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Found 10 results

  1. Hi everyone and finally got this one done - it's Revell's snap fit Star Destroyer with a few build mods and my first go at lighting a kit. I'm really happy how it turned out but would use a lighter wash in future as it's too dark and washes out any variations in the paints. The build thread is here but to recap: Kit: Revell Revell Build & Play Star Destroyer kit 06749 Scale: 1:4000 Build: Filled in landing gear 'feet'; raised kit sidewalls with plastic card and added extra greeblies from styrene Paints: Tamiya, Flory models wash (too dark) Extras: 3 x 5mm flickering blue LEDs for the main engines; 4 x LEDs with 20 x 0.5mm strands for the hull lighting (3-4 got destroyed during final assembly ) USB-powered by battery pack in homemade base. All lighting products by Captain Jacks Models - Chris was a gent to deal with. Thanks for looking, take care and happy modelling! Cheers, Dermot Revell_Star_Destroyer_completed_1 (1) by Dermot Moriarty, on Flickr Revell_Star_Destroyer_completed_1 (7) by Dermot Moriarty, on Flickr Revell_Star_Destroyer_completed_1 (5) by Dermot Moriarty, on Flickr Revell_Star_Destroyer_completed_6 by Dermot Moriarty, on Flickr Revell_Star_Destroyer_Finished by Dermot Moriarty, on Flickr
  2. Hi all, So these kits were built by my two sons (9 & 12) for the recent IPMS Ireland Nationals where they managed to scoop themselves Gold and Bronze respectively in the Juniors class. Myself and the missus are so proud of the boys as it's their first ever model builds and it's not normally their kind of thing. First up, Tom's bronze U-Wing. In terms of build, he painted some of the engine rear deck and engines with acrylics and the interior cabin and seats too. The guns got a coat of Steel.. Tom's_Revell_U_Wing Tom's_Revell_U_Wing (3) I then explained to Tom about how to do a wash to bring out the detail - this is lots of Flory Models dark dirt just wiped off after an overnight soak (we didn't Klear the model) And yes, the lights still work! Tom's_Revell_U_Wing (4) And the base he made for it - I printed out his chosen concrete design and he cut and glued it to an Ikea frame. Tom's_Revell_U_Wing (5) And with his winning gong.. Tom's_Revell_U_Wing (1) Hugh built Poe Dameron's X Wing from Force Awakens. Again, he painted some of the engine parts and I gave him a 1/72 pilot to paint which i superglued into the cockpit. (c'mon Revell, kids need crew for these fighters!) Hugh's_Revell_X_Wing_1 Hugh's_Revell_X_Wing_ (1) Hugh's_Revell_X_Wing_ (2) He then also gave it a wash but with Flory Models Grime wash. For his base, Hugh wanted to recreate the lake on Takodana from the movie so he used the toilet paper and white glue tip we found here on the Diorama forum. It's not that hard but just needs patience in leaving it to dry. He the gave it a good lashing of acrylic paints using green, black and brown followed by Klear. I then cut some coat hanger wire for him and stuck it in (the weekend's excitement means it needs a repair hence the blue-tac) Hugh's_Revell_X_Wing_ (4) Hugh's_Revell_X_Wing_ (5) And with his gong... Hugh's_Revell_X_Wing_ (6) And that's it. I must admit without any prizes, the lads were really excited to see their models on display with a host of other junior entries, right beside the 'Grown ups' table of super-detailed, super-builds. I don't know if the modelling bug has bitten either of them but they had plenty of fun and some good memories. Sorry about the pic-heavy post. Cheers, Dermot
  3. Hi folk's I ordered a few easy-kit's last month as a mojo restorer and with this GB in mind two were 109's used by non German air forces,I have two Russian subject over in that GB going well so as an alternative to the 1/32 entry which I plan to spread over the period of this GB these will be a much quicker build,now these kits divide opinion sometimes quite rightly but for a stress free build they are hard to beat and they are dirt cheap by most standard's.So first up will be a G10 of the Croatian air force. Open and closed Glazing is supplied as are both early and late wing part's,decals are very crisp colour call out's are always a bit "iffy" so referencing both mark's will be required.The E will be built as a Romanian machine which took me right back to the days of Matchbox! I'll make a start next week once the two Russian aircraft are done.
