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Found 5 results

  1. This Tamiya M5A1 kit has the tactical markings of the Company D, 15th Armoured Battalion, 6th Armored Division, Saarbrücken Area, November-December 1944. The model was painted with acrylic paint. Enamel Washing and oil paint to finish. The half-torso figures are in resin. I used Bison Decals. Scale 1/35. In a diorama the model has more realism. Best Regards, Fábio.
  2. Just completed the M5A1. Pls enjoy the video. Thanks. Please post phots, links to you tube channels are not allowed
  3. Ok still kind of new to modelling having only made 2 planes! I started this a few years ago then took a big break from new hobby. Recently got back into it and finished this! First attempt at weathering. Maybe a bit too far. Have a diorama base I bought for it so will work on that now as well as my eurofighter Hope you like it!!
  4. Good evening all Have seen some of the amazing things people can do on this site, it's with some trepidation that I post the pictures below....but you’ve got to start somewhere.... I made a few models (badly) in my youth when war-gaming and then nothing for a long time but got back into it last year after 20+ years, when my young son decided he wanted a model tank that he could play battles with. Below is a selection of some of the betters ones but I’ve still got a way to go especially when it comes to weathering and stowage. At the moment my aim is to get them looking reasonably like they're supposed to, which I think I've managed. Better historical accuracy will hopefully come with time. Thanks for your time and please be gentle..... Andrew PS you'll also probably notice I'm not a great photographer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Armourfast Cromwells with some very basic stowage Plastic Soldier Company Churchills One has some extra stowage from S and S Models http://www.sandsmodels.com/ Armourfast Achilles x4 Again these have some additional stowage from S and S models. At some point I'll look at putting a couple of crew in. Also I know the weight should be 29 tons but I don't have any 29 ton signs. I also know the camo is not right but there are reasons (to do with my son) as to why I went with it. The bottom two are the first two models I finished after coming back to the hobby. I overdid the matt varnish on one of the but managed to rescue it (just). Plastic Soldier Company M5A1 Half track I have a total of three of these, of which this is probably the best. One thing that does annoy me slightly with PSC is some of the odd and inconsistent scaling. The 0.50 calibre MG on this model is WAY oversize but the ones on their Shermans are pretty close. Plastic Soldier Company M4A4 A couple of these have stowage/tarpaulin made of sprue off cuts covered in tissue paper, which is covered in PVA glue. I got the idea from someone on the Armourfast forum before it went offline (Dave if you ever see this - thanks for the idea). I also has to replace the .30 caliber bow MGs as they were as wide as the main gun!! I used short section of the same plastic I use for the aerials.
  5. Dear Friends Here is the AFV Club late M5A1 in a 'Belgian 44' scene and on its own. The crew named this one 'fish n chips' so I had to do it! Hope you like it? Andrew
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