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Found 12 results

  1. I have a "Delta Combo" boxing of the old Hasegawa F-102A and F-106 and built the F-102A for last year's Century Fighters GB. So next up is the F-106: Not many parts, but very crisply moulded. I will probably do the bicentennial scheme. The tooling dates from 1969. It needs a little bit more detail in the cockpit and wells, but otherwise it's good to go! FWIW, here's the Deuce from the combo: Regards, Adrian
  2. Since I've done the older brother, I guess I should do the Dagger's replacement. So Into the breach I go. Nothing fancy tis time, just a simple OOB,(heard that one before) I think I'll be doing it in the livery of the 456th FIS based at Castle AFB, California circa 1962 It's the Operations Officer's ride so it will be nice and bright (translation: a little gaudy) So let's see what type of mischievous devilment I can get into shall we? As Samuel L. Jackson would say, "Hold on to your Butts"
  3. Two Sixes from the 49th Fighter Interceptor Squadron out of Griffiss AFB on the transient ramp at Edwards AFB. 59-0076, November 1981 59-0080, March 1983 Thanks for looking, Sven
  4. A pair of Sixes on the Edwards AFB transient ramp from the 87th Fighter Interceptor Squadron out of K.I. Sawyer AFB, August 1984. 57-0241 59-0102 Thanks for looking, Sven
  5. F-106As of the 5th Fighter Interceptor Squadron out of Minot AFB participating in the Red Flag 81-2 large force exercise at Nellis AFB, January/February 1981. In the 1980s, Red Flag Exercises were either four or six weeks, usually the latter. For Red Flag 81-2, F-106 units were brought in to supplement the aggressor F-5Es on a rotation of two weeks at a time: 5FIS, 84FIS, and 87FIS. 56-0461 59-0002 59-0003 59-0006 59-0026 Thanks for looking, Sven
  6. F-106As of the 87th Fighter Interceptor Squadron out of K.I. Sawyer AFB providing "Red Air" support at Red Flag 81-2, Nellis AFB, January 1981. 59-0035 59-0053 59-0090 59-0091 59-0095 59-0099 Thanks for looking, Sven
  7. Hi! Two aircrafts I never built is the F-102 Delta Dagger and F-106 Delta Dart. And the main reason is that they are rare. The only ones I knew about in 1/72 in the past are the Hasegawa kits. Of course both Trumpeter and Meng has showed up with new kits. But if they where made of Revell, Monogram or even Airfix I would probably built one or two as the Dagger and the Dart are very impressive aircrafts with an interesting history. Yesterday I finaly got one, a Delta Dart as a gift from an friend. And opening the box I got an second surprise. Gosh, it is really an BIG aircraft. I always had an idea that the F-102 and the F-106 was something like the Mirage III and F-6 Skylancer. But in the box was something bigger than an F-4 Phantom. I had to check twice that it wasn't an 1/48 scale kit! https://www.scalemates.com/kits/hasegawa-00373-f-106a-delta-dart-159th-fighter-interceptor-squadron--282168 As it is an 1/72 kit that comes in a box that usually has aircrafts like the F-11F Tiger there isn't much space left. It also comes with some nice decals for two aircrafts. One from the 159th FIS and one from the 318th FIS and with that the big problem comes up. Both are painted in ADC Grey... So what can one do to solve this? Are there any Tamiya or Humbrol paint out there that is close to what ADC Grey is? Maybe in an lighter shade but bluegrey, not green or browngrey. What I knew the Humbrol and Xtracolor paint isn't available. I also noticed that the weapon bay and landing gear bays are to be painted interior green. Is that correct for the Delta Dart? Cheers / André
  8. Delta Darts on Red Flag deployment July-August 1984, supplementing the Red Force. Don't know what happened to the exposure on this one. This is the best I could get with Photoshop... One of their sister ships awaiting conversion to a QF-106A target drone... Thanks for looking, Sven
  9. Hi, everybody! I want to show you the new work. Kit from the famous Chinese producer. Assembly process very much was pleasant. Though there were small problems with connection of details. A camouflage - Mr. Hobby Gunze Sangyo. Weathering - oil paints. A varnish - AK-interactive. Thanks for attention. Yours faithfully, Konstantin.
