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Found 8 results

  1. Sometimes all it takes is a little international incident to remind you of what’s in your stash. This is the Kinetic boxing of the Skunkmodels 2011 release. An excellent selection of decals allows you build any of two USAF units or six foreign versions. Ordnance includes four Hellfire missiles and two crisply-detailed Paveway IIs. All in all a breeze of a build: base coat is Mr Color 308 with a Dark Gray Tamiya Panel Liner wash. First pic below is a comparison of the MQ-9 with its rather diminutive MQ-1 cousin:
  2. Kinetic is to re-release - with RAF markings - the Skunkworks Model 1/48th General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper kit - ref. 48067 Source: https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1490165944483845&id=129238860576567 Pre-order at LM - https://www.luckymodel.com/scale.aspx?item_no=KI-K48067 Box art V.P.
  3. Kinetic has just re-released the Skunkwork 1/72nd General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper kit - ref. K72004 Sources: https://www.luckymodel.com/scale.aspx?item_no=KI-K72004 https://www.passion132.com/gb/avions/144925-kinetic-k72004-172-mq-9-reaper.html box art & decals V.P.
  4. Airfix 1/72 BE2c and Skunkworks 1/72 MQ-9 Reaper, both in 39 Squadron RAF markings. The BE2c is as flown by William Leefe Robinson VC in 1916 when 39 RFC were a home defence squadron, and the MQ-9 is as flown by 39 Squadron currently, also from the UK, but with a very different mandate. The Reaper is surprisingly massive. The MQ-9 isn't my best work - the lack of interior means it really goes together quickly. A little too quickly in fact and it's a bit of a mess. Luckily, there are two kits in the box, so I'll crack on with the other at some point. The BE2c is a very complicated kit for it's size IMO. My first attempt at rigging a biplane and second attempt at a WW1 aircraft. I'd give it another go though. The rigging is Uschi van der Rosten Rig That Thing Superfine, and is held on with superglue and swear words. Both brush painted with a combination of Tamiya, Gunze and Humbrol colours. Thanks for looking. Spasmo.
  5. Just completed this Reaper. Fun, easy to assemble kit and painted with MRP and Alclad. It is a surprisingly large aircraft with a 66 foot wingspan....6 feet larger than a Do-17!
  6. This is the Skunkmodels MQ-9 Reaper. This was a very pleasant build and only took 10 days. The fit was mostly excellent with the only exception being the engine housing which needed some filler the decals are Cartograf and worked fine. Not much more to say so on with the pictures. Next up is the Platz MQ-1B Predator. Enjoy
  7. General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper, photos my Mike (Phantom MJI)taken at Holloman AFB. Please note the blacked out areas are where pilot names etc are and they asked for these to be removed.
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