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Found 16 results

  1. The new Dora Wings project is a 1/32nd (later in 1/48th & 1/72nd scales) Dewoitine D.520 kit - ref. 32?? Source: https://www.facebook.com/dorawingsofficial/posts/pfbid02nVTphb3r5nrS5zz1s6716ivuM5zAkarsdDdaXmrf8AF8CKERA4Nv5L8y7YFxa8K7l First renders V.P.
  2. Greetings to all. The Hasegawa model is of venerable age, with perhaps its typical pros and cons: very poor detailing, but excellent execution of the panel lines, perfect joining, razor-thin edges. Some technological aspects of the assembly are of course also outdated (hello from the 90s), but all this did not disappoint at all, the model is pleasant and, in my opinion, is definitely the best for the 520. I didn’t photograph all the improvements in the process, and there weren’t that many of them, so I collected what was left in the photo into collages. The cockpit in the model is completely empty. I had a small etching board from Eduard, it is the same age as the model, so it also has a lot of shortcomings, but it helps out quite well in combination with available materials. Another relatively significant omission on the model is the landing gear niches (I see that these are also “family features” of Hasegawa models). Firstly, they have an irregular shape in cross-section (in the part where the stand is placed they are rectangular in cross-section), and secondly, the filling of the niches themselves is fictitious. Here, too, it was corrected partly by etching, partly by polystyrene. The rest of the modifications are already in the category of small things: tubes, hoses, technological holes, thinning of the edges, navigation lights made of colored plastic, etc. The tail unit has been “revitalized” a little - in photographs of the D.520 the rudders are often in this position. In addition to the mentioned etching, I used exhaust pipes from Quickboost, a vacuum canopy, a landing light from Elf, wheels from Kora (very low quality, I do not recommend). Riveted. Perhaps it was unnecessary, but I decided so. Painted with Tamiya acrylic and Hobby color. I mixed all the colors myself. Color accuracy is an extremely complex and hardly provable issue. Decals from Print scale. The unit of the pilot Rene Pomier-Layrargues, famous for the fact that he managed to shoot down Werner Melders, although the French pilot died in that battle, but Melders survived and continued his “career”. I painted the tricolor on the keel. Unfortunately, this time too there were some shortcomings, but overall I was pleased with the result, which is what I wish for all modellers. *Sorry for automatic translation
  3. Dora Wings is to release a 1/32nd Dewoitine D.500/501/510 family of kits Source: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=2489320171298545&id=1929101897320378 V.P.
  4. Late as ever to join a GB..... i got this kit many years ago as one of those, fit for spares type listings on evilBay, downside is someone had previously butchered the box and decals, upside is at just over a £1 a kit what was there to lose ! I think this may be the old Heller one, reboxed by Smer ? cheers Pat
  5. HobbyBoss is to release in 2016-2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 etc. 1/72nd Devoitine D.510 kits: ref. 80294 - D.510C ref. 80295 - D.510TH Sources:http://scalemodels.ru/modules/news/img_9588_1449141901_7.jpg.html http://scalemodels.ru/modules/news/img_9588_1449141921_8.jpg.html V.P.
  6. After the 1/32nd kits (link) and the 1/48th AMG kit (link) Dora Wings has announced a new tool 1/48th Dewoitine D.500 as in progress. Source: https://www.facebook.com/dorawingsofficial/posts/3214124158818139 3D renders in progress V.P.
  7. The second resin kit I'd thought I'd do for the group build. Another parasol monoplane, but a rare one for Yugoslavia as they only had one D.Ibis for a short time for trials before sending back to the factory. They did however buy a load of the CI versions. Anyway, the kit has a prototype sent to Japan with decals only for that aircraft, so I'll have to hit the spares and some freehand painting for the Yugoslav one. A simple kit (oh yeah he says... we will see) with few very well done crisp resin parts. It forms part of a collection of interwar 1930 ~ 1941 Royal Yugoslav Air Force I've been pulling into the stash over the past year. It's one of those themes that unfortunately involves lots of short run and dubious resin models.
