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Found 6 results

  1. 1/72 Revell He 177 Greif, KG40 - Nuclear Torpedo Bomber - Luft '46 He 177, GP+RH, Kampfgeschwader 40 - Fliegerführer Atlantik (Flyer Command Atlantic) Imagine, if you will, that Germany, during the dying days of World War II, was the first to discover the atomic bomb. With the threat of submarine deployed nuclear suicide strikes off the coast of American cities, the War in Europe was brought to a swift and terrifying stalemate. This allowed Germany to rebuild and re-arm itself. Here we have the Heinkel He 177 long range nuclear capable maritime patrol bomber. Advanced lightweight alloys were used in the construction, improving aerodynamics and range. A bold red tail signified this as a nuclear weapons platform able to deliver the newly developed nuclear torpedo (2 carried). This advanced weaponry could destroy an aircraft carrier and most of it's Battle Group with a single strike. 2 x modified and highly advanced Henschel Hs-293 were carried for BVR reconnaissance and to guide the aircraft to potential targets. The dawning of a new age was amongst us..... Cheers all, Stay safe. Phil
  2. Hello, Does anyone have any information on the Bluewater Missile which was a proposed missile that would have come in 2 varieties:- a) Surface to surface Missile Air to surface missile The Surface to Surface version would have been launched from the back of a truck (possibly the good old Bedford RL), whilst the Air to Surface version would have been launched from the TSR-2. in ether case it was intended as a tactical strike that may have had a Nuclear or conventional warhead! Does anyone have photos or information on this project etc.??
  3. Afternoon all, Sorry to trouble you with another quwey regarding the Blue Steel missile When viewing photographs of the Blue Steel missile being loaded onto the Vulcan and Victor, the upper tail surface appears to be missing from a few of those. So my questions are as follows: Was this fin removeable? When carried in the recessed bomb bay of the Vulcan and Victor, was the tail surface kept vertical and fitted into a recess or was it folded down? Thanks, Sam
  4. Good morning all! I am just wondering whether anyone knows how the Blue Steel missile was attached to the V-bombers, specifically the Avro Vulcan. I have seen a Pathe film of Blue Steel showing the ground crew "winding" the missile up into the bomb bay of the Valiant, I am not sure whether this would be the same with the Vulcan? On a related note, having been to Cosford and seen their Blue Steel far too many times for it to be deemed normal behaviour (only kidding, Cosford is a wonderful place) I noticed that on the horizontal "wing/winglets" at the rear of the missile, there are two cylinder shaped attachments which are attached just above these wings. I don't think that the Cosford Blue Steel was a test vehicle so I don't think it could be carrying any sort of flare to mark its location (if the test vehicles ever used such a setup), however I suspect that it has something to do with its suspension from the V-bombers??? I also tried obtaining an estimate for how much it would cost to copy some Blue Steel technical drawings from the national archives and the answer came back- £350!!! So a dead end there... Anyway, thanks for reading my verbal ramblings, Sam
  5. Now Mish has put up a poll for us all to vote for the 2014 GBs the time has come to think of out options for 2015 Following on from a joke comment on the What-if III GB thread (I'm blaming you Rob ) a few of us started thinking about a GB for all those nuclear capable systems there has been over the years. Enzo and I had a quick chat and are proposing that any weapons system in 'nuclear trim' be eligable so all those ships, subs, ICBMs, aircraft, AFVs, etc. dressed for the ultimate battle are included. What do you think gang?
  6. Hello all, Thanks to Bootneck's help to find a manual I could complete this model after it waited half done for over 2 months. As not much of a ship builder it probably isn't the best thing around but I am satisfied with my build. Built OOB and brush painted as all my models. As there wasn't a paint scheme for the aircrafts on board and no decals for them, I just tried to copy what I could see in the picture on the box. Also unfortunately I messed up the big number 65 decal in fromt and had to take it off. Maybe later I'll try to compensate that by masking and painting. Hope you like it. Here we go: Thanks for taking the time to look. Regards.
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