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About Boydie

  • Birthday 14/01/1993

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  1. An 1/350 Queen Elizabeth class carrier to go with the T45 Destroyer. ðŸĪŠ
  2. Do you have Facebook? If you search for Starling models then it's their most recent post. Or just follow this link. https://www.facebook.com/starlingmodels If you don't and can't see the post then I'll copy and paste it for you to read. "Following on from our very popular 3d printed upgrade set for the IBG Hunt class escort destroyers, we will shortly be releasing a complementary set for their 1/700 destroyer kits. Also 3d printed, this will include parts for the IBG G-I class destroyer kits, HMS Glowworm, Hotspur, Harvester, Ithuriel, Ilex and ORP Garland. There is one more boat to design for the earlier fit kits then some test printing, with the set expected to be available for ÂĢ18 within the next few days."
  3. Funny enough I've just seen Starling models are just about to release a wee upgrade set for the IBG 1/700 destroyers in the next few days. Something I'll be interested in for this.
  4. Been a while since I did a bit of modelling, who would of thought looking after a newborn and watching them grow over that last 15 months would take all your free time. 😅 But anyway wanted to do a quick kit to get back into to swing of things, feels like it's been years since I actually completed a kit. Still got my big project 1/350 HMS King George on the back burner and it hasn't been touched in a long time. Need to get another kit completed before getting back into that. Blow off the cobwebs so to speak. So here it is, not much to it really. I just want to be a quick build out of the box with a wee bit of PE and practice a few new things with the airbrush/ weather I've seen on YouTube. It's tiny, I forgot how small these models are. I drilled out the portholes, but I think it was probably a waste of time in hindsight, a pin wash would of brought out the detail just as well in the fraction of the time. So this is where I am after a evenings work. I've not glued down the superstructure yet, want to paint everything in separately, will make it a lot easier. I think I'll make a sea base for it too, the model is so small I think I'll loose it quite easily. A diorama should stop it going walkies.😂
  5. If anyone is interested, on the airfix website the 1/350 Type 45 destroyer is on its winter sale for ÂĢ50, quite a good price considering it usually sells for more second hand on eBay. https://uk.airfix.com/products/type-45-destroyer-a12203?gclid=CjwKCAiA-8SdBhBGEiwAWdgtcGRteXMdhpyx76Jg3PnjOWHJKSfEFtHAxJtYLJV5aqG80So6EmZx6BoCWjYQAvD_BwE
  6. Is anyone able to point me in the direction for a source on what sort and size of floats and rafts were used on this vessel? It would be much appreciated.
  7. Ah thanks! Somehow I've missed the add the cart button and only seen make an enquiry! Ah I see what you mean, yeah I've joined them together to get rid of a gap between the two plastic parts, the rest of it is dry fitted just now. How are you getting on with your KGV?
  8. Where did you buy it from? I can't actually find it in stock on their website. As for the hanger deck I'll eventually get to it, I think the PE set I have requires me to cut off a few bits from memory.
  9. The next deck of the superstructure was worked on, I almost skipped the detail by accident as I want to get some paint down at some point. But as you can see the detail is pretty bare. I've got a few reference photos and the obvious details missing are the watertight doors and portholes. Roughly marked out where I want to put everything and started drilling holes and adding PE. Doesn't look much has been done but honestly it took me a wee while to do all of that. I must be rusty from the lack of model making recently. 😂 But I do think all this extra effort will pay off for my own satisfaction anyway. I'll be probably scratch building range finders and other bridge equipment as the kit doesn't seem to have anything. Progress will be slow as this is my first 1/350 and there is quite a bit still to do, I can see why people can burn out on building ships as you can really get into the really tiny details of the ship and there's 100's of it. But I've never had the problem as of it. Enjoying the build. 👍
  10. Best to get the ball rolling once again, need to start somewhere so I started gluing PE on the super structure. I had already done this but drilled out the portholes and glued more detail onto it, same with the watertight doors. Still got plenty of PE to add here. Tried the the perfect plastic putty on the gap on the super structure. Just added a tiny amount as I've never used it before. But it looks like it has potential, I'll just need to keep adding and sanding more until that gap is gone. One thing I like to do is dive deep into the world of AliExpress, you can find quite a lot of interesting things for modelling if you look hard enough. I found these SS model resin 1/350 40mm Bofors dirt cheap on the website with free postage. Thought why not they'll be great for the model, bought them and a few weeks later they arrived. I think they look quite good! The only fiddly bit will be those tiny 40mm brass barrels, but for only a few dollars that's not a problem for me.
  11. Yeah thanks for that, out of interest I actually priced up if I was to go 'all out'/ 'pimp out' on another KGV with mircomasters, it was in excess of ÂĢ400. 💀 My partner wouldn't be too impressed. 😂 Quite happy to torture myself with tiny PE and search for hours in and around the carpet monster. 🙂 Your build is looking great so far btw. 👍
  12. It's been a while since I have worked on the model, nights are getting darker and my 5 month old son is sleeping for longer at night. So that will give me the opportunity to get started again, I've been wanting to restart the build for a while, but it's been hard to find the time. I've been back and forth on if I want to buy some mircomaster bits for it, but I've decided to finish the model with what I've got on hand, which is still quite a bit of PE. Could spend a small fortune on that website.
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