  8. RS Models is to re-release (link) its 1/72nd Dewoitine D-520 kit - ref. 92255 Sources: http://rsmodels.cz/en/produkt/default/dewoitine-de-520?katnum=92255&do=setLang https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/RSMI92255 V.P.
  9. Here comes my second quarantine build which is the Dewoitine D.500 from the DoraWings. The kit is one of the fist in their production and it doesn't seem to be of the best quality at first. I bought it right after the release in the 2018 eDay contest, but then put it in to the giant stash to let it wait for its time until now. The kit doesn't contain any of the French markings therefore I ordered decals from the LF models. I chose the Singing Hen of the Lt.-colonel de Turene from 1935 because I really like this emblem and also the new 1/32 kit from DoraWings helped me decide this way. I love the style of this machine, even though its career was during the inter-war period. These French designs are just catchy. I started with putting the wings together (for the curing time) and then moved on to the cokpit. There were many issues to be corrected with the help of home parts and some scratbuilding. And here is the result! I hope you'll like it and thanks for reading! Cheers, Andrew S.
  10. Kora Models has just released 1/72nd Dewoitine D.27/D.53 kits: - ref. KP7278 - Dewoitine D.27 part III.Swiss AF, Silver wings I. Source: https://www.lfmodels.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=2918&zenid=a489ivdvjn95lei3fvv42s62d2 - ref. KP7279 - Dewoitine D.27 III.R, Swiss AF Source: https://www.lfmodels.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=2922&zenid=a489ivdvjn95lei3fvv42s62d2 - ref. KP7280 - Dewoitine D.27 III. Swiss AF, Silver wings II. Source: https://www.lfmodels.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=2920&zenid=a489ivdvjn95lei3fvv42s62d2 - ref. KP7281 - Dewoitine D.27.III Swiss AF, WWII camouflage Source: https://www.lfmodels.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=2921&zenid=a489ivdvjn95lei3fvv42s62d2 - ref. KP7284 - Dewoitine D.27/53 Marcel Doret Source: https://www.lfmodels.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=2939 - ref. KP7287 - Dewoitine D.27 Asian service Source: https://www.lfmodels.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=2916&zenid=a489ivdvjn95lei3fvv42s62d2 - ref. KP7288 - Dewoitine D.27/D.53 Spanish Republican Air service Source: https://www.lfmodels.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=2917&zenid=a489ivdvjn95lei3fvv42s62d2 - ref. KP7289 - Dewoitine D.53C.I. French Service Source: https://www.lfmodels.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=2919&zenid=a489ivdvjn95lei3fvv42s62d2 V.P.
  11. Broplan is to release 1/72nd Dewoitine 333 kits. - ref. MS209 - Dewoitine 333 - Air France Source: https://www.aviationmegastore.com/dewoitine-333--air-france-ms-209-broplan-ms-209-airliner-modelling-kits/product/?action=prodinfo&art=158975 - ref. MS210 - Dewoitine 333 - Fuerza Aerea Argentina Source: https://www.aviationmegastore.com/dewoitine-333--fuerza-aerea-argentina-ms-210-broplan-ms-210-airliner-modelling-kits/product/?action=prodinfo&art=158976 V.P.
