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  1. The Gran Chaco was one of those conflicts, a proxy conflict (in a way), that pitted the two forces against each other for what turned out to be nothing at all. Yet, like so many small conflicts, it was used as a proving ground for current technology (both air and land). They fought for oil, goaded by oil companies, supplied by European powers and found no oil whatsoever. Here's good link... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaco_War This is the RSmodel Curtiss Hawk II...I have lost the box over the years, but the kit is secure in its bag. I'll open it up on Sunday. --John
  2. OK....here is one of 4 aircraft I will be building for this wonderful GB...I have built the RSmodels Hawk II before and it is a decent kit so I don't have any worries at this stage. We shall see! The box art is fun...love those striped floats! This was flown along the Amazon during the Colombian-Peru conflict from 1932-33. The link is informative... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colombia–Peru_War Here is the bag of goodies...a more in depth look will come after the GB commences! --John
  3. Here's another...this is the Peruvian counterpart to the Colombians. I have lost the boxtop for this but the profile is neat. I like the overall olive green with the silver and red and white roundels. And those yellow wings! Smashing! And a good link... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colombia–Peru_War Once the GB begins this weekend, I'll open up the bag... --John
  4. So...I am not sure what to build, the USN off of the USS America from 1976 or the USMC from Desert Storm in '92. In any case, here's the boxtop. Here's the box of sprue...it doesn't look too complicated. Big plane, though. The decals look comprehensive. The USN profile... ...and the USMC... Either way, this means that I now have 5 builds about to begin and with the D-Day GB right around the corner, I think that'll make 6. I might need a bigger bench. 😆 --John
  5. My entry to this GB is the Airfix Puma from 1973. I bought the kit when it came out, intending to build it after my uni exams. I never got round to it, so fifty-one years later, it seems about time. The kit is moulded in the typical Airfix mid grey plastic of the era, and has reasonable detail. It is covered in rivets, as one might expect, and the clear parts are a bit thick. The decal sheet is unusable, and so Modeldecal sheet 67 is coming out for an airing. The 1980s C Scale Puma/Gazelle will also be used. It might be a little while before substantial work happens with this kit, as I have some other GBS on the go for a GB where I am co-host.
  6. Two of these will be floatplanes from the Colombia-Peru War in '32-33. The third will be a Bolivian Hawk from the Gran Chaco in '33. Unfortunately I don't have a suitable kit for the Paraguayans, but I did build the Paraguayan FIAT CR20bis a few years ago, so when all is said and done, I'll display it along with its sisters. Here is some profile art... Colombia and Peru, respectively... ..and Bolivia... I will have to look through the decal files to find the BlueRider Gran Chaco set for the roundels. I'll paint the tail. They all come from the same RS kit and I will build them all simultaneously (if that's allowed). I have built this kit before and it shapes up nicely, if I recall. Here's the boxtops of the kits... Sprue...decals, etc...I correct myself...it looks like I have the Bolivian roundels after all! Kit #3 So...I have my work cut out for me. Assembly line modelling... --John
  7. I'm unsure I should be starting a second build within the GB. Either stupid of fool hardy! Anyway, my Commando Sea King is progressing so well, I thought, why not! So a Whirlwind? One of the original batch delivered to the Fleet Air Arm in March of 1954. These were Sikorsky HO4S-3's being supplied under the MDAP scheme and designated HAS Mk22's The first unit to be supplied was 845 NAS and in those days it was and anti-submarine unit (later becoming a 'Junglie' Commando unit). The aircraft were delivered in overall Gloss Sea Blue, in 1957, this was changed to o/a RAF Blue Grey. I have half a dozen of the Italeri kits in the stash and was responsible for mastering the conversion sets that were available in the then ROTORcraft range. I also researched the various colour schemes on the accompanying decal sheets. The Italeri kit is quite good, with slightly heavy panel lines but the rest is well detailed. The very old Airfix kit is scheduled for re-release. Personally, I'd rather see a re-release f the Italeri kit with RN ad other operators decal options. We're in load shedding ie, no power. I'll come back to this later... So, there I was and then the lights went out!!! A gift from the government. Lets deny the population of continuous power! So, Time for a couple of images... The parts breakdown, sorry, I haven't one of the box art. The decal sheet and conversion kit instructions... I don't think the conversion set and decals are still available. We never put a release date on the instruction sheet. I'll have a look on Scale Mates, see if there is a lead there. I've painted and buttoned up the fuselage, so more pics soon... Colin
