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Found 9 results

  1. Built this one a while ago. Kinetic F-18C kit. Terrible fit issues, especially around the nose area and engine intakes (hence the covers) Extras used: Aires Aces ejection seat and Exhausts nozzles, Eduard PE set, Res-kit wheels,Cam-Pro decals and HGW RBF tags. Painted with MRP Paints, weathered with combination of Mig and Abteilung oils.
  2. Hi guys! After a couple of ww2 builds, now its time for the modern fighter. It's and old F-18C kit from Hasegawa.It is a proportionate kit but the fitting in some areas are terrible. Of course I built some Tamiya's old kits but i think they were not as bad as this. Anyway, after some careful filling and sanding procedure, the kit seemed near perfect. Satisfied with painting and weathering but the decals gave me much problem. They are stiff, hard and lacks adhesion. Although I use a lot of strong decal solutions, silvering still occurs. Built straight from the box. The only added extras are Fine Mold's Nano aviation series F-18 Seat belts and some US weapons as Hasegawa didn't provide any. Lots of mistakes and imperfections but I would say it's still presentable.
  3. This is my next project: This is my first model were the panel lines are raised. I'm not going to be re-scribing them: 1 - Because I don't want to and 2 - because I don't have a small razor saw to scribe the lines with. I have bought a scribing tool but can't seem to get on with it. I've watched a few videos on Youtube about weathering and I'm thinking of giving the thinned oil wash a go like this here: https://youtu.be/FXerpuOthXk (7:30) So far I have removed parts from the sprue and sanded them down, assembled the cockpit, primed, painted, glossed and decaled the consoles. I used tamiya masking tape folded on itself and painted in sand yellow matt 361 16 and a bit of foil for the buckle. From this image, you can see that more Microsol is required to help the decal conform to the switches and buttons on the consoles. I'll report back.
  4. Hello all ... So Im going to Throw my hat in the Ring for this build. I have a 2nd hand Revell A-6E Intruder from a friend. It will be a straight OOB build with whatever i can scratch together for the cockpit. I will edit and add the sprue shots later tonight when i can. I will build it as an early “E” type in 1972. Markings will be VA-65 Tigers. It will look like this. The A-6 photo’s are from Tailspin turtles excellent blog about the Intruder. Thanks for allowing me to repost these. http://tailspintopics.blogspot.com/2015/09/grumman-6a-vs-6e-intruder.html I only have the standard markings with the kit. It doesn't come with the orange-red chevrons and tail codes of VA-65. I am planning on painting these using home made masks. There was an old Microscale sheet in 1/48 scale from many years ago. I seriously doubt any even exist now, and AOA is actually supposed to be releasing them in 1/32 scale. Now if AOA downsizes the sheet in the near future then I will purchase them.
  5. Hello Everyone ... This is my latest build. Its a Hasegawa F-18C. I used Wolfpack wing folds and Hasegawa Bombs. It represents the CAG bird from the 1997-98 Med. persian gulf cruise. Hoping everone likes this please feel free to comment ? question ? Or joke. Dennis
  6. Hello all im in a bit of a quest for help. I am stuck and not sure which kit to build ? I have seen another member do this recently and I thought why not. I originally posted this in my current build. But i think i will get more traffic here. My three options are these, so If you feel like having a vote please do so. My first option is the Revell F-102 with markings for the 431st Fighter Interceptor Squadron Spain 1961. Next choice ... Is the Revell A-6E early model in VA-65 markings from U.S.S. Independence in 1972. This will require me to paint everything but stencils and Star & Bars. Last option ... Hasegawa F-18C+ in markings for VFA-86 Sidewinders. These are all 1/48th scale kits and the F-18 has A/M goodies to build in to it. So anyone and everyone is free to comment and offer there two cents. Currently i have votes for the. F-102 {7 F-18C {2 A-6E {9 i will see if i get anymore votes. Thanks to everyone for looking and if you vote a thank you for doing so. Dennis The A-6 photo’s are from Tailspin turtles excellent blog about the Intruder. Thanks for allowing me to repost these. http://tailspintopics.blogspot.com/2015/09/grumman-6a-vs-6e-intruder.html
