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Found 7 results

  1. Hi all, How about this? One of the earliest Night Fighters courtesy of Airfix's 1/72 scale model - To be built OOB but as I'm a glutton for punishment it'll be rigged whilst we're at it. Kind regards IanJ
  2. Airfix 1/72 BE2c and Skunkworks 1/72 MQ-9 Reaper, both in 39 Squadron RAF markings. The BE2c is as flown by William Leefe Robinson VC in 1916 when 39 RFC were a home defence squadron, and the MQ-9 is as flown by 39 Squadron currently, also from the UK, but with a very different mandate. The Reaper is surprisingly massive. The MQ-9 isn't my best work - the lack of interior means it really goes together quickly. A little too quickly in fact and it's a bit of a mess. Luckily, there are two kits in the box, so I'll crack on with the other at some point. The BE2c is a very complicated kit for it's size IMO. My first attempt at rigging a biplane and second attempt at a WW1 aircraft. I'd give it another go though. The rigging is Uschi van der Rosten Rig That Thing Superfine, and is held on with superglue and swear words. Both brush painted with a combination of Tamiya, Gunze and Humbrol colours. Thanks for looking. Spasmo.
  3. Has anyone attempted any conversions from the lovely little Airfix 1/72 BE2c kit? I was thinking of: BE2e (using extra Airfix top wing to extend span) BE12a (as above but maybe with the addition of RE8 engine parts?) RE8 (Airfix kit tarted up with as many bits as possible from BE2c kit?) Generally I'd like to tap into the experience of others but in particular I don't have a copy of the ancient RE8 kit and wouldn't want to buy one if it won't facilitate a decent BE12a or RE8.
  4. My B.E.2c with black and white chequered fuselage (Airfix 02104) crawls towards completion. I normally don't do WWI (seduced by the box-art again!) so have a few questions for the WW1 experts and in particular those who have already completed this kit. 1. The Airfix instructions appear to show the exhaust pipes as slightly canted inwards. I always thought they were vertical. Who is right please? 2. The Airfix instructions show the engine nacelle as painted in Humbrol 64. This seems a very light grey to me. When I built the Bristol Fighter and D.H.4 back in the 70s, we were pointed at a colour more like Dark Sea Grey or Dark Admiralty Grey for similar areas. Are Airfix benefiting from more recent research or have they got it wrong? (I see the Windsock publication on the Sopwith Pup refers to Battleship Grey for such areas but the colour equation is given in Methuen (IBI, ICI) which means nothing to me. If not 64, then what instead? 3. Are the Airfix fuselage roundels sufficiently opaque to stop the underlying chequers showing through or do I need to apply them over a white backing disk? 4. The rudder stripe transfers do not quite meet on the centreline. Poorly matching touch-ups look worse than none at all. Any tips on paints for a perfect match to the blue and red, ideally straight out of the tin? (I'm currently inclining towards a 50:50 mix of Xtracolor X603 Flanker Blue/Grey and Humbrol 109 WW1 Blue.) By the way, it is not that long ago that Airfix transfers were a very bad joke. Fortunately Hornby changed all that. In particular I take my hat off to the person who designed the transfers for this boxing. This is the most ambitious transfer scheme I can recall attempting. The alignment of the chequers is not quite perfect (given some of the compound curves on the fuselage spine it's hard to imagine how it could be) but fit, flexibility and opacity are all excellent. Well done!
  5. New Airfix kit announced: 1/72nd Royal Aircraft Factory BE2c Source: http://www.airfix.com/uk-en/news/workbench/workbench-behind-the-scenes-at-airfix/ V.P.
  6. I'm making one of the new Airfix BE2c's. Airfix suggest using Humbrol 98 Chocolate for the engine covers, and upper front decking. I can only find it as an enamel and I've pretty well converted to acrylics. I don't think it's available from Humbrol, so the question is, is there a good acrylic equivalent. For brushing so Tamiya is probably a no no.
  7. Morning all, I haven't done a WIP in a while so I thought I might have a go with the new Airfix BE2c (1:72). I'm planning to do this as an "out of the box" build-apart from one or two scratchbuilt details along the way. First, the kit. A nice, small and sturdy box The contents. Exceptionally good decals, very neat! Clear windscreens without any blemishes, the only problem is that they are terribly small! The sprues- one or two ejector pin marks on the inside of the fuselage- but these are out of sight when the cockpit is fitted. Sam
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