  10. I have wanted to build an F-106A for a long time. I saw two static Montana ANG aircraft at Edmonton in 1984, and was struck by the graceful lines and the “Big Sky Country” markings. A Monogram F-106 has been in my stash for many years, but I hate rescribing panel lines so it stayed there. However, the release of Trumpeter’s Delta Data and the Caracal markings for Montana ANG made me decide to build it – a quick and simple build I thought. I added the new Aires wheel wells – and was amazed that they fitted with no surgery. Thanks Aires – makes a nice change. A new seat from True Details, Royale Models wheels, a Master pitot probe and some of the Eduard etch went into the mix. I then decided to open up the forward avionics bays, but more on that later. The model initially went together well. As recommended on some other internet builds, I fiddled with the shape of the intakes to improve the basic shape. While I was happier with the resulting shape, I then decided to scratch build intake blanks as the surgery was visible on the inside, as was the lack of full length intakes. Opening the avionics bays was interesting. It soon became clear that there was a significant error in the front end shape of the model. The front and back lines of the bays should be parallel, but following the nose cone line and the scribed rear panel line, the bays were much narrower at the bottom. It looked like there was an error on both ends, so I cut back the rear edge to align better with the front of the nose wheel bay. This fixed about half of the problem. At the front, I decided to try adding a 1mm shim at the bottom of the bay, pushing the whole note forward and upwards. The result not only looked much better, but matched the drawings in the Detail and Scale book and matched some scaled photographs. It looks as though Trumpeter have angled the centre-line of the nose radome down, when it should be horizontal. I’ve not seen any previous comments on-line, so this may be a “new” finding. Fixing the surgery marks was relatively simple, but I had to rebuild the avionics bay contents which I had already started. Once the basic airframe was done, I painted it with Model Master Air Defense Command Grey as this appeared to be close to the correct shade and I wanted to try MM. After about 2 weeks drying, I added the decals, and thought that I was close to finishing. Then the swearing began. This model fought almost all the way from then on. I ended up having to build a jig to hold it while I tried to add the undercarriage and missile bay bits. In Trumpeter’s defence, the bits fitted, but the complexity made assembling them difficult – at one point I was breaking off a bit I’d added earlier for each new bit I added. The worst was trying to fit the Eduard forward missile “bridge” onto its trapeze. Admittedly, adding most of the “Remove Before Flight” flags shown in the USAF TO added to the fun, and super gluing a canopy on while leaving masking tape inside is just plain stupid… I decided not to weather the model. I used some pre-shading, but kept this as subtle as possible as I cannot see much if any sign of weathering or dirt in most photos of the F-106. I also know how much of a fetish for aircraft polishing the regular USAF units had at the time – let alone the ANG. After 3 weeks of detail work it is now finished. I’m pretty happy with the results, but would tackle another in several different ways including more prebuilding in the missile bay – my detail painting is hardly visible now. For a Trumpeter kit, the F-106A is one of the better ones. The only minor errors seem to be the shape of the intakes, the angle of the nose and the handed main undercarriage legs. All of these are easily fixed. Apart the items listed above from I also thinned down the tail hook, and replaced the fin leading edge probes with Albion tube. Next up, a Slingsby Grasshopper... Regards Tim
  11. After the Dagger (http://www.meng-model.com/index2ss.php?id=168), the Dart! Meng is to release a 1/72nd Convair F-106A Delta Dart kit - ref.DS-006 Source: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=878210852292240&id=195290177250981 V.P.
  12. Hey guys, this is the third Jet I'm building for my friends 35 years of service retirement gift. The kit is the very old Hasegawa 1/72 F-106A. The moulds are showing their age as there is a ton of flash on the parts and some of the pieces don't fit well. The kit also has raised panel line details. Hasegawa was kind enough to produce this kit with my units aircraft included on the box cover and decals inside. That's pretty awesome in my opinion. I bought two of these because I wanted one for me as well. I rescribed the model which wasn't too hard to do. I'm not that good at rescribing yet so my lines are pretty heavy handed and ultimately not very realistic. Meh, it looks ok to me. I'm pretty far along without many pictures as I'm not sure people really want to see a great amount of build photos unless there is some real talent building the kit with scratch building and stuff like that. I'm not a scratchbuilder.
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