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Found 7 results

  1. Hey Everyone. I'm new here to the forums on BM, but I've been referencing others great works here for years now. Britmodeller has always been one of my go to's for ideas. Great works here. I've been modeling on and off since I was about 6 and primarily focus on WW2 AFV, but have also dabbled in Naval vessels and submarines. Like many, I am a sucker for most German WW2 AFV. The colors. The engineering. In any case, I thought it was about time to start sharing some works of mine. I have loads, but this one I just recently finished on the bench and had some fun with it. The Panther G is such a beautifully sculpted vehicle. It's hard to imagine it as anything other than the most iconic side shot of a tank. It's a late war Panther G Command. Not historically accurate to say the least, but I liked the lighter shade 2 tone camo on this one and had some fun with the weathering and a few added goodies. The command figure is my first attempt at adding a figure to my work and like others, not very skilled at it just yet. But, adding a figure definitely adds to the final result of the tank for sure and I hope to get better at it as I continue to build. Periscopes are missing because I can't find them for some reason, but getting a new set to put in. No worries. Metal tracks. A few added parts. I usually always paint with Tamiya paints. Finish with some enamel washes, powders, and oils. I kept the weathering minimal as I like the tonal colors so much, I didn't want to cover it up. I think the German wool blankets were the hardest part for me. Ironic how hard it is to paint a straight line. Other than that, pretty much out of the box. Nothing over the top. Hope you like it. Cheers.
  2. I read a review of this kit that stated it was somewhat poor and lacking detail apart from the steel wheels. Unfortunately the review appears to be right. There is no weld joint detail on the hull or the turret and what detail there is seems quite soft and rounded. The black marks are my initial mark-up for scribing the weld joints because, yes, I'm going to try and build it rather than using the wheels on a Revell Panther as suggested by the above mentioned review. The supplied tyred wheels will be useful for hanging on my Dragon and Revell Jagdpanthers as stowed spares. Also, the Dragon JP is an early mark but also comes with the late Panther flame-damper exhausts which I can use on the G. On the plus side there is the later "chinned" gun mantlet and the gun looks good too. Another plus point is that the running gear can be built as a unit and added to the hull in one piece. I think this might be handy if the tracks are too short and require sticking to the wheels.
  3. Here's my version of the 1/35 Tamiya Panther G (late). I don't normally build armour.... I'm usually an aircraft builder ....however during a hiatus with my recent 1/72 Concorde build I kept seeing this kit on the shelf and have always liked the shape of the Panther so decided to go for a quick build. It's OOB except for photo etched grilles and only took a short time to build - the fit was excellent. I know I haven't got the track sag quite right - all suggestions on how to do that with the kit tracks gratefully received - but it was great fun to build, paint and weather....so much so I've now bought a Tiger as well! I think I've just been converted to armour as well as aircraft! Thanks for looking!
  4. Hi everyone This is Tamiya's 1/35 Panther G Late that I built for the Panther Mk.V STGB group build. It was built OOB with the exception of the barrel (Aber) and grills. I used sea foam for the branches. The kit went together ok - the tracks weren't that great, but I think they turned out ok. Thanks for looking and Happy New Year Cheers, Greg With shelf mate...
  5. Well I think its about time I got my thread up and running at least, if not the actual build started. I am going to be building Tamiya's 1/48 Panther G and hopefully finishing it in a Winter camo scheme, I have a soft spot for these on both aircraft and targets, sorry tanks. Now I am far from an expert on Panthers (or quite a lot of things actually) so don't go expecting any deep knowledge on the subject in my build. I do like armour and used to build no end of it in my youth but have concentrated on wingy things for a very long time and I have been trying to fit some armour into GB's for a little while. A lot of the armour I used to build was German, they made some pretty cool stuff din't they, so I thought I would revisit some of my old subject matter and have signed up for this GB and the upcoming Panzer III one. The kit I will be building is the excellent looking Tamiya 1/48 G, which seems to be able to be built as either early or late versions of the G, so lets start with the ubiquitous box and contents shots; As you can see all is present and correct and eagerly awaiting some glue, which I hope to start using on it tomorrow. I like the ambush camouflage of the Panther featured in the box art but as I said I am drawn to winter schemes and in my searching I have found this one; https://www.worldwarphotos.info/gallery/germany/tanks-2-3/panther-panzer/panther-ausf-g-winter-camouflage/ To my very untrained eye it looks like a late model G (it looks like it has the shot trap deflector on the lower mantlet) and it also seems to be splendidly Zimmerit free! I would appreciate any info that you experten out there can shed on this. Feel free to offer any advice and just generally poke fun at my build along the way. Craig.
  6. Hello everyone... well now that Ive concluded builds 29-33 I can start #34. I did a bit of digging and my kit was first released by AHM in 1974. By the way this will be my first piece of small scale armor since the mid 80’s when I did sone 1/72 and 1/87 scale pieces ? And according to scalemates that was an Hasegawa clone. If anyone has built that Hasegawa kit you can tell me if these are anywhere close to accurate ? https://www.scalemates.com/kits/ahm-550-panther-g--1015558 Here are the obligatory sprue shots. Now my initial thoughts were to go with a Skorzeny M10 clone, however maybe I might just go with a standard panther ? Any thoughts on which way I should go. If standard what scheme ? I think the box top shows Italy, at least that looks like a colosseum behind the tank ? Dennis
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