pilot. Is that a mistake on the designer's part, or is that how they look? The rear bulkhead is a snug fit to the floor too, so test that and check if it needs a little easing. Now for the engines. Cutting and preparing took a couple of minutes, and I cut them dremelled off the ejection turrets inside to save weight, even though it's unnecessary for all but the one at the rear. Less plastic at the back, less nose-weight needed I glued two sections together first, and allowed the glue to set up a little before I tried in the third section, holding the ends betwixt thumb and forefinger while I got the join nice and neat. You can run glue along the last two joins from inside if you've left the first joint long enough, and adjust the seams while the glue is still moist ( ) . I'm not bothering with ancillaries or painting the engines on mine, so I won't be hiding the seams, but with care you can get them nicely lined up to minimise the job. The 2nd one was a tad harder because I hadn't left the first seam long enough, but overall not too difficult. I later glued in the engine fronts, but left the rear off for now, while I fill the three seams that'll probably never be seen The gear bays were a mixed bag. The nose gear bay is easy enough up until you put the rearmost C-shaped panel in, which I think is a little wide for the aperture. I test fitted the main parts of the bay in the lower fuselage, and couldn't find a way to make part C26 fit unaltered. The groove it fits into could be the culprit, but I ended up sanding away the lip until it was very small, after which it fitted nicely. Part C25 fits the bay ONE way, which you can tell by looking at it from above. The end of the lips taper in at one end, and that matches the contours of the bay. That'll save some head-scratching There's a couple of square ejector-pin marks in the bottom of this part, one recessed, the other proud. I put a slip of styrene in the low one and sanded them both back flush with a narrow stick. The main bays go together fairly easily, but F16 isn't used for both bays. F15 is used with B30, and F16 is fitted to B29. Those can be added after you've built the bay to make things easier for yourself. The same goes for D9 and D10. The numbers are switched in the diagrams, so swap 'em over if you haven't yet spotted they wriggle in the wrong direction. The gun bay is a simple affair, so not worthy of leaving the access panel off, so I built it up without titivating it, and won't paint it either. part F33 is a bit mushy as well as being tiny, so take care fitting it. My barrel had a weakness in the corrugated part, probably caused by two cooling wavefronts of styrene meeting and not mixing well. I glued that back together, and will replace the muzzle with some micro-tubing to get a nice hollow barrel and a realistic steel finish. Here's a pic of the various assemblies sat together: I'm currently working on the fit of the engines to the fuselage, which are held into the lower fuselage by a slot on the bottom of the engine, and two tabs on the leading edge, which you can see in the pic above. The bulkheads that glue into the fuselage aren't tooled properly, and one of the slots has been inverted in CAD, and has been moulded as a rectangular block sticking out. Oops! I chopped them off and drilled a new slot, tweaking fit as I went. They should fit reasonably central in their nacelles now, once I've painted the front and rear. Those two afterburner rings also had a couple of cold-front weak-points, so I drizzled glue in there and left them to set up. I've just started cleaning the parts up, with tiny amounts of flash on the uprights that I would rather remove, even though you'll be hard pushed to see up the tail without a flashlight! That's where we're up to as of now, and I'm quite enjoying myself. I would have held out for some Eduard parts to detail things normally, but as the canopy doesn't open, there's not a lot of point me lavishing detail on it, even if the sets were available (which they aren't at time of writing). If the exterior sets arrive before I get the fuselage closed up, I could be tempted, and I've just noticed that KH are working on a set of metal legs for this kit. After building the AMK Mig-31 and watching its legs spread under the weight over the next year or so, I'd really like to get hold of a set Shall I carry on with a detailed description of the build, or just crack on in a "today I built the xxxx" manner?
  20. I've just received the following P.M. from a French modeller: "Homebee, did you see in the HLJ video at 27mn/29sec what was on display on the KH stand at the All Japan Model & Hobby Show 2013? http://www.hobbylink.tv/all-japan-model-hobby-show-reports-2013-part-2" You're right Norbert it's a.... So after its future Kaman SH-2D Seasprite - ref.KH80122 - (http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234943427-kaman-sh-2-seasprite-148-from-kitty-hawk/?hl=seasprite), Bell AH-1Z Viper (Super Cobra) - ref. KH80124 - and UH-1Y Venom (ou Super Huey) - ref.KH80123 - (http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234943269-148th-bell-ah-1z-viper-and-uh-1y-venom-by-kittyhawk-in-progress/?hl=cobra), KittyHawk is working on a 1/48th Eurocopter/Harbin SA.365/Z-9 Dauphin 2/"Haitun" kits family. Source Wikipedia: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:PLAAF_Harbin_Z-9WA.jpg V.P.
  21. After the the 1/48th Dassault Mirage F-1B kit ref. 80112 (see: http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234926672-148th-dassault-mirage-f-1cctcrb-by-kitty-hawk-model-f-1b-review-link/page-3?hl=mirage ), KittyHawk is to release the Mirage F-1CT/CR versions under ref. 80111. Source: http://www.kittyhawkmodel.com/#!80111/cxg3 See also KittyHawk completely renewed homepage: http://www.kittyhawkmodel.com/ The box art: V.P.
  22. Here's the box art from de future KittyHawk 1/48th BAe Jaguar GR.1/GR.3 kit - ref. KH80106 Source: http://s406.beta.photobucket.com/user/KAGNEW-71-73/media/brvbar-brvbar-_zpsb4058b3e.jpg.html?sort=3&o=0 Waiting now the Italeri new tool 1/48th Jaguar GR.1/.3 (ref.2714 - see herebelow) for a product comparison... V.P.
