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  1. AMP (MikroMir) from Ukraine is to release a 1/144th Northrop Grumman B-21 Raider kit. Source: https://www.facebook.com/mikro.mir.dnepr/posts/pfbid0271Jg6yVYZLrk7x1i3bCBSJ7y8RTd8E6NNCsx4XMYq1ev7XW2k5oPT9p2nKq3MpJ6l 3D renders in progress V.P.
  2. AMP is to release 1/48th Supermarine S.6/6A/6B kits: - ref. 48024 - Supermarine S.6B - released - ref. 48025 - Supermarine S.6 - ref. 48026 - Supermarine S.6A - released Source: https://www.facebook.com/mikro.mir.dnepr/posts/5078202038924158 3D renders V.P.
  3. AMP is to release a 1/72nd North American Lenticular Reentry Vehicle (L.R.V.) kit - ref. 72020 Source: https://www.facebook.com/mikro.mir.dnepr/posts/4516192195125148 3D renders While there's so many interesting and historical aircrafts in need of kits... Sigh. V.P.
  4. Just a quick side-project while waiting on parts for a big aircraft project I recently started (Trumpeter's 1/32 F-105D Thunderchief). A typical short-run kit -- Fit varied from fair to terrible! Definitely not for the faint of heart, and not my best work by a long shot 🤣 Here are the pics: In case you're wondering the cannon are leftovers from my Razor Crest build (for which I used Green Strawberry's resin replacements). I felt the AMP kit had something missing, and these seemed to fill the void nicely. You can see my Razor Crest here: Thanks for looking!
  5. MikroMir AMP is to release 1/72nd E.E. Canberra kits. Among them T.11/ B.2 /Tp.52 Swedish air force etc. Source: https://www.facebook.com/mikro.mir.dnepr/posts/1768192206591841 V.P.
  6. AMP (MikroMir) is to release 1/48th Piasecki HUP-2/H-25 Army Mule & HUP-1 Retriever kits 👍 Source: https://www.facebook.com/mikro.mir.dnepr/posts/2065576646853394?__xts__[0]=68.ARDE7Aiyrl2hokIONc0Fu40pPZ2z0WD8o1lRIXaytwZEbhFXnAzjiW9GgpvOSe99U2yWcFG-XTqJO3ZZXwlSV30ylsFlD6v-T_eydumbvhAAq6Cfn3wpCX9It6aNOyLo_VBae_wVMRCr6XbOmtHjPsUyXLJ3KkdsbPNa8BGJvmfypM7pf_N6dQ&__tn__=-R V.P.
  7. Source: https://www.facebook.com/mikro.mir.dnepr/posts/pfbid0jBNCRjD3Yut17hgUoNM49mMEzzQeM4dyhnZn3AtrstTbrdQBQTMTgX2TkH7Hfp2ul V.P.
  8. AMP is to release 1/32nd and 1/48th Hughes model 269/TH-55 Osage kits. Source: https://www.facebook.com/mikro.mir.dnepr/posts/2272689612808762 3D renders V.P.
  9. After the Sänger-Bredt Silbervogel (link), AMP/MikroMir is to release its Soviet derivative (link) a 1/72nd Keldysh suborbital bomber kit - ref. 72019 Source: https://www.facebook.com/100064192773267/posts/pfbid032AxxT4SxWu19kiNzYj3hmcUaoQxEJueGxmHrHe7KWbjbupfasRrSxyxENTHUPYgSl/?app=fbl V.P
  10. AMP from Ukraine is to release 1/48th & 1/32nd Hughes OH-6 Cayuse kits Source: https://www.facebook.com/mikro.mir.dnepr/posts/pfbid0ZZLjSwDzwSND1BcXrw43x958qgQdYAUouPfo5KTtPDHW1cPK7cs9igQozJWtCat2l 3D renders V.P.
  11. AMP/MikroMir is thinking about to release 1/72nd (?) Sikorsky S-54 Skycrane/CH-54 Tarhe kits. Source: https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235045628-amp-mikromir-news-questions-wishes-and-more/&do=findComment&comment=3306032 V.P.
  12. AMP is to release a 1/48th Filper Beta 200 kit - ref. 48023 Source: https://www.aviationmegastore.com/en/modelling/filper-beta-200-amp-models-48023-191654.html V.P.