  4. Build 8 I've been waiting for a chance to build this for ages, I know that sounds daft seeing how it's already built but I only did that to save space (no big big box to store). I plan to do what I always do with these "Easy Kits" and give it a fictional repaint. In this case it's going to become a Sandspeeder and get a desert camouflage paint job. Price: £5.00 from eBay And now it's in pieces again...
  5. Another easy kit repaint just for a bit of fun that took a lot of masking but was worth it in the end Cockpit and pilot (It was Obi-Wan but now it's Jedi Geoff) were repainted as well but I only gave the Astromech droid a bit of a touch up on the seams. I also "enhanced" the cannons with alloy tube and drilled a few holes for a bit of detail. Painted with Revell and Tamiya acrylics and weathered with oil washes, dry brushing and pastels.
  6. As with my previous Star Wars easy kit, I put it together and immediately decided to take it apart and repaint it. Hunting around online for reference photos for the correct colour (the kit was too blue) I found a picture of an Interceptor with red stripes. After a bit of digging around I found that it was the markings for the 181st Imperial Fighter Group, so that's what I decided to do. I repainted the interior, detailed and weathered it plus I painted the pilot in the 181st uniform colours. The exterior was primed and then a few light coats of white followed by gloss red for the stripes. The lines were then masked and I put down a couple of coats of black for the panels. Once the panels were masked the whole model was sprayed with a grey/blue mix. Individual panels/bits were picked out using various colours (mostly greys) followed a couple of coats of Humbrol Clear and then a simple oil wash. Once the excess was removed I sealed it with Tamiya satin varnish. Painted in Revell acrylics apart from the Humbrol Clear and Tamiya satin varnish.
  7. Hi all a few weeks ago I picked up my old Revell Easy Kit tornado for the 90's that i found. It was bought for me as a child. I was already painted in a very bright green with moulded grey plastic and a silver canopy in some anniversary markings with green yellow tail. I looked at it and thought it was in pretty good shape except ive not found the stores yet. I had some humbrol spray can 163 and 27 left and decided to glue it together and paint it just for fun. I think its made a big improvement and nice to see a 1/100 scale tonka. It might not be the most sophisticated model but its the most fun ive had in ages and very refreshing to just throw something together for once in a care free manner. The burners were painted in citadel boltgun metal with citadel nuln oil wash on top and sealed with klear. Cheers for looking I look forward to your comments.
  8. RAF Gladiator 1:72 Hobbyboss The Gloster Galdiator was developed as a private venture with the aim of fulfilling Air Ministry Specification F.7/30. This called for a fighter aircraft armed with four machine guns and capable of 250 mph. Rather than opting for a new design, Gloster opted to develop a proposal from the existing Gauntlet fighter. The resulting aircraft featured aerodynamic improvements, cantilever undercarriage, an extra pair of machine guns, a more powerful engine and, finally, a completely enclosed cockpit. The Gladiator flew for the first time in September 1934 and entered service in January 1937. Such was the pace of aeronautical development in the late 1930s that the Gladiator was becoming obsolete even as it was entering service. Nevertheless, over 700 examples were built (including navalised Sea Gladiators) and it saw action in most theatres of the Second World War. Despite being more demanding to fly than the Gauntlet, the Gladiator was popular with pilots. Perhaps the Galdiators finest hour was the defence of Malta in 1940, when a handful of aircraft formed the entire air defence of the besieged island. Before I get any further, I think its only fair to underline the fact that this kit is part of Hobbybosss easy assembly range. Those demanding the last word in detail should look away now; you are not the market that Hobbyboss is targeting with this kit! The kit arrives packed into a very sturdy top-opening box adorned