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Found 7 results

  1. Ever since I finished my last project, that 3D printed steam engine. I've been racking my brain trying to think of a model that appeals to me for another scratch build. It has been my own unwritten rule that I only ever build cars/boats/steam engines that are important to me or played a part in my past. I had the use of a Vincent Rapide back in 1955 here in Ontario Canada, when I was 17 and a family friend asked if I'd look after it for him for 2 months while he went back to Scotland ... does a bear sh*t in the woods?? At the time I had an AJS 600 twin and a Matchless scrambler but they quickly got pushed aside and I rode that Vincent everywhere. Now, almost 70 years on, I feel ready to tackle a bike model ... a scratch built one at that .. and a Vincent. The one I'm going to attempt is called Gunga Din and was the development machine used by the factory for many years and has, in modern times, been found, restored, tied for first place at Pebble Beach concours and now belongs to an important man in the motorcycle world here in Toronto Canada. What I'd give for an hour with the bike and a camera but as it stands I'm going to have to build it all from photographs. Those familiar with my models may know that I'm not a stickler for absolute precision and correctness so, as usual, I'll be taking liberties as and where I feel like it. Scratch building for me is mostly about 'the process' and figuring out 'how am I going to make this part?'. I've begun the project armed with only a 'pretty decent side view' of the bike which I've since converted to a line drawing and scaled it to my default size ... 9 inches (see above about liberties). http:// I've got off to a good start and have selected a lot of the 'low hanging fruit' to fabricate. As usual, my parts are made from my stash of scrap aluminum, steel and brass salvaged from old printers, cameras, computers etc. Gas tank, seat, oil tank and shock absorbers under way. http:// Half hour of filing and sanding ... Seat and Gas tank are shaped using Renshape which is a composite pattern making material. Here the oil tank, seat and shock absorbers are test fitted. http:// For those unfamiliar with the Vincent bikes they have no traditional frame in which the engine is bolted. Instead, a strong, steel box-like oil tank resides under the gas tank and the front and rear suspensions are bolted to that ... very much ahead of the times. I'll be moving on to the rear suspension members next so I'll leave you here. Back soon.
  2. This is my most challenging build to date. The kit itself is easily Matchbox's greatest achievement in terms of detail and finesse, and from when the masters where probably carved in wood. It suffers though from the the near non-existent or vague attachment points everywhere. A more modern kit would solve these issues but even then the subject is just very demanding as a build due to it's complexity. There just isn't a easy way to handle the model while its being built and it was tempting to stick wings on it just so I could hold it. Finally the extensive chrome work was very challenging - I used Alcad as that's what I had but the finish is just too delicate, clear coating helps but you lose that sheen. I will explore newer alternatives such s the Molotow pen refills and Green Stuff World Chrome but I don't want to got near another metal finish for a quite a while! I re-spoked the wheels with florist's wire and insulation stripped from fine wire. The kit's seat position was lowered to the correct height. Like my other Matchbox builds this year it will be on show at SMW on the Classic British Kits SIG table.
  3. Mother Nature was merciful and allowed the sun to shine a few rays through the clouds today around ten o'clock. I was ready with my camera, and here it is, Vickers Vincent K4134/D of No 8. Squadron, as photographed near Dhala, Aden Protectorate, mid-1935, build from the Azur/FRROM/Special Hobby 1/72 kit. The kit has a few errors, which I have decided to deal with, as you may observe in the build thread here: I corrected the wrong area around the rear cockpit and replaced the smallish engine. Both errors are common to all boxings of the kit, except the Spanish Vildebeests and Vildebeest Mk.IV, the latter with the same wrong arrangement in the rear gun area, however, with Bristol Pegasus replaced by the Perseus from the same stable. Additionally, I rescribed quite a few panel lines, as they were wrong for a Vincent. Nevertheless, in general, it is a nice kit and I loved the build. And I believe that even without the corrections, it would look impressive just so out of the box. Engine by Radial engines & wheels, guns by Mini World and GasPatch, light bomb carrier by Eduard, other small details either from my own stock or scratchbuild. Decals are a mixture from my stock, only the stencils come directly from the kit. Brush painted with combination of Humbrol, Model Master and Revell enamels. As usual in my case, without rigging. Enjoy the pictures. The last one gives a direct comparison of the Vincent with the Vildebeest Mk.IV built five years ago.
