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  1. @jimmaas, In view of the pending SH kit and your comments- not to mention your knowledge of the theater and colors/markings, I was thinking that the NEI Martin WH-3/3A's with the Wright R-1820's would be a very nasty-looking version, and even if Special Hobby doesn't do it, it would be a fairly easy conversion. I found this article, and thought it might be of interest, providing you don't already have it. Didn't we have some discussion and reference photos on this version a few years back? Not being one of those who whines about a favorite version not being done before a kit is even released, I don't care which version is produced; I will just be happy to get a more state of the art B-10! Regards! Mike https://thejavagoldblog.wordpress.com/background-info-book-1/airplanes-2/glenn-martin-b10-bombers-in-dutch-service/
  2. KingTiger435

    Gecko photos

    Hello everyone! Despite being here for a year or 3 (wow, time flies) now, I've just noticed I've never shared a single photograph of my little pet on here. Without further ado, here she is, she is called Rex, I've had her for just under 4 years. Hope you enjoyed looking at these photos of her.
  3. Yowzah! Can't wait to see the RFI's on this one! For my two fellow Bent-Wing Buddies! @corsaircorp @Corsairfoxfouruncle Love the salmon primer! Mike https://warbirdsnews.com/warbird-restorations/combat-veteran-vought-f4u-1-birdcage-corsair-restoration-update.html
  4. Found this just now. Very interesting photos and descriptions of the three prototypes and one production aircraft. I had never seen or read about the lone production example and was amazed to see it had contra-rotating props. Probably old hat to @Chris Thomas, but thought some of you would find this of interest. IIRC, I have a resin conversion to do the Centaurus powered prototype. Very handsome beast! Mike https://oldmachinepress.com/2020/12/20/hawker-tornado-fighter/
  5. Another weird but wonderful design from those same crazy folks who brought us the Hughes H-1! The XF-11 recon aircraft was developed after the D-2 and was completed, although the prototype crashed with Hughes as the pilot, severely injuring him. Mike https://oldmachinepress.com/2015/11/23/hughes-d-2/
  6. I thought many of you might enjoy this post- especially my new modeling friends across the pond. A very famous B-17G named after a very classy lady. Two classics, to be sure! Mike https://www.thisdayinaviation.com/2021/07/06/ BTW, this website, This Day in Aviation History, is an outstanding one for significant aviation events; if you have the time, going through the calendar dates will be entertaining and enlightening. https://www.thisdayinaviation.com/
  7. While I was messaging with one of our 'regulars' on C-130's and the Zvezda new-tool kit, I was reminded of the short-lived demo team that flew C-130A's. I was a fortunate young lad, whose father was attached to the 516th TCW at the time, and got to see them fly. What a thrill to see Herks thrown around like fighters! Those were golden days for a teen-aged planespotter and model builder. I hope you will find the links of interest. Sure couldn't get away with something like that nowadays! Gotta love those C-130A's- they were the hot rods and sports cars of the line! Note the Herk in the slot in dayglo orange versus the red arctic high viz markings! If you're a Herk lover, I think you will like seeing these! Mike https://youtu.be/hvvoKch5gAI https://aerobaticteams.net/en/teams/i196/Four-Horsemen. https://www.codeonemagazine.com/c130_gallery_video.html?item_id=40 https://www.sammcgowan.com/horsemen.html https://theaviationgeekclub.com/the-story-of-the-four-horsemen-the-usaf-c-130-demonstration-team/
  8. I recall we had some discussion on this P-47 variant a while back, but I found a couple of photos that I don't recall seeing before, so I have posted links to them below, as well as a description/specs/ IIRC, Koster did a 1/48 conversion, and there were also a couple of short run conversions/kits in 1/72 scale, but I don't recall who did all of them- Sharkit was one, I think. The fastest Jug of them all, and I believe it was the only US single-engine prop-driven aircraft to top 500 mph in WW2. That's pushing a 7-ton milk bottle pretty darned fast! Mike photo caption stated this was taken at an airshow at Wright-Patterson Field in 1947 http://rob.com/bream/1947WPAFBairshow/DSC07679.jpg photo taken at Farmingdale after a test flight https://i.pinimg.com/736x/10/46/5f/10465f46099f24027cb7711043a5aa4b.jpg history, specs, and photos https://oldmachinepress.com/2013/12/17/republic-xp-47j-superbolt/
