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Found 7 results

  1. Welcome to my next WiP, Revell's 1/72 F14D. There's lots of Tomcats appearing on BM at the moment (i wonder if this is anything to do with the soon-to-be-released Top Gun 2?) but I've not seen much of the Revell version, could this be a bad sign?!? This is my first F14 since the mid 90s and to be honest it's not the model i was hoping to build - I've ordered the new academy kit but given up hope of it arriving from Korea after nearly 4 months. This model on the other hand had next day delivery so I just went for it. First impressions are ok, panel lines are pretty chunky but there is quite nice detail in the 'pit and wheel bays and i like the scheme. After a bit of dry fitting I'm not so sure... things don't seem to fit particularly well and i have a feeling this might be a battle, especially after just finishing two lovely ww2 eduard kits which pretty much fell together. I've started doing a bit of Tomcat research and already decided this isn't going to be museum quality accurate like one of @Tony Oliver's. I want it to have a decent load out (Grim Reapers rarely, if ever, did) and the revell version is missing loads of little details which I'm not going to chase on this build. Ill be happy if it has the "feel" of a later build tomcat, I can sort out the fit issues and the colours and weathering look good. I've also been looking at aftermarket bits and pieces: the revell canopy is horrible (thick, scratched and a bit misty), can anyone suggest a replacement in 1/72? Should i be getting wheels, nozzles, better missiles? Nothing I've seen is recommended for revell version but i guess i can make things fit? I've already gone for resin bang seat and started to scratch some detail on the blank bits of the cockpit: Anyway, my current construction pace is pretty glacial but this is all that's on the bench so will keep you updated - thanks for dropping by!
  2. Having heard about the shape issues of AMK Tomcat and perfection of Tamiya Tomcat, I was prompt to buy this one. Yet I dont want to make it simply on the ground and have its wings fully swept, I needed some dynamic set up...here are the ingredients: Tamiya 61118 F-14D Tomcat 1/48 KASL Hobby F-14A/B/D Slats & Wing Flap Set for Tamiya KASL Hobby F110-GE-400 Exhaust Set for Tamiya some stainless steel tubes to do some scratch build The build starts with the mock up of fuselage and the KASL slat and wing flap set The previous build, the AMK Tomcat, is just sitting in my cupboard supervising my new build😃 Here comes the first difficulty: the hinges on wings and flaps does not align perfectly. Does anyone have any good advices for correcting this ? just small misalignment, do I need to widen the slot for outboard rail if I already aligned the inboard rail?
  3. Hello all! I'm really pleased to present my latest completed build: Revell's 1/72 F14D which I have modelled to represent NE106 of VF-2 "Bounty Hunters". I chose this scheme because I wanted a model with a full load out and after a bit of browsing found this fantastic site: www.seaforces.org/usnair/VF/Fighter-Squadron-2.htm which shows VF-2 in action aboard the USS Constellation in 2003. These photos have provided lots of inspiration and reference as I've gone along. There's lots more to say about this build but thought I'd show you the photos first: Of course looking at the photos I can still see lots of little mistakes and imperfections (and blasted dust!) but overall I'm really happy with how this has turned out. The F-14 is one of my favourites and I like the look of this well-used, armed to the teeth Tomcat. On to the build, the Revell kit goes together without hassle, the only step that really fought me was the join between the nose section and fuselage but that was ok after much filling and sanding. The only major hiccup was when it took an unplanned vertically downwards flight and landed on the nose. This popped the canopy and a few seams which were never quite as good again... The modification I've made to the basic kit are split into things I've scratched, things I paid for and things that @Tony Oliver (who hasn't been seen around these parts recently) incredibly kindly sent me in the post. Scratched: - 100s of little holes on panels all over the fuselage - Scored an extra panel line on wing LE - some cockpit details - navigation lights on fins and wings - inside of exhaust nozzle to make them more interesting - probes either side of cockpit - detail in the wheelbays - detail on the undercarriage I bought: - Resin ejector seats - Resin wheels - Resin front wheelbay doors - Vac formed canopy (a must, the Revell effort with the kit is pretty bad) And sent from Tony (THANKYOU!): - Sidewinders - Phoenix - Sparrows - Bombs, Lantirn and bomb racks - GPS dome - Improved nose Pitot (I cut the Revell off early in the build) A few snaps of the cockpit: The paints were a mix of airbrushed Tamiya, Mr Color for the TPS greys and Alclad for the shiny bits. The weathering combined an airbrushed pre-shade and black, white and brown oil paints, plus white spirit to blend it all together. Thanks for making it this far! I'm sure I've forgotten something so if you have any questions or comments please don't hesitate to ask. The WiP is here: Cheers! Sam
  4. Hello, this is my ongoing project: An F-14D Super Tomcat in flight, probably in take off phase. Here is what the project is like now And I would like to share the whole project from the beginning.