  8. Hi everybody, Hope this is the right spot where to post this but, surfing through the pages of a Facebook publication the other day, I came across this excellent rendering of the good-old Fokker F-28 Mk1000 kit in 1/72nd scale I thought I'd share here with you. These are some takes of the resin works: So far, I've only learnt that the medium is resin, and that the author offers different versions for decals. Apparently, versions are just for the aircraft in the service of the Argentine Air Force, the Armada and Aerolíneas Argentinas airline. There seems to be an option for deployable flaps as well. Some additional takes on the finished kit in the different services: Last, I dunno what the kit exact dimensions may be in 1/72, but here's a good comparison for those of you who know what the F-28 dimensions are in 1/144th scale Unfortunately, it's not my scale, but if you're interested, and you're a Facebook user, you might ask Juan Carlos Domizio about price and shipping quotes at his page here Wish Juan Carlos would upscale this kit to 1/48. Hope you like it. Cheers, Igna
  9. I'll throw my hat into the ring with this one. Trumpeter's nice looking little Leopard. Not too complex. The hardest part will be the paint job. Obligatory sprue... More details to come. Suffice to say I have some current builds I need to get off the bench first. And I have until August 27 to build this. Siga, siga, as we say around here. --John
  10. Morning all, I was rummaging around in the loft earlier this week and stumbled upon this long-forgotten build from... 2015. Where has 5 years gone? To cut a long story short, I entered this as part of the non-injected group build and as usual ran of steam during the GB and never got it done. However, I've decided to give it some love and have since added the stabilisers and fins, added some resin engines (kindly donated by a fellow BM member years ago,) found some reasonably shaped air intakes for the top of the engines and given it a coat of primer: Untitled by Thomas Probert, on Flickr Untitled by Thomas Probert, on Flickr Lots of surface details to reinstate, but not too far off paint which is always good for the motivation. Tom
  11. I have a 19 Sqn RFC SPAD VII over here... I'll let that one sit for a bit while I continue my 'Personal 19 Sq Build' and dovetail it with this GB. I'll start in a a bit, maybe this weekend. I hadn't seen that this GB had even begun! I hope there are not overwhelming airframe differences between the F Mk.8 and the Mk. 8...If there are, please suspend disbelief! 😁 Sprue shots coming... -John
  12. I will be happy to build this one. It looks to be a very simple kit and so I will build it that way. Let's hope all the pieces fit together. Sprue... Profile from the Synart decal set... Should look good next the Belgian Hunter... --John
  13. Afternoon all, Here's the latest model to take off from my bench - the new-tool Airfix 1/72nd Avro Vulcan BMk2. After grafting on some very long-term projects of late I decided I needed something relatively straightforward for a system reset and mojo reboot and this proved to be just the project. I found it an absolute delight to build - actual construction only took four evenings and the whole model was completed in just under two weeks. In fact, it's the first model I can remember in absolutely ages that I didn't put down for a few weeks and return to it later as I'd lost interest - I just wanted to keep going! As with most of Airfix new-tool kits, tolerances are very tight indeed and therefore I gave each surface to be glued a quick swipe with a sanding pad and this meant an almost perfect fit for all components. I was really impressed with how the intakes went together, and with a quick swipe of Milliput White they look seamless with the minimum of effort. I wanted to do a later version than is currently supplied in the box so bought an Xtradecal sheet to make a 101 Squadron machine based at RAF Waddington in the