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Pyotr Velikiy Cruiser- Paint pot diorama

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HI there!

I return after a break on the 1:35 vulcan I am doing to make a small a diorama which was based on a photo I found a long time ago, which can be viewed from the link that follows: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/t1.0-9/10458751_10203908042248762_3892002888483155375_n.jpg

Anyway, from that I had a go at my own which includes the missile cruiser Pyotr Velikiy made in what i like to call "SprueScale" which is a scale of 1:8400, with the models being made entirely from sprue and other bits. The base is a clear plasticard covered in a glue/ground sprinkle mixture and then painted the blue from the tin, the aircraft is from the 1:720 Italeri Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier and everything has been secured with superglue to reduce the chance of it becoming displaced.

That's all for today, Vulcan progress will be made tomorrow.

Bye for now!





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  • 3 weeks later...

Thats cool, love it

Sam. ....

that's a canny little Diorama. .

Very well done. ... Superb


Cheers guys!

Much appreciated, no gurantees as to when but I am intending to start work on a tiny, "spruescale" small vignette/diorama of a Topol-M missile being launched, all depends on what time I have left from schoolwork.



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