with a rather quaint photograph of the finished kit superimposed onto a simple image of the sky. Inside the box are two sprues of grey plastic, one small clear sprue and a separately moulded lower fuselage/wing and upper fuselage. In common with other Hobbyboss kits, the parts are extremely well packed. All of the sprues are individually bagged and the more delicate components such as the canopy are wrapped in foam for extra protection. The plastic parts are nicely moulded and surface detail is comprised of fine, engraved panel lines and stretched fabric effect where appropriate. As you might expect from a kit designed to be easy to assemble, the cockpit is a relatively simple affair. It is comprised of a floor/rear bulkead, a seat and a control column. There is no instrument panel to speak of, and no decals to represent luxurious details like flight instruments. The finished assembly clips into two large sockets on the inside of the lower fuselage/wing section. This, in turn, joins to the upper fuselage/tail and completes the substantial part of the airframe. The Bristol Pegasus engine is moulded inside the cowling. This obviously keeps the part count down, but it is a compromise in terms of detail. It also means that the bulbous shape of the cowling has been missed, resulting in a more tube-shaped piece instead. A choice of two airscrews is provided. One has a spinner fitted whilst the other doesnt, but both are variants of the two-bladed version found on the Mk.I. The fit of the upper wing to the rest of the airframe is reminiscent of the old (and in my opinion pretty good) Matchbox kit. The inner struts have to be trapped between the forward fuselage and the separately moulded section that sits forward of the cockpit. The outer struts are parallelograms that fit between the lower and upper wings. A little care will need to be taken to ensure that everything lines up, but Hobbyboss have made things as easy as possible short of providing a jig. The fabric surfaces of the wings, tail planes and rear fuselage are fairly well done, but the underwing machine guns look a little clunky and overscale. The cantilever undercarriage is moulded with separate port and starboard legs, and the wheels are fairly nice. The exhaust pipes that run from the back of the cowling underneath the fuselage are also separately moulded. The canopy is moulded in one piece but is thin and clear, with nice canopy frame lines. Two marking options are provided: K7985 in overall silver. This aircraft forms part of the Shuttleworth Collection at Old Warden; and N5519 Charity. This is actually a Sea Gladiator, which is a bit of a puzzle as the kit features no arrestor hook. The decals are fairly well printed and look reasonably thin and glossy on the sheet, but only major markings and serials are covered. Conclusion As with most of the Hobbyboss Easy Assembly range, this kit wont be to everyones tastes. Ease of assembly is clearly the principal design philosophy behind the range, which means compromises have been made in terms of detail and, in one or two instances, shape. The kit is not entirely spartan, however, and Hobbyboss have done pretty well to cram in as much detail as they have. If you want a richly detailed kit, you might want to hang on and see what Airfix produce later this year. If you just want a quick build (or a model for a youngster to make), then this kit is well worth considerating. Review sample courtesy of
  9. This is a Revell easy kit on sale for half price due to a crushed box. I would love to say it went together easy but it didn't. Since all the parts were pre-painted great care was taken trying to "snap-fit" pose-able joints. Paint had to be carefully scrubbed off in most places and I finally gave up the chase and went for a full re-paint. All the open socket/joints were filled with milliput and smoothed over, an allen key was pressed into the centres just to tart them up a bit. The pilot is some kind of vinyl with some noticable seams, could'nt do much about it, even with brand new blades, so a new paint job was as much as I could do. The base was from an old toilet roll holder and a bit of polyfilla and a very light blue wash. I also added a little bit of scenics water resin.