mid 1970s. Two type of jet pipes are provided in the kit, and I had no idea which were fitted to this aircraft so went with the same as the one currently preserved at Duxford as they seemed of the same vintage. The kit's bomb bay is beautifully rendered and with some careful painting comes up beautifully out of the box. If you build this kit, don't waste your time detailing the interior of the cockpit as next to nothing can be seen - I just did the absolute basics. Xtracolor enamels were used throughout and I gave it a satin varnish as these machines seemed very well maintained in service and other than a few streaks and stains here and there, I kept her reasonably clean as period photos suggest. I recommend this kit to anyone looking for a large and impressive model in their display cabinet but not requiring a huge amount of effort - it's a pleasure! Tom
  14. This will be, out of necessity, another OOB kit. I have three weeks in which to build her. I think I can do it. Crossed fingers. Simple and clean looking Airfix sprue. Nothing too complex. Good for me. And the profile. If I can make a big dent in this today I'll be in good shape. --John
  15. My second build in this GB will be the Trumpeter F-106B two seat Delta Dart. It's currently the only injection moulded 1/72nd twin stick F-106, Trumpeter also make one in 1/48th. It looks a nice kit, when it arrived I clipped the main parts off the sprues to check against a set of plans that I had, you never know with a Trumpy kit if you are getting a race horse or a donkey. While it is not as detailed as the Meng single seat Dart, the basics are there and it appears to fit together well. Here is the kit with the main parts loose, the rest are still in their plastic bags, I also have a Master brass pitot tube, this and a set of resin wheels from Reskit are the only AM available, not even a canopy masking set is listed to help make this kit. Decals will come from the same Caracal decal sheet that I'm using on my single seat Dart build, with extra codes, national markings and stencils from the Fundekals sheet. The 49th FIS markings are the stylised eagle seen on the tail of the lower image on the Caracal cover sheet. I started off by painting the cockpit parts and the exhaust components so that I can get the fuselage assembled, all straight forward, no problems so far, I just had to make some seat straps from Tamiya masking tape, I've just got to add the kit decals to the instrument panels and the office will be ready. I thought that building 1/72nd Darts instead of my normal scale of 1/48th would be quicker, I didn't anticipate keep having to get down and find the little parts that keep falling to the floor, it's the time to get up again that's taking the time! The wings are a simple assembly without any separate control surfaces and a one piece insert for the main undercarriage bay, so after painting the u/c bay interior green with a bit of dry brushing to highlight the details, the wing parts were assembled, again, everything fitted very well. The cockpit tub just clicks into the fuselage and with the exhaust pipe parts ready for assembly it will not be long before I can get the fuselage glued together and the wings fitted. Thanks for looking, any comments or questions are welcome.
  16. Here's the box art... A profile... From above... Sprue...nice little bit of PE. Probably for the cockpit. Might skip it. I also have an old Airfix kit (light blue plastic) that, if I am able, I will make as the Croat bird. See you all in a bit! --John
  17. At the start of the 1991 Gulf War, following Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in 1990, the RAF sent 60 Tornado GR.1s to Saudi Arabia carry out frontline service. The RAF called it Operation Granby. I plan to build the Eduard re-boxing of Revell's 1/72nd scale Tornado GR.1 in the configuration of the first nights raid against Iraq's airfields armed with JP233 airfield denial weapons. Here is a photo of the kit and the resin accessories that I have obtained to build ZA452 that was named 'Gulf Killer'. Perhaps some of the resin AM is over-kill but it's bought now so I will use it. Here are the kit parts still on their runners: There is also the S.B.S. resin nose to correct the kits known problem with the radome shape, the nose correction set also includes a Master brass pitot probe. Paint will be Xtracolour Gulf war desert pink with Tamiya acrylics for the detail painting. Any help or suggestions will be most welcome, especially from anyone that was 'there' on 20 Sqn or has experience in building this kit. Let the fun commence. Bob.