  4. Full of vim after vacation, starting new build, 1/72 Vickers Vincent Mk.I by Azur/Frrom, so in fact Special Hobby (SH). I am not novice to the kit. I have built another boxing, Vildebeest Mk.IV, some 5 years ago. Therefore, I know very well that I must correct the rear cockpit again (Scarff ring – wrong vs. Fairey High Speed mount – correct). Additionally, the Vincent was a three-seater, so I will have to butcher the fuselage even more in order to open the observer’s cockpit behind the pilot. Vincent boxing contains additional sprue, featuring i.a. equipment for the extra cockpit. I want the Vincent to look as much different as possible from my previous and future (Mk.III) Vildebeest builds, so it is going to be built with the underslung long-range fuel tank, message pickup hook, bomb racks and with no wheel spats. For that reason I have decided to represent one of the early machines in the service of No. 8 Squadron in Aden, K4134/D, especially as I can easily modify the surplus serials left from my previous Vildebeest Mk.IV build. While inspecting the decal sheet, I have also found the fuselage roundels are too small for a silver-doped machine, so they will be replaced from the spares. There is one conundrum in the kit – two resin radial engines. The reason is that the engine had been for sure all wrong in the very first Azur/Frrom Vildebeest Mk.III boxing . They had provided (I suspect) Mercury instead of Pegasus. So in the next radial boxing – Vincent – they provided two engines. One smaller (Mercury?) and one bigger, likely Pegasus. Without single word in the instructions, and without altering any of the related injection moulded engine installation parts. Now the references say the diameter of Pegasus was 55.3". The smaller engine in the kit is just 47", which is some 3 mm difference in 1/72. For me, too much to ignore. The bigger engine is for sure better, but still not perfect. 51" = 1.5 mm difference in diameter in 1/72. However, the bigger engine requires altering/replacing all the exhaust collector pipes (4 x 9 pcs.), which were designed for the small one. Therefore, I suspect, SH just silently provided two engines and left it to the modeller to use either the funny small one, fit the collector rings as they are and be happy with it, or use the bigger one and go through the ordeal of replacing all the piping. I decided to make it even more complicated, ordered replacement Pegasus by Radial engines & wheels and after I receive it, I will post here more detailed report on the engines. Finally, the obligatory shot of the reference material, which is in case of Vincent quite satisfactory, especially the photographic references are really plentiful.
  5. A long while since I posted any builds and thought I would share my latest project. Not the normal bike build for me as I'm used to fairings and solid wheels but the intention is to build an exact copy of my dads 1953 Vincent Rapide Series C. Not a standard Rapide by any means but externally the Matchbox/Revell Black shadow is a good base to start with. Lots of chrome parts, I think the chrome plater went a little crazy and in fact the fork blades had been chromed before my dad even got the bike. For the Vincent aficionados the internals were actually brought up to Black Lightning spec so in fact it was a Vincent White Lightning! Very few reference photos of this bike and the best one shown above. So the build... I picked up a Matchbox kit on fleabay and had intended to make 2 simultaneously, so 1 for dad and 1 for me. Picked up a Revell Vincent a few weeks later which is essentially the same kit. By the way if you get a choice I would go for the Matchbox as this was original molds and the later Revell offering has shallow detail and shows tired moldings. So made a start a few weeks ago and have the main lump done. All fixings replaced with RB Motion as I will throughout this build. Also turning a few pieces from ali myself and trying to talk Rob @ RB Motion into turning some custom intake trumpets for the carbs. The usual bugbear for this kit being oversize spokes which my first attempt to replace I'm not that happy with.. I tried to make them without a jig and simply cut a few of the spokes out and replaced with tin copper wire as I went, this kept the hub central but leaves a seam when you join the 2 halves and a real pain to smooth out. These will be okay for this build and I can replace the wheels later with a wheel set with turned hubs and separate rims. Only other product out of the stable worth showing is the tank which is glossed but not polished. I have to add 2 petrol taps (normal and reserve) and filler caps etc. More to follow. Cheers Doc
  6. Happy New Year to all!!! Today's releases are all INKJET New: Dash8 -100 Ansett-Newmans hybrid scheme 1/72 and 1/144 BAe J31/32 Jetstream - Vincent Aviation 1/144 Updated: Dash8s - Ansett New Zealand, Qantas New Zealand, Origin Pacific, Air National and Vincent Aviation. 1/72 and 1/144 The Air NZ Dash8s are being worked on and will be re-released in DIGITAL format probably in February. John PPQ Oldmodels Decals www.oldmodelsdecals.com
  7. Vickers vincent Mk.I 1:72 Azur FRROM The large, ungainly and yet somewhat attractive Vildebeest was first flown in 1928 using proven design methodology incorporating an all metal airframe with fabric skinning. Crewed by either two or three, production variants predominantly used the Pegasus radial engine. Whilst the Vildebeest was primarily employed as a torpedo bomber, a private venture by Vickers was to create a general purpose version to replace the Westland Wapitis and Fairey III’s in supporting the army out in the Middle East. Successful trials in the hotter climates were successful and this was to become the Vincent. The Vincent first entered service in 1934 with 84 Sqn based at Shaibah in Iraq and by 1937 equipped 6 squadrons in Iraq, Kenya, Sudan and Egypt. Differences on the Vincent were fairly minor with the most noticeable change replacing the torpedo with a long range underbelly tank. By WWII, the Vincent was mostly replaced by Blenheims and Wellesleys, however 84 aircraft continued service into WWII. They operated bombing missions against the Italians in the East African Campaign