  12. I picked up a Hasegawa combo at the local model Expo last year at a good price Wanted to make something different and the French fighters from 1940 looked just the ticket Here is my M.S.406 with its compatriot the Dewoitine D.520 Hope you like them. Amusez-vous bien! Here it is with its friend the Dewoitine D.520 And a bit of a recycled diorama that looks suitably 1940's France .....well......close enough! Hope you liked them Cheers Bruce
  13. Howdy folks Here are a few snaps of my 1/72 Hasegawa D.520 Built OOB nothing fancy. Part of a combo boxing so a Morane Saolnier M.S.406 should appear at some time.....work pressures permitting! Sorry the photos are nothing flash....I've just popped these up here for completeness so I can get the D.520 into the cabinet of glory and hopefully press on an finish the 406 Cheers Bruce
  14. When Hitler demanded on March 20, 1939, that Lithuania cede the port of Memel immediately, Lithuania's Military Aviation was certainly unequal to any conflict with Germany. The thirteen Dewoitine D.501 monoplanes of the 1st Eskadrile comprised half the fighter strength of the Lithuanian air service. In the summer of 1935, when this type entered French service, it was the most advanced fighter in front-line service anywhere in Western Europe, but that was far from true any longer in the early months of 1939. In 1934 the Lithuanian government had gone shopping for modern fighters to replace obsolescent Fiat CR. 20 biplanes, and had settled on the Dewoitine D.370 parasol monoplane. Production of this type, however, met with delays owing to problems with its new high-powered twin-row radial engine. When the Spanish Civil War began in July, 1936, the Popular Front government in France wished to provide some aid to the Spanish government. The batch of D.370 fighters just recently completed for Lithuania became part of this aid, with Lithuania agreeing to accept in lieu 14 of the newer D.501 types. Delivery was not prompt, though; the Lithuanian examples were built only at the end of the production run, and only arrived in Lithuania late in 1937 (by which time the up-engined D.510 was coming into French service). Dewoitine's D.500/501/510 series was one of the transitional designs so often seen in the 1930s, a period of rapid advance in aeronautical engineering. It was built employing the most modern techniques, being of all-metal, stressed skin construction, and of low-wing, cantilever monoplane configuration, yet it retained an open cockpit, and a fixed landing gear. The original D.500 was armed with two rifle-caliber synchronized machine-guns, but the D.501 and D.510 were armed with a 20mm cannon firing through the hollow shaft of a propeller driven by a geared motor, and supplemented this with a rifle-caliber machine-gun under each wing, a very heavy armament for a serving fighter at that time. The D.500/501 had a top speed of a bit over 230mph, good for its time but not commandingly so (the P-26 and PZL-11 were faster), but the D.510 with its more powerful motor was the first French fighter to exceed 250mph in level flight. It is worth noting that, had England and France stood by Czechoslovakia in September of 1938, these Dewoitine monoplanes would have been the chief French fighter planes: it would not be until January of 1939 that the first production example of the Morane 406 was delivered. Hitler's demand for the port of Memel, and his unopposed seizure of it on March 23, 1939, barely a week after his liquidation of what remained of the state of Czechoslovakia, served notice to all, if any were still required, that his territorial ambitions extended far beyond what he had claimed during the Munich Crisis six months before. Public revulsion at it in England was a leading reason Chamberlain's government gave its guarantee of future assistance to Poland. The military impotence of the largest of the Baltic states in the face of German arms convinced Stalin only Soviet garrisons in these states could prevent Hitler using them as a spring-board to invasion of Russia. The state of Lithuania which existed between 1918 and 1940 arose in the chaos of the Russian revolution. In the course of the Great War, the area had come under German occupation, and with the rise of the Bolsheviks, German authorities adopted a policy of fostering independent states in the western reaches of what had been Czarist Russia. Prior to absorption by Russia in the late eighteenth century, Lithuania had been part of a Commonwealth with Poland: the two had originally been equal partners (and a major power indeed in Central Europe), but vagaries of war and disease had left Lithuania much the junior by the end. Newly independent Lithuania in 1919 had to fight not only Bolsheviks to the east but also the revived state of Poland to the south, and various German freikorps bodies to the north in Latvia. Matters reached such a pitch at one point that Lithuania briefly allied with the Bolsheviks against Poland. The port of Memel was detached from Prussia by the Treaty of Versailles, and made a Mandate Territory of the League of Nations, which