  13. Hello everybody, this is my comeback build after a nearly two years hiatus and I even think that this is my first RFI ever in this section, having done RFIs in the "target" section (armour 😉) before. Anyway - this kit came to my eyes about three years ago and just because of the strange appearance of the craft I immediately knew that I had to build it sometimes. I didn't have any information about this ekranoplan, I never knew that it existed. The only information I have is from the istruction booklet of the kit. For anybody who is interested - I hope it's legible. Fact or fiction? I don't know. The kit is a typical short run kit, but I enjoyed the build very much. You know what you'll get when you buy such a kit. The parts fit was partially very good, partially not so good, especially the clear parts for the windows and the windscreen were much too big, fuselage interior also. But with a little patience and perseverance all problems could be solved. For more information on the building process please see the WIP: I used mainly MRP colours - white aluminium overall, dark aluminium for the moving parts of the tailplaine and some panels on the floats, chrome for the intake and front grille, titanium for the rearmost panels on fuselage and both floats, I used exhaust metal for the nozzles. The ladder and hatch are painted with Mr. Hobby stainless and the dark areas on the wings are painted with Mr. Hobby iron. Although the instructions call out for chrome overall except the areas on the wings I wanted to have some variety in the metallic shades and I wanted to enhance my abilities on NMF (well...). Enough said, now on to the pics. I hope you like it! Thanks for looking.
  14. Good day, everybody! After a nearly two years long modelling hiatus I decided that it was about time to come back to the workbench. Being retired now raises the chance of getting something done enormously, no? During the time before I stopped modelling I stumbled across a kit which at first sight I definitely knew that I had to build it sometimess but I didn’t buy it then. Unfortunately I couldn’t remember the name of it and the company exactly (well – age, isn’t it?) and started a search for this strange thingy. After quite a while I was lucky to find it again and I was happy that it was still available at my favourite retailer and immediately hit the order button. A few days ago it arrived and I started with it right away. Here we have the strange thing – it’s the Pobeda 357 by the company AMP. I really don’t know (and honestly – in this case I don’t care) if this is fact (as the text in the instruction booklet suggests) or fiction, and also if it ever floated or flew or whichever. To me it looks like a US limousine out of the 1950ies but on really hard drugs. So if this isn’t the correct section to post the WIP, please mods move the thread wherever you decide it fits, thank you very much indeed. Inside the box you find an instruction booklet, 4 sprues of light grey styrene, and a small bag with clear parts, decals, photo etch parts, masks and a resin part. The parts seem to be nicely moulded, there is nearly no flash to see. Having a closer look at the small parts one finds the usual moulding seams and moulding misalignment steps which are common in short run kits like this. No problem at all, I wanted it that way. As per instructions I sprayed some blueish grey to the inner sides of the fuselage halves and the main cockpit parts, painted the seats and the other small parts and put everything together. I also gave the sidewalls of the fuselage halves a grey wash. Completely useless though, you won’t see anything of it once the fuselage halves are closed. After dryfitting the completed interior into one of the fuselage halves it was obvious that the pilot’s seats were way too tall. I ripped them off and cut off the lower parts of the legs. After the blood bath it was okay. I also noticed that the cockpit floor was a bit too long to fit in between the locator bars. I sanded it shorter at the rear end until everything fits inside. Now it was time to check if everything fits inside both fuselage halves and – well – as you can see there is a lot of space between them. Obviously the front and rear bulkheads are too wide or too tall or both. Nice filing time ahead! This is the current status, hope to show you some progress soon. That’s it for now, thank you very much for looking. Please feel free to comment and give advice, it’ll be appreciated! Cheers Nick
  15. After the Sikorsky HO3S-1 (link), AMP is to release a 1/48th Bristol Type 171 Sycamore kit - ref. 48004 I really like these vintage small helicopters... In the right (quarter) scale! Source: the HO3S-1 box V.P.
  16. AMP is to release a 1/48th Bendix Model J kit - ref. 48021 Source: https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3977633082314398&id=1416295571781508 More about the type: https://www.helis.com/UpTo50s/f_bendix.php V.P.
  17. AMP is to release a 1/72nd Boeing X-20 Dyna-Soar kit - ref. 72016 Source: https://www.facebook.com/mikro.mir.dnepr/posts/3923883764355997 3D renders V.P.
  18. What if reboxing by AMG from AMP 1/48th Supermarine S.5 kit (thread) - ref. 48007 - Super Yolker S'7 Source: https://www.ebay.de/itm/373781040077?hash=item5707160bcd:g:Y0wAAOSwJzJhhNaB V.P.
  19. AMP/MikroMir is to release a 1/48th (and later 1/72nd) Macchi-Castoldi M.C.72 kit - ref. 48018 Source: https://www.facebook.com/mikro.mir.dnepr/photos/a.1416729748404757/2920320958045621/?type=3&theater In design V.P.