  10. P-51D / Mustang IV Easy Assemble Authentic Kit 1:48 Hobby Boss Few can hear the Name North American Aviation without thinking of the famous P-51 Mustang, a single seat air superiority fighter/fighter bomber developed by North American Aviation. The prototype was rolled out in September 1940 an astonishing 102 days after the contract was signed with British Purchasing Commission. The Mustang was designed and built during this period, something which would not even be conceivable these days of massive budgets and contract over-runs. The original Mustangs were fitted with Allison engines which were only efficient at lower levels, and most of the original RAF order went to Army Co-operation command for use as ground support aircraft. Its only later in its life when the Mustang airframe was mated with the Merlin Engine that the P-51D or Mustang IV was born. This would turn out to be a truly exceptional aircraft, indeed Capt "Winkle" Brown rated this as one of the top 3 piston engine aircraft he flew, and he flew a lot. A total of 8,156 P-51D's were built: 6,502 at Inglewood, 1,454 at Dallas and 200 by CAC at Fisherman's Bend, Australia. These aircraft served with many Air Forces all over the world after combat service in WWII and Korea. Some were even converted into racers for the famous Reno races, and many survive in flying condition to this day. The Kit At first I thought offering from Hobby Boss would just be an upscaling of their 1.72 kit, however it does provide more parts than its smaller counterpart. and is a different kit, though probably produced from the same CAD drawings. The kit comes in a fairly substantial box, with a view of the two decal schemes on the box lid. The box contains four plastic sprues in pretty much the conventional form for an aircraft of this type. The parts are very well moulded with no flash and the panel lines look appropriate for the scale. The first sprue has the fuselage sides, tail planes, gear doors, landing gear and exhausts. The effect on the tail planes looks a little over done for this scale, and I was disappointed to see that there was no detail on the insides of the cockpit area. Given that this will be seen through the canopy its a little let down, although this is supposed to be an "easy kit". The exhausts look a little small but you are not really able to gauge this 100% while they are still on the sprue. The second sprue holds the upper and lower wings. These look very nice, there is gear well detail built into the wings which looks good to me. The top/bottom wing halves split the guns but these are solid and would have to be drilled out anyway to add a little realism if being tackled by a more advanced modeller. The third sprue carried the prop, wheels & drop tanks. The prop looks good, it looks like a P-51 prop, although the cuff detail is perhaps a little soft. The detail on the wheels also looks a little soft, and the drop tanks look like good representations of the real things, with moulded in sway-braces terminating in the attachment points. The join line has been helpfully placed on the actual seamline that runs around the horizontal circumference of the tank, which is helpful. The fourth sprue is the smallest and covers the cockpit details. These are pretty sparse. You get a one part moulding of the floor with the radio racks behind the seat all in one, which is to be expected at this expected skill level. The seat is a two part affair with the main seat attaching to the armoured(?) part behind it. There is control stick, and the instrument panel has the rudder controls moulded to the bottom of it. If you don't want to paint the panel then a decal is provided. The detail again for this looks a little soft. There are also a pair of poly-caps for attaching the landing gear legs.(not shown), which is quite a good idea, allowing the younger modeller to play with their creation without worrying about the gear legs, although how long this would happen without them getting lost is another matter entirely! There is one clear sprue containing the canopy and rear view mirror, this is exceptionally well packed in its own bag with protective foam wrapping around the part. The canopy is a large one piece unit and looks clear if a little on the thick side. There is a large tab at the front which clicks into the main body and a smaller tab at the back which fits into the canopy run back slot. This is another good idea for the younger modeller, reducing the need to smear glue all over the clear parts. The kit provides two decal options: 1. P-51D 44-14789 USAAF of Capt John B England 362nd FS 8th Air Force. This is an olive drab machine with a yellow & red checked nose, and yellow/red spinner. 2. Mustang IV "Dooleybird" KM272 QV-V No.19 Sqn RAF. There has been some argument in the past as to the original colours used on KM272, Hobby Boss have gone for blue nose checks and yellow canopy surround. I don't know if its right or wrong? but it looks good and should appeal to the younger modeller. In addition to the sheet of main decals a second sheet of stencils is provided. The decals are glossy and in register. I have used Hobby Boss decals on their 1/72 kits and found them to be excellent - these look no different. To test the "Easy Assembly" tag I had a quick 5 minute mad dash at the kit with the sprue cutters and knife, in a completely unscientific way, but with only very basic clean up, no glue and no tape the model comes out like this. Conclusion This is welcome great kit from Hobby Boss. While it might not appeal to the "serious" modeller it is part of a good bridge between snap together kits and full on model kits which should help to get youngsters into modelling. I would also say as nice quick build it could make a nice antidote to a bout of Advanced Modeller Syndrome (AMS), which if untreated can render competent modellers incapable of making progress on a kit whilst struggling for additional references and worrying over colour choices for every tiny aspect of the model. Recommended - especially for the budding modeller. Review sample courtesy of
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