  23. Hello! For my second appearance on this sympathetic forum, a little drift from my theme (USAF Jets, 1/72): The Kitty Hawk T-6G2. Why this kit? simply because I had a "shock" during one of my travel back in France to see in a model shop this kit with the illustration of my dad aircraft flew in the 50's. So I decided obviously to buy the box and build the model for him. Back in history, my dad flew the T-6G2 during the Algerian war at "EALA 13/72". During this period, it was common for metropolitan fighter pilots to re-enforce close air support units in Algeria for a short term. So my dad, coming from EC 1/5 "Vendee" did a tour at EALA 13/72 where he flew T-6G2 114-440 WI and he was shot down by rebel ground fire: a single "golden BB" hit one of the two propeller blades, seizing the whole engine. He capsized during the belly landing but escaped with minor bruises. Building this model was a long journey because I wanted to make it "first class" for him. After opening the box, the kit seemed awesome but a closer examination revealed that it is far from being flawless. I did a lot of work to correct all the mistakes, especially in the wheel wells (wrong shape) and L/G, the rear portion of the fuselage after the canopy (way too thin), armament (wrong), etc... The cockpit and its inner framing have been completely re-designed, KH made a lot of mistakes here. I replace the propeller by a correct one (I forgot the manufacturer name) and the engine (resin). (If somebody is interested I have the full list of correction to be made to have a decent T-6G). To add some twist to the build, I open the port fuselage panel to show the inner details. Thanks God documents are plenty. I selected a yellow bird my dad flew also (he crashed in an aluminium-painted aircraft) because of the big shark mouth, the trademark to this squadron. The paint scheme is a mix of different yellows to mimic the faded "trainer yellow" applied originally in US when the aircraft was delivered to France. Also, I painted all the roundels and codes and obviously the shark mouth because the decal proposed by KH is wrong. Here are the pix (sorry for the poor quality: The true bird: My dad aircraft: Hope you will enjoy this kit!
  24. #21/2021 So, my dad has finally finished his mojo killer. The Kitty Hawk kit looks good in the box but is no beginners kit. Many parts don´t fit good, pins don´t fit in their holes....so if you build it, dryfit everything. Well, it didn´t turn out perfect (which kit does?), some glitches, but better than landing on the shelf of doom or in the trash. Kitty Hawk first released the French Jaguar and then the British one. The only thing Kitty Hawk did was changing the nose, the rest of the kits are the same. So my dad had to add the position/formation lights on the "bar" of the vertical stabilizer. Furthermore he reshaped the French pylons to the British form, using the Airfix kit parts as template. The British ones are shorter/smaller and not as pointy as the French ones. Regarding the loadout, if you want to build a Desert Storm version you can only use the two Sidewinders, the single fuel tank, the two BL-755 cluster bombs and the PHIMAT chaff dispenser. The rest of the kit weapons are useless for that. Sadly no AN/ALQ-101 included in the kit, bought a resin piece from Flightpath UK. The kit´s seat is too tall. For closing the canopy you have to remove some plastic of the kit´s bottom. Used lead wire to add some lines to the landing gear legs. Kitty Hawk only provides the earlier two antennas after the cockpit. "Sadman" already had the later style single antenna, did some scratchbuilding there. There was some kind of "adapter" between PHIMAT and pylon, no such thing in the kit, used a piece of plastic. Painted the whole thing with a mix of sand and flesh. Kit decals used, only the little "Q"s on the vertical stabilizers came from Xtradecal. Build thread here https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235093580-operation-granby148-sepecat-jaguar-gr1a-raf/ DSC_0001 by grimreaper110, auf Flickr DSC_0002 by grimreaper110, auf Flickr DSC_0003 by grimreaper110, auf Flickr DSC_0004 by grimreaper110, auf Flickr DSC_0005 by grimreaper110, auf Flickr DSC_0006 by grimreaper110, auf Flickr DSC_0007 by grimreaper110, auf Flickr DSC_0008 by grimreaper110, auf Flickr DSC_0009 by grimreaper110, auf Flickr DSC_0010 by grimreaper110, auf Flickr DSC_0011 by grimreaper110, auf Flickr DSC_0012 by grimreaper110, auf Flickr DSC_0013 by grimreaper110, auf Flickr DSC_0014 by grimreaper110, auf Flickr DSC_0015 by grimreaper110, auf Flickr DSC_0016 by grimreaper110, auf Flickr DSC_0017 by grimreaper110, auf Flickr DSC_0018 by grimreaper110, auf Flickr DSC_0019 by grimreaper110, auf Flickr DSC_0020 by grimreaper110, auf Flickr DSC_0021 by grimreaper110, auf Flickr DSC_0022 by grimreaper110, auf Flickr DSC_0023 by grimreaper110, auf Flickr DSC_0024 by grimreaper110, auf Flickr DSC_0025 by grimreaper110, auf Flickr DSC_0026 by grimreaper110, auf Flickr DSC_0027 by grimreaper110, auf Flickr DSC_0028 by grimreaper110, auf Flickr DSC_0008 by grimreaper110, auf Flickr
  25. One of my dad´s excursions to the modern jet world. DSC_0001 by grimreaper110, auf Flickr DSC_0002 by grimreaper110, auf Flickr
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