  20. Silbervogel Antipodal-Bomber (72014) 1/72 AMP via A-Market Silbervogel is German for Silver Bird. It was also a design in the late 1930s for a liquid rocket powered lifting body aircraft designed for long rage bombing using sub-orbital flight. To say it was ambitious for the time is certainly right. It was one of the designs considered by Nazi Germany for an Amerkia Bomber. The aircraft was intended to fly long distances in a series of short hops. It was to be launched by beng propelled along a 3 km long rail track by a rocket-powered sled. Once airborne, it would fire its own rocket engine and continue to climb to an altitude of 145 km, at which point it would be travelling at about 21,800 km/h. It would then gradually descend into the stratosphere, where the increasing air density would generate lift against the flat underside of the aircraft, eventually causing it to "bounce" and gain altitude again; this pattern would be repeated. but because of aerodynamic drag, each bounce would be shallower than the preceding one, even given this the aircraft should have been able to cross the Atlantic, deliver a 4,000 kg bomb to the continental US, and then continue its flight to a landing site somewhere in the Japanese–held Pacific, a total journey of 19,000 to 24,000 km. When there was interest in these spaceplanes after WWII ex German Rocket Scientist Major-General Dr. Walter Robert Dornberger referred to the aircraft as the Antipodal Bomber as this was more politically correct than "Amerika Bomber" to his then American hosts under project Paperclip. The Kit This is a new tool from AMP part of MikroMir with the sprues and moulding hedging more to the shorter run style. Moulding quality is good with a small amount of flash being present on some parts, panel lines being engraved. There are two major parts for the body along with one major sprue and four smaller ones, and a complete clear nose for the front. Masks (not shown) are also included in the kit. Construction starts with the cockpit (no surprise there). The floor attaches to the rear bulkhead then the seats go in along with the control columns and instrument panels. A surprise here is that the instrument panels and side console details are provided as 3D printed decals. Once the cockpit is finished the wheel bays and and landing gear are made up. For the rear the tailfins and the rocket exhaust are assembled. Now construction of the aircraft itself can take place. The cockpit section fits to the main underside part. This is a simple butt join so will most definitely need some internal reinforcement. The wheel bays go in and the rocket exhaust at the back. The single large body part can then go on along with the clear nose. The landing gear together with the gear doors can then be fitted, followed by the tails and the main wings. There are small tabs to attach the main wings but nothing for the tailplanes, which given the size will need some reinforcement. Decals Decals are in house and look to be fine. Normal crosses are supplied for the tail. Conclusion Its good to see a new tool of this unusual aircraft / Spaceplane in 1/72. This is not a complicated kit but will look the part once built up. Highly Recommended. Review sample courtesy of
  21. AMP/MikroMir is to release in 2020 a 1/48th McDonnell Model 120 Flying Crane kit Source: https://www.facebook.com/mikro.mir.dnepr/posts/2646643212080065 3D renders V.P.
  22. AMP is to release a 1/48th Boeing YL-15 Scout kit - ref. 48016 Source: https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2444412328969822&id=1416295571781508 V.P.
  23. After the 1/48th kits (link & link ) here are the 1/72nd Sikorsky S-51/WS-51 family by AMP Source: https://www.facebook.com/mikro.mir.dnepr/posts/2571311366279917 V.P.
  24. My first pre-quarantine build is 1927 Schneider Throphy winner the N 220 S.5 flown by Flt. Lt. Webster, A.F.C. produced by Ukrainian AMP. I bought this kit right after its release on Ebay and started building it immediatelly. This kit is very challenging. Put simply, it has loads of extra plastic seals and burrs as any othter ordinary short run kit has... I admire R. J. Mitchell's lifework of aircraft constructions and this one just fits in the line leading directly to the Spitfire. (I hope the Ukrainians will continue with other types such as S.4 and S.6...) Here is just a small peek at the machine: https://www.thisdayinaviation.com/tag/supermarine-s-5/ So the internet search was held for the purpose of gaining valuable study material. Then I started with the wings, which needed loads of grinding to achieve the smoothenes and the sharp trailing edges. I also removed the upper positive ribs and replaced them with a simple dual line of rivets (as seen on the original). I took care of the elevators too. Then I started working on the floats. But at that moment the progress stopped until now. My friend #Dusan R has just started his own S.5 from AMP and he found out a few mistakes this kit contains. For instance the float's width is smaller in comparison with the drawing and also with the photos. The starboard float struts should be longer than the port ones and there are some other issues with the engine cowling (which will be presented during the build). That will be all for now with the S.5, thanks for reading and have a good model building time during the lockdown. Cheers! Andrew
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