  18. Evening all, A rather large package arrived from Hannants today - Mach 2's 1/72nd DC-8 has finally arrived! Having got my civvy-aviation mojo thoroughly going, I've dived right in this very evening... I've gone for the Iberia scheme as I love its retro look: Untitled by Thomas Probert, on Flickr The box is literally crammed with parts: Untitled by Thomas Probert, on Flickr Instructions are - how can we put it? - basic, but should do the job on a relatively simple kit such as this: Untitled by Thomas Probert, on Flickr Paint guide and decals, which seem to be nicely printed: Untitled by Thomas Probert, on Flickr A bit of flash to clean up here and here, but surface detail is nicely done: Untitled by Thomas Probert, on Flickr Untitled by Thomas Probert, on Flickr Untitled by Thomas Probert, on Flickr Transparencies are done as individual cabin windows, and the cockpit has the roof section moulded integrally: Untitled by Thomas Probert, on Flickr So... tonight I've made a start and I've begun by joining the rearmost section of fuselage containing the tail cone to the main fuselage parts. I like to work on fuselages in one piece and from experience it's easier to get a good, clean join this way. First of all I have cleaned the mating surfaces with a file to ensure they are perfectly true: Untitled by Thomas Probert, on Flickr Not really trusting butt-joints I have added a ring of plastic card around each section: by Thomas Probert, on Flickr Here the upper fuselage is glued and clamped, whilst the lower is just a dry-fit, which as you can see is a pretty good fit: Untitled by Thomas Probert, on Flickr And even better news is I've just offered up the fuselage halves and they are identical in length/depth - so far, so good! Updates are likely to be sporadic due to work and other projects on the go, so bear with me! Tom
  19. Good afternoon everyone, Here is my recently completed 1/72nd scale Canadair Argus, converted from the Mach 2 Bristol Britannia using the recently-released Aircraft in Miniature conversion set. It was quite a challenging build with the base kit not being the best starting point, but I'm pleased with the end result. Decals came from Belcher and were superb. Regards to all, Rob
  20. It has finally happened....Eduard has released the DVII in 1.72nd scale...the first is the Library Edition post-war Czech air force and the second will be a profile pack from WW1. I am hoping that Hannants will have the Library Edition soon...I have pre-ordered the other. Good things do come to those who wait (and suffer with Roden) --John
  21. A recent completion is Sava-M Models' 1/72nd scale Gulfstream 500 "J-Star" which is used by the USAF as a surveillance platform. Quite a nice kit, built straight from the box. Xtracolor enamels used throughout. Regards, Rob
  22. Some designs just seem to embody the Golden Age Divine Proportion. I know we all have our favorites, I have many, but the Gamma is one I keep going back to. I have built it first a lot of years ago following the original boxing: But more recently I went for seconds and thirds, incapable of resisting the need to extract more flavorful modeling juice from it, building it in some of its more exciting incarnations: I have now the Arctic Decals/Dekno resin/decals set that was released after my build, to do the Conqueror Cochrane again (you need a particular Azur-FRROM kit for that), but once more I couldn't resist taking the awkwardest path, and decided instead to do the very long nose conversion withe the stripy cowl used by Jackie Cochran, powered by a Pratt & Whitney Twin Wasp Jr. for the 1935 Bendix race. I got a number of photos of it, and the old and venerable Williams Bros kit. Again a lot of surgery will be needed to modify the fuselage top, the nose, and the details on the kit that are not just quite right (rudder, for starters, and cockpit). Since I have done this 2G conversion before, I know what I am in for (sigh...). I am still looking for a plan/drawing of the plane, but it will be very easy to extrapolate from photos to extend that nose and work out the details associated with it's Pinocchio characteristics (Pinocchio, now what that reminds me of? ah! a president!) I have pulled out the kit and started already to separate and clean the useful parts -many will have to be discarded-, but today I don't want to complicate my life with photos and posting them, so the graphic part of this will have to wait for a little while, meanwhile this station will continue with its regular programming (the pending two Ju-86s, Republic Seabee, Vultee V-1D, London Bus, and Supermarine Sea Lion, all the latter just needing decals that are in transit) Aiiiiiiiooooo Silver!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Lone stRanger
