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Found 4 results

  1. I noticed some threads where people asked for a comprehensible guide to using Flickr, mainly due to the recent Photobucket drama. I'll give it a try. Introduction Having used Flickr for 6 years now (pro account) I never had any big problems with it. Very incidentally an upload server has been down (never had any previously uploaded photos been unavailable for viewing) but it is usually swiftly repaired by Flickr's staff. One problem they have been having is their use of an onsite photo editor. That thing has been unavailable for months due to bugs. A new one is currently being developed. The pro account costs $50,- per year. No ads, unlimited storage, advanced statistics, et cetera. I think the free account offers 1 gb. of data but I'm not sure; also not sure about traffic limitations but I only know that my photos (on a pro account) have always been online as far as I'm aware. No guarantees that Flickr will always be great, up and running, but this post is just for those who are looking into the website, its facilities and its workings. How to upload photos to Flickr Once you've signed up, you can upload your photos to Flickr. If the photos are on your harddisk, you can choose 'upload' at the top right of the screen (the cloud with the arrow): Click 'choose photos and videos to upload', select a few of them and click 'upload photos'. To view your uploaded photos, move your mouse button over the 'you' submenu and click 'photostream'. Of course there's a multitude of options you can use, such as sorting photos into maps (for example, one map per project) or seeing statistics. An alternative way to upload photos is by using the (free) Flickr app. I use that 95% of the time. On my iPhone I just select the photos I'd like to have uploaded (to enter the photo gallery from the app, hold the 'camera' image for one second; if you just tap it you can make a picture but I never use that feature), choose 'next' and 'post'... all selected pictures are now brought online. How to use Flickr-hosted photos on Britmodeler To share the photos on Britmodeler, you only have to copy the image link. Keep in mind though that Flickr facilitates the use of different image sizes. So you'll have to fetch the correct link. Choose 'share photo' on the bottom right of the screen (the 'arrow' icon). You then get a screen that looks like this: Here, choose the size (in the example I chose 'Medium 375x500 pixels' but usually I'd choose 'Large 1200x1600', don't worry if it is slightly too large because the forum will automatically reduce it). Then, use the key combination "ctrl-c" to copy the link to the computer's memory. If you have a mac, use "cmd-c". On the forum, go to your thread, post a reaction and use the key combination "ctrl-v" to paste the link into the text field. If you have a mac, use "cmd-v". Finally, remove all code before the second 'https' and after 'jpg'. In all, taking one photo and having it on the forum typically takes me less than half a minute. I hope this is of any use to some.
  2. Hello all, Does anyone have an idea as to why my post is in a bit of a fluff? For some reason the BBCode spoiler tags that I've never had an issue with previously are borked and the same with embedded images from a Flickr album. Relevant post is here: Has there been some hoo-hah with Flicker recently that I've missed? Because the members that I know use Flickr regularly seem completely unaffected. But the error I was getting was along the lines of "Cannot embed image due to issue with Flickr" yet if this were a global issue one could reasonably expect it to be affecting others which it appears not to be. Just wondering is anyone had any input. Toodles, Paul
  3. I've just come across this site on Flickr that has loads of highly detailed photographs of the County Class GMD's. This could be a good resource for anyone building either Atlantic Models' 1:350 HMS Glamorgan or Airfix's 1:600 HMS Devonshire kit. Mike
  4. I've just found a link via a Flickr contact. Am I betting that a large proportion of members on here use Flickr to link their photos. Myself I wasn't too happy when they changed the functionality of the site, so much that even with the (expensive) and reasonably fast computer that I own, that the site just grinds to a halt when loading or uploading photos. Also I've noticed that other guys on here have problems linking pics due to the convoluted process on Flickr, the old way was so simple, much like Photobucket. A lot of us pay to use the pro account and have very large collections on there, but how many of us have lost the motivation to use it? You may even keep uploading to Flickr instead of Photobucket simply because you might pay for the Flickr account and due to habits etc. I know there's always an alternative to Flickr, but some of us might simply want to soldier on with them in the hope they might change the way the site works for the better. I thought this was a great petition to hopefully get the powers that be at Flickr to get things in order. I know I'm not in the minority with this. http://petitions.moveon.org/sign/change-flickr-back?source=s.em.cp&r_by=9620230 Martin
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