assigned its administration to France. In 1922, the Lithuanian government contrived a rising in the city, intending to secure its annexation. After some protests from France and England, the League accepted the attachment of Memel to Lithuania as an autonomous district, at the same time, in a sort of de facto swap, recognizing Poland's seizure two years before of Vilnius and setting the border between Poland and Lithuania well north of where the latter thought it ought to be. A large portion of the inhabitants of Memel did consider themselves Prussian, and the area contained a disproportionate amount of Lithuania's industry, as well as being the passage for nearly all its foreign trade. When Hitler came to power in Germany, Memel was an obvious target for his 'in-gathering' of German populations under foreign rule. A Lithuanian crack-down on Nazi organization in Memel increased tensions considerably. Hitler declared early in 1938 his intention to incorporate Memel in Germany. Poland took the opportunity of Hitler's occupation of Austria to demand Lithuania accept Polish rule of Vilnius or face invasion, and Hitler declared if Poland and Lithuania went to war, he would invade Lithuania as well. Acceptance of the Polish ultimatum brought no relief, as this was followed by fresh demands from Hitler that a Nazi party be given a free hand in Memel. Local elections in December of 1938 were dominated by Nazi candidates, and it was anticipated the local Parliament would vote when it convened at the end of March for union with Germany. Hitler would not wait, however, and once Czechoslovakia was liquidated in mid-March, he demanded, via Ribbentrop, immediate cessation of Memel to Germany. The entire German surface fleet, with Hitler himself aboard the pocket battleship Deutschland, set sail for Memel, and in the face of this, Lithuania's government acquiesced, and signed Memel over hours before Hitler arrived. The kit is a vintage Heller offering, and goes together pretty well, as Heller kits generally do. The radiator tunnel assembly is difficult, and the kit windscreen is very poor. Care is needed to get the wing alignment right, but the fit is good. There are some 'issues' in this kit with section of the fuselage behind the cockpit, and belly profile, but I left these areas alone. Raised detail is correct on the nose area, and over the wing spars. Decals are home-made, with the black outline printed on white film, and cut out to leave a surrounding white pinstripe around the black. Finish is kitchen foil, treated by heating with eggshells, and using Micro-Scale foil adhesive.
  15. Dewoitine D.520C1 n° 277, GC III/6 5ème escadrille l'armée de l'Air, Rayack (Syria), June 1941, flown by Sous-lieutenant Pierre Le Gloan Kit: 1/72 Hasegawa Dewoitine D.520 "French Air Force" Afermarket parts : Eduard #72-254 photo-etched detail set (selected parts only) Falcon vac formed canopy (from the set #26 “France WWII”) Corrections & additions made on the kit: The nose air intakes were originally the wrong shape being too narrow at their forward end. This was corrected with plastic inserts and re-shaping. The louvers were added to the intakes as it can be seen on the photos. The under-belly cooler was too narrow and also not curved enough in outline. It was re-shaped by making two cuts in its rear part, repositioning the rear ends of the cooler sides outward and filling the gaps with Mr.Surfacer. The cooler interior (area covered by the cooler) was completely re-worked by cutting out the flat plastic fragment of the lower wing part and making an appropriate niche instead, as it was on the real thing. Therefore, the etched cooler grills by Eduard (designed to fit the kit parts) became just useless and the replacement parts were finally scratch built. The wing area where the cooler is attached was also modified according to the reference photos. The main wheel wells (too shallow and represented totally wrong on the kit) were completely re-worked, in particular, the niches for the landing gear legs. For the wheel well “ceilings” the Eduard parts were used, with some additions though. The kit parts for the landing gear covers were thinned down and modified for correct appearance. This way they still look much better than the flat etched pieces. The incorrect curved representation of the area under the rear view windows behind the cockpit (à la P-40) was removed and replaced by the flat panels at it was the case with the real thing. Some panel lines were added and some were corrected according to the reference photos. The rear view windows (unfortunately, not present with the Falcon set and too thick as kit parts) were therma-formed using the kit-parts as templates. The main wheels were flattened using the surface of the electric cooker. The etched parts for the gun sight were still too big and this one was eventually scratch built as well. I decided to add the ring gun sight as well, since it can be clearly seen on one of the photos showing this a/c. The kit decals were modified according to the reference photos.
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