  7. Boeing F/A-18C 1:48 Kinetic Models History The F/A-18's beginnings were far from humble. After a request was issued for a new affordable fighter with multi-role capabilities that would serve with the USAF as well as allied air forces, Northrop submitted their YF-17 Cobra against Lockheed Martin's F-16 Fighting Falcon (Unofficially named the Viper). Although the YF-16 technology demonstrator proved superior, the YF-17 was an extremely high performer, and rather than allow it to go to waste, the United States Navy chose (with pressuring from congress) to use it to replace their older fighter types. With its ground attack capability and fighter characteristics, it would allow the navy to replace both attack aircraft such as A-6 Intruders and fighters such as F-4 Phantoms with a single type. As Northrop was not experienced with carrier aircraft, they formed a partnership with McDonnell Douglas to produce the F/A-18 Hornet, which featured a longer nose, greater load capacity, a much greater weight, a refuelling probe, and the customary strengthened undercarriage/arrestor hook/folding wings required for naval service. The finished design became the F/A-18A, an aircraft that was not a multi-role combat plane but both a fighter and strike platform in one package. A trainer variant with twin cockpits was developed as the TF/A-18, but because it could be used for active combat duties was re-designated the F/A-18B. The F/A-18C was the most potent single seat Hornet fighter until the arrival of the F/A-18E Super Hornet, similar to the C model only in aesthetics. The F/A-18C featured the advanced cockpit of the original A model with TV-Screens (one of the first aircraft to feature these instead of dials), refurbished with a brand-new updated Martin-Baker ejection seat, upgraded computers and jamming equipment. In the elongated nosecone of the aircraft, an APG-73 terrain-mapping/tracking radar is used to monitor ground and air targets, and accurately direct weapons. The two-section glass canopy and the twin, rounded air intakes give the aircraft a very distinctive head-on appearance, as does the curved, streamlined fuselage. The twin slanted tails of the aircraft complement the dual turbofan engines positioned directly underneath, and allow for excellent manoeuvrability. The powerplant of the F/A-18C Hornet is made up of twin 71.2 kN General Electric F-404-GE-400 turbofans with incorporated afterburning. However, the short range of the Hornet can make afterburning inopportune unless an air-tanker or carrier is nearby, unless used for a short period of time to quickly outrun a pursuing fighter. When afterburning is activated, fuel will be squirted into both engines simultaneously and the explosive reaction that occurs propels the Hornet to very high speeds. A Garrett GTC36-200 auxiliary engine is located in front of the twin F404's, to provide emergency power. The F/A-18C (and its D counterpart) can carry a wide range of weaponry, its defining characteristic. First and foremost is the nose mounted 20-mm M61A1 Vulcan with 570 rounds, which is handy for close encounters. An impressive nine under-wing hardpoints carry the A/F-18C's formidable 7,030 Kg ordnance load, and both AAMs and AGMs may be equipped, in addition to conventional (dumb/iron) and laser-guided (smart) bombs, rocket pods, AGM-88 HARM anti-radiation missiles for radar subduing, and drop tanks. The D variant with its two-seat cockpit and crew of two can utilize more complex weapon systems, and has been employed on night missions regularly. Later variants, such as the Super Hornets, could even equip AGM-154 stealth Air-to-Ground Missiles (AGMs), and AIM-120 AMRAAMs (Advanced Medium Ranged Air-to-Air Missiles) which are far more reliable and independent than the AIM-7 Sparrow they replaced. The Model Arriving in a very colourful top opening box, this new kit of the F-18C from Kinetic has already garnered some great reviews from people far more knowledgeable on the type than this reviewer. So I will tell readers how I see it, purely from a modellers point of view. Inside the box there are twelve sprues and a separate lower fuselage section in a medium grey styrene, two in a light grey and two clear sprues of clear styrene, a small sheet of etched brass and a large decal sheet. The mouldings are beautifully done, with some excellent, yet restrained panel lines, and raised detail where required. There is no sign of flash or other imperfections, but there are quite a few moulding pips that will need removing and cleaning up on top of the sprue gates. The clear parts are nicely done, but being a blown style canopy it has had to have been moulded in a three part mould which leaves and very faint seem line in the centre. This will need some careful removal with various grades of micromesh. Assembly begins, naturally, with the cockpit and in particular with the six piece ejection seat. This si provided with a rather rudimentary PE seat belt which would be best replaced with a more realistic aftermarket set. The single piece cockpit tub, which looks like it’s already been prepped for the D version is fitted with the front cockpits instrument panel, rudder pedals, rear panel, quarter consoles and joystick. The seat assembly is then glued into position, followed by the two side walls and the rear cockpit cover panel and the whole assembly set aside to dry. The full depth intakes are a great addition and although not seamless with some careful painting and filing you should get a good enough result seeing as they are quite buried. The intakes are finished off with the fitting of the engine turbine disc. The exhausts are of a similar construction, only shorter, of course and are fitted with the engine exhaust