  23. Before the SAS and their modified Willys...before the LRDG and their Chevys...before László Almásy and his desert explorations...there were these guys. The Light Car Patrol. Model T Fords, driven by English, Australians, South Africans, Kiwis...from east to west across the roof of Africa, charting paths from one oasis to the next. This kit is the RPM US Marine Gunnery car, fixed up a little bit cooler than that. I used online sources (many to be had) as well as the excellent "Light Car Patrol 1916-19" book. Excellent pictures and better reading. These were the original Desert Rats. Lots of scratch building. The PE seat is from Eduard. Lewis gun from the soarer box. Almost everything else scavenged and scratched except the kit itself. The kit was alright. It has its faults. The axles are too wide for the body. No attachment points so it is "guess and glue". All the paints are Vallejo and Vallejo Air. The dirt is from outside in the carpark. The map in the background is one of two reproductions from the LCP book. The WiP is here... And something to show some scale... Now...László Almásy...that gives me an idea...I think I have a ZIS-AA in the stash somewhere...Hmmm...dare I? --John
  24. Hi all I hope you’re all keeping well? I thought I’d show you the latest model that has been keeping me amused through lockdown. It’s the Anigrand Craftworks 1/72nd scale Martin 130 Flying Boat. As usual with Anigrand kits it was not an easy build. Paints were from Xtracolor. Best regards to all, Rob
  25. Well, I was going to wait to the eleventh, but as so many of you have put up what you are doing, I might as well jump in. My contribution to this group build is the 1/72nd resin Spitfire prototype from CMR and a conversion using the Airfix Spitfire Ia and a conversion kit for the PRIF from Airkit. This is a resin conversion kit designed for the 1979 Airfix MKIa, but they look as if they will fit with some fettling The CMR kit represents the Spitfire prototype after it had been painted and the first set of changes made to the rudder and possibly the wings. It comes in a sturdy cardboard with the contents well packed and padded against breakage and loss. The resin parts appear to be well cast with only the odd air bubble. The parts, as can be seen from the photo are on moulding blocks that look to be straightforward to remove with care. Decals for the first prototype are printed on two sheets to give enough serials and are in register, I suspect they will be very thin and require careful handling. There is good detail on the resin parts with very neat surface detailing and a good interior that is enhanced by the inclusion of some coloured PE by Eduard for the seat belts, instrument panel and a couple of other parts. A choice of vacformed canopies is given with the later still of canopy seen on early MKIs fitted with the flat top canopy. Spares are given and the canopies look very clear. Separate rudder and elevators are provided. The kit looks like a good package and I look forward to starting on it, the one piece wing might make life a bit easier. I have a an old bottle of Compucolour Supermarine Grey that will form the basis of a match in acrylics for the airframe colour as there is still debate as to the actual colour, it does have a nice 30’s look to it. The Airkit conversion dates to the 1990’s and produced by a P Lucas. I wonder if that is the same Paul Lucas who writes in SAM? It consists of resin parts for the new deeper oil tank in the nose, a fuel tank behind the pilots seat, a pair of large underwing blisters and smaller ones for the top and a new part for the under fuselage where the cameras are. Not sure I will use that piece as cutting the bit of the undersides on the wing-rear fuselage fairing looks more trouble than it is worth. A quite thin vacformed canopy with side blisters is also supplied and will need careful handling. One of the big differences between the earlier and latest Airfix Ia’s is the way the canopies fit on to the fuselage. No decals are provided but I have an old Almarks and a Model Alliance sheet that have suitable markings. Clear instructions are given on a type written photocopied A4 sheet in the manner of pre home computer cottage industry days. Provided the replacement oil tank and canopy fit, should be an interesting build.
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