  5. This was an absolute joy to build. No filler, no fit issues, minimal mould lines. I am really quite proud of this model. i did accidentally destroy the right side roundel, so i had to replace it with a spare one from the other scheme, its not the best but does the job. I gave this a dark umber mixed with black oil wash, enough weathering to show it is used, but little enough not to over power the model. Not much went wrong, and i do really think anyone, from any level will enjoy making this one with no hassle. So here it is:
  6. To fill in some time for when the heron is put to the side (although it will be coming back shortly), I decided to start a kit that I had heard good about, and that is the Revell 1/144 F14 D 'Super Tomcat' Im not the biggest fan of fast jets, but i decided to give this a go. I had always thought that the F14 was a little over rated, but now i know why, it is an absolutely gorgeous aircraft. Despite the small scale of this kit, the engineering of this is fantastic, no fitting issues, no filler (apart from filling in some heavy handedness from my blade) and not hardly any join seams. Now being a small kit, its been quite a quick build, i started the kit on Monday afternoon, and now it is all pre-shaded ready for paint. Cockpit The only issue i have with the kit at the moment, is that the side instrument panels are ever-so-slightly over scale and it has good amount of detail. The build Like i mentioned earlier, absolutely no problem with this one, it went together like brickwork. I have decided to make this one in flight, so i drilled a little hole in the nottom of the plane to place a piece of sprue to act like a stand. Here yo can see the starts of a stand... it is mostly built by now. And, with another stand, I'm probably gonna change it to something better, but for now it is fine.
  7. Hi all and here's the latest from me - finished for the KUTA group build here. I always wanted to model an F-14 getting ready to launch with dropped flaps etc so decided to take a knife to the original Revell kit a couple of years back...and then lost all interest. She has been in stuffed away in a box on the shelf of doom for ages and I finally got the finger out and finished it for the GB. Not my finest build and some inaccuracies here and there but I had a lot of fun and am really happy to have it finished at last. The full build log is here but in summary... Kit: 04195 Revell 1/72 F-14D Tomcat Paints: All brush painted - Revell Aqua Colour acrylics, Future, Flory Models wash, W&N Matt Varnish Decals: From Hobby Boss F-14D kit for BuNo163894 VF-2 Bounty Hunters, CAG jet USS Constellation Extras: Hasegawa - pilots, wing sweep bladders, BOL rails, Lantirn pod and weapons Hobby Boss - catapult nose gear Wing slats/flaps - kits' own and scratchbuilt The real a/c was delivered to the US Navy in 1990 and served with a couple of squadrons before transferring to VF-2 squadron aboard USS Constellation in the late 90s. In 2001, the plane became the CAG jet with the callsign 'Bullet 100' and dropped over 55 bombs during operations in Iraq in 2003. The big stripe markings apparently are called 'Langley Stripes', in honour of when this squadron served in the 1920s aboard the USS Langley, the first American aircraft carrier. Thanks for looking and comments welcomed! Dermot
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