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Found 3 results

  1. Happy Easter All - Here's the Hobby Boss Achzarit APC (Early). Pretty good kit overall with good PE which was easier to work with than many I've come across. I used the new AK Real Colours paint which I was very pleased with. When the Achzarit first came into service the IDF was just moving over to the grey Sinai Grey from the sand Sinai Grey if you see what I mean. Last photo with it's ugly sister. Usual comments and criticisms welcome - the left had track does need a re-tension but it was too late when I noticed Cheers David
  2. Israeli Achzarit, for Meng 1:35 Eduard Well it’s another month and Eduard have released another load of etched detail sets. This one is for the Meng Achzarit armoured personnel carrier. The single sheet of relief etched brass contains numerous parts to super detail the hull. As with most Eduard sets, some of the kit details will need to be removed before the etched parts are added. These include the front plate of the side skirts, all the brackets, locker handles, hand holds and tie downs on the upper hull, along with the mounting bracket for the fire extinguisher and fixtures around the main machine gun mounting. Whilst most of the parts require simple folding but there are a few parts that will need careful rolling to shape, particularly the curved mudguards on the rear underside of the track guards. The set also included the ID panels fitted around the vehicle; these require the modeller to run a ball point pen around the edges to give further relief detail. The machine guns receive new ammunition belts, ammunition boxes and their respective mounts; new rear sights are also included. The commander machine gun mount with the same parts, but also has the option of being fitted with a chain gun style feed belt from inside the vehicle, along with the various fittings and fixtures required. Conclusion The Meng Achzarit is already a beautifully detailed kit, but the moulded details can sometimes appear a bit clunky. With this set, these details are replaced with fine details that only etched brass can replicate. So if you want to go the whole hog and make a super detailed kit of the Achzarit then this set will suit you down to the ground. Highly recommended. Review sample courtesy of
  3. The latest from Meng on their FB page. "MENG has announced this 1/35 scale SS-003 Israel Heavy Armoured Personnel Carrier Achzarit Early kit. It consists of 242 parts on 10 sprues, 1 PE fret and 2 TPE tracks. It provides decals and paint schemes for 3 units. As previous MENGs Israeli model kits, this kit is also supported by Desert Eagle Publishings most authoritative reference material. MENGs team not only focus on accuracy and details of the model, but also optimize the building process. Hope you will enjoy it. " http://www.meng-model.com/new.php?id=380 Will look good next to their Bulldozer and Merkava! Julien
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