  9. I seem to recall we had some discussion on the Howard 500 conversion of the Ventura into a high speed executive transport quite a while back, and while looking for some reference photos on another Lockheed/Vega aircraft, I stumbled upon a site that has a description, history, and photos of the airplane. IIRC @rob Lyttle was either working on a conversion or was wanting information on it, so I hope the old Mk 1a memory banks haven't failed me yet again. I think there are only two flyable examples in existence- both owned by the same person! I saw the 1st one built on the Dee Howard ramp in San Antonio when I was a teen- had no idea how significant it was at the time! Mike https://www.deehoward.org/the-dee-howard-legacy/innovations/howard-aero-innovations/item/howard-500 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAvfJGCqE40 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8YogYSBcmU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HBmeWL-or0
  10. This popped up while I was looking for some RAAF P-43A references! Martin Kyburz has maintained an incredible website for Mustang maniacs for many years, and has an outstanding collection of photos; he's a regular on the P-51 SIG. I thought the many period color photos of the Allison Mustangs and P-51B/C's would be very timely, what with the expected release of the Arma Hobby P-51B/C kit. He and Charles Neely have most likely forgotten more about Mustangs than most of us will ever know- enjoy! Mike https://swissmustangs.ch/
  11. Found this on the 100th BG website- some great modeling project possibilities! Mike Home - 100th Bomb Group (Heavy) Foundation (100thbg.com)
  12. With the release of the new-tool Airfix kit as well as the fact that there are many modelers who like the Vc's in those markings, I thought it might be useful to start a forum topic where interested modelers could post and have one location for rreferences. One reason I like SAAF Spits, especially No. 2 and No, 3 Sq. Vc's is they are about the only units that used the 4 cannon fit to any extent- in Italy. Probably not going to post anything on the topic that @tonyot doesn't already have in his archives, but you never know.... To get the ball rolling, here is a nice photo/cpf I just discovered of a No. 1 Sq Vb, which as it turns out, is incorrectly identified as a Vc. (Thanks for the correction, guys!) Mike (Link originannly posted does not work- see proper link below!)
  13. While looking for new to me XP-47J photos, I found this very thorough history of the development of the P-47 Thunderbolt that I thought some of you might enjoy reading. From the Cradle of Aviation Museum archives. I know it will never happen, but I sure would welcome a kit or conversion to make a J- the fastest WW2 single engine piston-powered fighter. I've got a 1/72 Tamiya razorback Jug set aside....someday! (IIRC, there was a resin kit long ago OOP, but I don't recall the maker.) Mike https://www.cradleofaviation.org/history/history/aircraft/p-47_thunderbolt_aviation_darwinism.html https://oldmachinepress.com/2013/12/17/republic-xp-47j-superbolt/
  14. While looking for new to me XP-47J photos, I found this very thorough history of the development of the P-47 Thunderbolt that I thought some of you might enjoy reading. From the Cradle of Aviation Museum archives. I know it will never happen, but I sure would welcome a kit or conversion to make a J- the fastest WW2 single engine piston-powered fighter. I've got a 1/72 Tamiya razorback Jug set aside....someday! (IIRC, there was a resin kit long ago OOP, but I don't recall the maker.) Mike https://www.cradleofaviation.org/history/history/aircraft/p-47_thunderbolt_aviation_darwinism.html https://oldmachinepress.com/2013/12/17/republic-xp-47j-superbolt/
  15. With all the Lancaster builds going on at the moment, I've been doing a bit of research into that aircraft. One bit of intel that has come up is about the CSB or Capital Ship Bomb. Unfortunately, other than written information, there are no photos or drawings of this weapon. Does anyone have anything on this? Chris
  16. I thought this might be of interest to many of you, especially with the announcement by Hasegawa that they are going to re-release their 1/72 P2V-7 kit. Mike http://www.axis-and-allies-paintworks.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?15236
  17. While looking for cockpit photos of a P2V-5 for another topic discussion, I found this excellent website dedicated to the AP-2H and its use in Vietnam. I have seen a couple of these done as conversions, and they were both very impressive. IIRC, there might have been an aftermarket conversion set for this variant, and I think there is a preserved example out there. Enjoy! @RidgeRunner- How about this one instead, Martin? http://vpnavy01.com/websites/vah21/history.html#09 I was right! Here is a photo and history of the sole survivor. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Lockheed_AP-2H_Neptune,_USA_-_Navy_AN1026156.jpg
  18. I found this just now, and it was a very interesting site from both a modeling and historical perspective. It notes all of the components of the B-29 that were supplied by various auto manufacturers. There are some very nice period photos and a list of the serials of all the Martin-built B-29's, including two of the more famous Silverplate aircraft. The Martin-built Superforts were said to be the highest quality, and when Col. Paul Tibbets toured the plant to see how production of the Silverplate Superforts was going, he personally selected the one that he was going to fly. I thought this might be of interest. Mike https://usautoindustryworldwartwo.com/b-29-usautoindustry.htm