and Iraqi rebel forces attempting a coup in 1941 as well as coastal patrols from Aden. A notable achievement was the attack on the Italian submarine Galileo Galilei which led to its surrender. Vincent’s were retired from front line RAF service in 1943 although continued on in some more unusual activities until 1944. Around 60 of the retired machines were passed to the RNZAF in 1939 where they served in the reconnaissance and attack role. Altogether, 197 Vincent’s were either produced or modified from Wildebeests. The kit Azur released the Vildebeest a few years ago (See Paul’s review HERE) and it was warmly welcomed by the modelling community. This is a release of the same kit with some additional parts as necessary to create a Vincent. Whilst it’s a limited run kit with typical characteristics like a lack of location pins, the quality of the moulding is quite stunning. So what’s included in the kit? Firstly, there’s 4 medium grey injection moulded sprues holding around 80 parts of which some aren’t used. There is hardly any flash present. This is supplemented by 24 resin parts; a clear sprue and a fret of etch containing over 50 parts. In the box I received, there was also an additional larger resin engine that isn’t mentioned in the instructions but I assume to be a Perseus engine with moulded on connecting rods. This was only used in small numbers on the Vildebeest Mk.IV, 12 of which were sold to the RNZAF so there is the possibility to make one of these. The A5 instruction booklet is provided with text in English and French. The diagrams were well drawn with useful exploded views of some of the more intricate elements such as accurate location of wing struts relative to each other. Paint schemes refer to Gunze paints. Rigging diagrams are also included. Perseus engine ? Construction starts with the cockpit interior. Azur don’t just provide great external detail, they make sure the interior is well provided for too. A combination of etch, resin and plastic is used to give the cockpit a comprehensive and scale accurate look. The interior of the fuselage halves include detail to represent the metal framework. Etch parts include seatbelts, trim wheels and rudder pedal straps. The control column is finely produced out of resin. One of the more tricky elements of the kit is the clear windows. Whilst most mainstream kits tend to have a tab that windows locate against, these simply push in from behind with a very subtle taper to hold them. Take care to ensure you glue them carefully and adequately so they don’t push in when it comes to painting. With the interior complete, the two fuselage halves are closed up and mounted onto the lower wing. Surface detail on the exterior is a combination of fine recessed panel lines and raised fabric effect and access panels. Mounting the tail and tail planes looks to be simple by way of the design of both aircraft and kit. What I think will be the most difficult part will be mounting the upper wing to the lower one via the struts. This isn’t a skill that I’ve readily mastered, so I’ll let someone else off advice on this step! (Edit: See Christopher's comment below ) One thing to be aware is that the location points for the struts in the wing are very shallow and a few are marginal, so it might be worth drilling them out with a suitably sized micro drill. With the feathers on, the engine comes next. The assembly is quite a complicated affair and Azur have replicated this superbly. The resin engine is sandwiched between the exhaust manifolds and the exhausts mounted to the sides of the fuselage. There are no location pins for the exhausts to mount to the fuselage, so care will have to be taken when gluing them, especially if you prefer to fit these parts after painting. The undercarriage has two options; spatted or non-spatted so at this point you will have to choose your scheme to suit. According to the instructions, there’s a hook mounted to the starboard unit but it’s not clear how it’s stowed. As with the wing strut points, the holes for the undercarriage mounting points are either fine or non-existent, so take care. It might be worth doing this before you even build the model as a dry fitting exercise. The final major step is fitting the weaponry. The aircraft was armed with bombs and a central fuel tank. The bomb racks are each comprised of a plastic body with two etch clamps to support the bomb. These look very fine indeed. The bombs themselves are made of resin with separate fin sections. Each wing holds 4 bombs. Various etch parts are finally added to the wings and fuselage such as control linkages, mass balances, access ladder etc. There are very delicate so probably better to fit after painting if you’re clumsy like me! The rear facing gun gets an equal treatment of detail from the etch fret to supplement the plastic main components. Decals One of the things I like about the Azur kits is the great selection of schemes that you get straight from the box. 4 options are included, two RAF and two RNZAF. The colour on the decals look excellent, the register spot on although the small placards look a little under defined compared to some I’ve seen, but this is me trying to be balanced in my observations. The schemes included are: K4712 - 8 Sqn RAF based at Khormaksar, Aden, August 1940 – 6 colour shadow scheme K6363 - 244 Sqn RAF based at Sharjah, 1942 – Mid stone / Dark Earth / azure scheme NZ344 – 30 Sqn RNZAF, Gisborne, May – July 1943 – Dark earth / dark green / grey scheme NZ322 – 2 SFTS, Woodbourne, 1940/41 – Dark earth / dark green / aluminium high level demarcation scheme Conclusion Bi-planes are typically more difficult to build than monoplanes. Couple this with the some of the issues like strut location points I’ve mentioned and the small etch parts, it’s not going to be one of the easiest kits to put together. That said, the quality of the kit is certainly worthy of praise, the moulding is superb and the detail is very well catered for, so I’m very pleased that Azur have chosen this subject as part of their range. Clearly, a lot of research has gone into its design. In a nut shell, I think this kit is a little gem! Review sample courtesy of
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