at one end and the exhaust petals at the other. Now, both petal parts are moulded closed, whilst in actuality the real F-18’s generally shut down with one open and one closed. The very well detailed main wheel bays are glued into position, along with the exhausts and finally the intakes into the lower fuselage section. The refuelling probe bay can either be displayed closed or open and fitted with the single piece prop and actuator, this fits into the starboard side of the two piece nose section, which is then fitted with a lower panel and rear bulkhead. The kit comes with optional parts for Swiss/Finnish air force, USN early or USN late examples and the nose section will need to be modified as required, particularly for the Swiss/Finnish aircraft. The intake openings are then attached, along with the splitter plates and their spacers. The cockpit assembly is then positioned into the lower fuselage section, followed by the nose assembly allowing the upper fuselage, which includes the upper wing panels, to be attached, followed by the lower wing panels and cockpit coaming. Depending on the loadout required, several holes will need to be opened up in the lower wings, and if the wing tips are to be folded, moulded sections will need to be cut away, there being guides moulded on the insides of the wing panels. The kit comes with the option of having everything dropped, including the slats and flaps and there are correspondingly alternative actuator fairings provided. The upper side of the fuselage has the rear canopy fairing, vertical tail units, horizontal tail surfaces and optionally positioned air brake attached. The canopy is then glued to the separate internal structure and fitted with the PE rear view mirrors before being glued into position, either open or closed. The HUD is a four piece affair, with the main frame being PE and the other parts clear styrene. The single piece windscreen is then also glued into position. Attention is then given to the undercarriage, with the seven piece nose leg, with two three piece wheels fitted to the nose bay, along with the associated doors. The main gear legs are each assembled form four parts, the wheels being made from another three parts each before being glued into position and the main bay doors attached. The model is then fitted out with the numerous aerials and several PE parts which make up intake and exhaust grilles and flare dispensers. The tail hook is then added, and the main part of the model finished off with the optionally posed access ladder. There is quite a bit of weaponry provided with the kit, the pylons for which are also nicely detailed with the inclusion of the crutches and various adaptors. Weapons included include:- 2 x AIM-9X – although not actually relevant for this marque. 2 x AIM-9M Sidewinder 2 x AIM-7M Sparrow 4 x AIM-120B AMRAAM 2 x AGM-88 HARM 2 x GBU-87 2 x GBU-12 2 x GBU-38 3 x 330ig drop tanks 1 x AAQ-28 pod 1 x AAS-38pod 1 x Sniper XR pod All weapons are provided with the various markings on the smaller decal sheet. Decals Along with the weapons decal sheet mentioned above there is a large deal sheet filled with brightly coloured markings as well as some toned down ones. The sheets are designed by Fightertown decals and printed by Cartograf, so you know the quality should be good. There are markings for the following seven aircraft:- F/A-18C 164266, of VFA-25, Fists of the Fleet, as part of CVW-17 aboard the USS Carl Vinson 2011. F/A-18C 164250, of VFA-87, Golden Warriors, as part of CVW-8 aboard the USS George Bush 2013. F/A-18C 163746 of NSAWC “Russian Splendor” in 2008 F/A-18C 163754 of NSAWC “Sukhoi Blue” in 2008 F/A-18C 163750 of NSAWC 2016 F/A-18C J-5014 of the Swiss Air Force, 2014. F/A-18C HN-457, Krev Von Rosen, 2008. Conclusion This is a great looking kit and, apparently one of the most accurate F-18’s on the market, according to someone who knows a bit about them. It’s great to see the options of having everything down and dirty particularly the slats, which often get ignored. Other manufacturers take note, modellers like to have lots of stuff to load their aircraft up with, and there’s a very nice selection of ordinance in this kit. All in all it looks like Kinetic have a winner on their hands. Review sample supplied by
  8. All 1/48 scale from the Russian Knight done in January to Rafale B finished yesterday in 2014. Have posted a majority of these before. Thanks for looking. New year resolution is flankers and more flankers! J-10B prototype
  9. Hi, "There are many like it, but this one is mine". The Hornet in 1/48 is prehaps not the rarest object out there This one is a Finnish Air Force F-18C, HN-431 from HLLv 21. The build is inspired by two pictures of HN-431 taken on a highway strip in Lusi 2011 that I have found on the net (link and link). It is Hasegawa OOB except for decals and Sidewinders. This is a bird that has been sitting on my workbench for quite some time, actually over a year. However, finally finished and Ready for Inspection, so thank's for looking Cheers! /Fred
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