  19. This popped up while looking for some Vengeance undercart photos for a recent discussion! This one was new to me, and I thought it might be of interest to some of you. A pretty distinctive-looking aircraft- reminds me somewhat of the Fairey Spearfish or a B7A Grace on steroids! Looks like this one is right up Anigrand's alley! Enjoy! Mike https://www.plane-encyclopedia.com/category/ww2/us/
  20. Here's some sightly editted pictures I took in October 2018 at the North East Sea, Land and Air Museum (N.E.S.L.A.M)
  21. I'm not a WW1 modeler, per se, but I found this website while looking for propeller information on a WW2 subject, and I thought it might be of interest to WW1 and between the wars modelers. I hope it hasn't been posted before. I was torn between this forum and the interwar forum, but think it is more appropriate here. (Julien or Mike- if you think it is more suited to the other forum, please feel free to move it!) Mike http://www.woodenpropeller.com/
  22. I just stumbled upon this engine that I never knew existed, while looking for XB-42 details, and it was a very interesting article, so I am posting a link to it below for any of you that might also find it of interest. A little too late in its development, I guess, but would certainly have been a very effective powerplant for a twin or four-engined aircraft, like say a PM-1 Mercator, PBM-5, C-82 B-29, or C-97. Mike https://oldmachinepress.com/2013/03/22/wright-aeronautical-r-4090-cyclone-22/
  23. I was watching an old movie titled The Beginning or the End, about the dropping of the atomic bombs in 1945, and it had very nice actual footage and studio-made segments on the atomic bombs dropped by the 509th Composite Group. Very nice classic B-29 footage! It reminded me that all of the Silverplate B-29's were Martin-built at their Omaha, NE plant, and that Col. Paul Tibbets picked his mount personally when he visited to check on the progress of the modifications to the aircraft. I have attached a link to specs, photos, and history of the Silverplate B-29's.The 74th anniversary of the missions just passed, August 6 and August 9, 1945. Amazing that both of the B-29's that dropped atomic bombs were preserved and that they were both flown to their respective museums from storage. I hope the link will be of interest. (You could tell the studio-created footage, as the props on the B-29's they used to represent Enola Gay and The Great Artiste were Hamilton Standard instead of the correct Curtiss-Electric reversible props fitted to the Silverplate B-29's.) Mike https://www.thisdayinaviation.com/tag/silverplate/
  24. I have attached a link to a site that has description, history, and photos of P-61 Black Widows that were on the civil registry after the war. NX30020 used to be based here in San Antonio where I live, and I remember seeing her parked on the ramp next to the American Airlines Airfreight hangar where my uncle worked at the time. I wish I had taken pictures of her back then, but during my teenage years, I was more involved with building and flying control line models than plastic ones! Mike http://napoleon130.tripod.com/p61blackwidow/id38.html
  25. I thought a new (Well, really not new!) discussion topic on the subject might be better than hijacking (Can you still use that term post-9-11?) the original thread. I have posted links to two photos that I think might be helpful. One is of a restored Bf-109G-10 and the other is of a restored Bf-109E. Both were taken from about the same angle and view. It appears to me, and I'm probably wrong, that the location of the mounting points for the landing gear struts is the same for both aircraft. The track, or angle that the struts are splayed outboard, seems to be greater on the G-10. That would perhaps account for the new upper wing bulges on the G-10 and other variants. I think another factor might be the missing panels that should be inboard of the struts in the G-10 photo that give the illusion of the struts being moved further outboard. In the Jochen Prien book on the Bf-109 F, G, and K, he states that the angle of the axles and struts was changed, as was the size of the wheels, but not the location. Does this help or make sense? Mike https://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=kVpkXPLLHYXKsQWT5L_YDg&q=Bf-109G-6+undercarriage+track&oq=Bf-109G-6+undercarriage+track&gs_l=img.12...131366.136742..139133...0.0..0.79.1385.20......0....1..gws-wiz-img.......0i30j0i24.eq5b1RiJvFI#imgrc=gzcAWZq78AHo1M:&spf=1550080811755 https://www.google.com/search?q=Bf-109G-6+landing+gear&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=v2_ywA0QlLfVCM%3A%2C1pIOpja9yBcnnM%2C_&usg=AI4_-kS9iJis44BHtQ24l0KvWoaNrRUWxQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjhmLG1pLngAhUL7qwKHZktCYYQ9QEwAHoECAMQBA#imgrc=PlRd81bc6GDcGM:&spf=1550080671289
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