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Found 4 results

  1. Been looking forward to this one. This is the first of three planned builds, the others being an F-100D have and a F-104A. Might be a tad ambitious with the Revell-Monogram, Canadian and F-5 GBs all starting shortly. These builds will add to my growing collection US Air Defence Command subjects from this most interesting period of aviation. Built the F-102A and F-106A in the Interceptors GB last year. They joined a F-82, F-86D, F-93. Still too add an F-89. First up I will be building Revell’s F-101B Voodoo, will be using the kit decals to produce a aircraft operated by the Texas Air National Guard. This looks like a really nice kit.
  2. Once more I'll enter the breech with Monogram's F-101B Voodoo. Oooo Looky, An offitchal Century series patch. Only thing missing now a a secret decoder ring telling me to "Drink more Ovaltine" I'm going to do this as much as possible OOB(yeah, Right) An F-101B from the 87th FIS Lockbourne AFB , Columbus, Ohio 1958-1960 So let the fun begin!
  3. (25.02.2021) Slight change of plans I won't be able to finish the F-101B on time due to geospacial abberations. However I will try and build sonething completly different it may even foreshadow a certain GB coming later up this year... MK Hi all, I will chip in with the Revell F-101B Voodoo the aircraft which epitomises to me the idea i of an interceptor. As I already build the Matchbox version, it will be interesting to compare bith of these kits. Btw. the Matchbox Voodoo is in Canadian colours, but the kit didn't come with any weapons. Is it feasible to equip this aircraft with the AIR- 2 Genie? I plan to use the leftover decaks of the Happy Hooligans on the Revell kit. It may, or may no recieve also AM wheels, bang seats and a pitot probe.
  4. Hi, here's my latest build, built for a GB over on Flory Models. Nice kit, not great instructions. built SFTB with Gunze paints and a Mig Ammo grey washUntitled by bryn robinson, on Flickr Untitled by bryn robinson, on Flickr Untitled by bryn robinson, on Flickr Untitled by bryn robinson, on Flickr Untitled by bryn robinson, on Flickr Untitled by bryn robinson, on Flickr . Lost a bit of mojo towards the end, but that's down to me. Anyway thanks for looking. FF
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