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Found 9 results

  1. In 2024-2025 Trumpeter is to release a 1/32nd Lockheed S-3B Viking kit - ref. 03236 Source: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Ug4y1S7Sh/ V.P.
  2. Trumpeter is to release a 1/72nd Lockheed S-3 Viking kit - ref. 01653 Source: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/8249037080 V.P.
  3. Some S-3 Vikings on the NAS North Island ramp, March 1982. Had some time to kill as my Test Pilot School class waited at North Island for our COD transport to the USS Ranger for carrier operations familiarization. 157996 of VS-41 159396 of VS-41 159417 of VS-41 159750 of VS-41 160124 of VS-21 160127 of VS-33 160128 of VS-33 160132 of VS-33, with COD pod. 160133 of vs-33 160598 of VS-29 Thanks for looking, Sven
  4. The ES-3A Shadow was a spin off from the Lockheed S-3 Viking which was designed as a specialist in Anti Submarine Warfare. The ES-3A was developed for Long Range Electronic Reconnaissance (ELINT). 16 S-3's have been converted to ES-3A with numerous antennas and specialized equipment. ES-3A's replaced the aging EA-3B Skywarrior and joined the US Navy in 1991. ASW and ELINT where used less and less and the ES-3A's quickly had another task, airborne refuelling station. A rather expensive solution. Only two squadrons where formed, VQ-5 Sea Shadows and VQ-6 Black Ravens. VQ-5 was assigned to Pacific Fleet Squadron and VQ-6 to the Atlantic. The ES-3A's flew as a Detachment (DET) to the carriers air wing. They used the groups letters on the tail. In 1999 all 16 ES-3A's where retired early and put into AMARG storage at AFB Davis Monthan, Arizona. Ordinary Vikings flew until 2009, often also a tanker with the well known Buddy Pod and a 300 USG tank on the other wing. I got this kit from a friend of mine and I have a lot of extra's. I plan to build a S-3B in the distant future where I will be using the Goffy Models sets as well as the Paragon wing folds. So it's Eduard and Wolfpack. I am thinking of backdating the Wolfpack IP to a ES-3A as some might be seen through the canopy. I don't plan to correct all other panels, since I only have picture of the ES-3A cockpit.. Thanks Erik! fltr.. AMT S-3A canopy, ES-3A and the Squadron, which has been vacformed over the other, making it a bit too big.. Doug's lovely Royale Resin wheels vs AMT.. AMT vs Wolfpack 133.. I'll be using Attack Squadron 300USG tank and the Wolfpack set for the Buddypod.. I like a lot.. IT FITS right away.. Let's check what will be visible..
  5. Hi everyone, I'd like to present my ES-3A Shadow by Italeri. I just finished the model yesterday after a 10-month build. The S-3 Viking kit itself is ok, whereas the Shadow specific parts are absolutely horrible and don't fit at all. Im quite pleased with the result, of course some minor bits bug me, but in general I'm happy. I hope you like the model! That's it! Cheers
  6. Lockheed S-3 Viking. Aircraft at Pima Air& Space Museum Pics thanks to Allan. Pics thanks to Mike.
  7. Italeri is to re-issue very soon (February 2014) the old ESCI/AMT 1/48th Lockheed ES-3A Shadow kit - ref. 2735 Sources: http://www.italeri.com/news_scheda.asp?idNews=370 https://www.facebook.com/ItaleriModelKit?ref=stream&hc_location=timeline#!/photo.php?fbid=603297979742826&set=a.455661954506430.102186.454765391262753&type=1&theater Box art V.P.
  8. S-3A Viking 1:72 Hasegawa The Lockheed S-3 Viking was developed in the late sixties as a replacement for the piston-engined S-2 Tracker in the anti-submarine warfare role. As Lockheed had little experience of developing carrier-based aircraft, Ling-Temco-Vought (LTV) was invited to join the project in order to help develop parts of the airframe such as the wing fold mechanism. The resulting aircraft flew for the first time on 1972 and entered service just two years later. In total, 188 examples were completed. Unusually for a front-line combat aircraft, the S-3 Vikings design deployed high-bypass turbofan engines of the type commonly used for commercial airliners. These were selected in order to give the Viking sufficient endurance to allow it to loiter for long periods of time an essential requirement for anti-submarine work. The aircraft carried a crew of four a pilot, co-pilot/tactical coordinator, an additional tactical coordinator and a sensor operator. The Viking was a true child of the Cold War, developed at a time when tensions between East and West were at their height. When it found its intended role disappearing from under its feet at the end of the Cold War, it had to be adapted to other roles such as strike, ELINT and air-to-air refuelling. Having seen action in the Gulf War, it was finally retired from US Navy use in 2009. Although Hasegawas Viking has been around for a good few years now, it is still the most recent kit of the type in 1:72 scale. It enjoys a good reputation for accuracy and fit too, although its not a cutting edge kit by any stretch of the imagination. The kit is made up of ninety parts spread across four sprues of grey plastic and one clear sprue, all packed into a reasonably large, top-opening box. Hasegawas moulds always seem to pretty robust, and this is no exception, although there is a little flash creeping in here and there. Surface detail is comprised of consistently fine, raised panel lines, except for those around the control surfaces, which are recessed. The large cockpit isnt too bad by Hasegawas standards, although it only includes the pilots and co-pilots positions. The floor of the cockpit includes a centre console with some raised detail. Onto this part you have to add two ejection seats and two control columns, both of which look ok, if a little simplified, as well as the rear bulkhead. The instrument panel itself is devoid of detail, but a decal is provided instead. Overall it will probably pass muster, but if you arent happy with it then Pavla make an excellent resin version which also includes the rear crew positions. The cut-out steps that provide crew access are provided as a separate part, which is a neat touch. Moving on to the rest of the airframe, the separately moulded nose gear bay features some nice if fairly basic structural detail, but the main gear bays are quite plain in comparison. The upper part of the cantilever wing is moulded as a single span, which means fewer seams to clean up and no issues trying to get the anhedral right. The large trailing edge flaps are moulded as separate parts. Each engine pod is made up of left and right halves, the front and back faces of the turbine and the low-pressure turbine/nozzle. Finishing touches such as the undercarriage legs and wheels are very nicely detailed. A full-length MAD boom is included, but if you want to display it in the stowed position then you just have to stick it further into the fuselage. A small selection of ordnance is included, namely two drop tanks and six Mk.82 bombs complete with ejector rack. Im pretty sure previous iterations of this kit have featured a tinted plastic canopy. This one doesnt, and I for one think that this is a bit of a shame. Although it is perfectly possible to tint plastic with translucent paint such as Tamiyas Smoke, its nice not to have to. Decal options are provided for two aircraft: 9741 of VS-28 Hukkers, USS Forrestal, US Navy; and 8871 of VS-38 Griffins, USS Ranger, US Navy 2009. The decals are very nicely printed and even the whites look whiter than the usual slightly cream colour that other Hasegawa decals have. Conclusion Despite its age, this is a pretty decent kit. The raise panel lines will put some off, but they really shouldnt as under a good paint job this kit will still look good. It may be missing a few fine details here and there, but it gets most of the basics right. Whats more, its the only 1:72 Viking currently in production! Recommended. Review sample courtesy of UK distributors for
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