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Found 8 results

  1. This is my latest model off the production line, the French Navy's equivalent of the Fairey Gannet, the Bréguet Alizé. Another labour of love as I turned a very old and simple kit from the 1960s into a reasonable reproduction of the real thing. Along the way I had to construct out of plasticard and stretched sprue the wheel wells, a cockpit, some undercarriage doors, under-wing pylons, a new arrestor hook, and various aerials. It is all brush painted with Vallejo and Humbrol, and probably the most complex scratch building work I've done so far. Apart from its simplicity, the quality of the kit wasn't terrible, soft plastic that fit together quite well and decals that were still in one piece after 30 years. A fun build that was very rewarding. Thank you for looking
  2. RFI LINK - https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235049098-breguet-alize-the-gallic-gannet/ WIP FOLLOWS I have had this kit in my stash for a while - it is a limited run kit so requires a fair bit of work but is the only option I know of to get a 1/48 Alize - as well as the injection moulded parts there are a packs of white metal & resin castings plus an etched sheet. I have seen a couple of builds on other websites but it was not until I discovered a French website called MASTER194.COM with a very detailed build of the FM Alize that I decided it might be time to look at my kit again. http://www.master194.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=59400 (UNFORTUNATELY THIS LINK & BUILD IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE) The build is by French modeller GAUDART and has a load of photos of the aircraft as well as lots of photos of how he went about detailing his beautiful model step by step. As the website is in French I needed English text and one of my daughters said just put the url in Google Translate - miraculous, the whole webpage is translated into the language of your choice! - easy to follow once this is done - only the French text on drawings is not translated https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.master194.com%2Fforum%2Fviewtopic.php%3Ff%3D4%26t%3D59400%26sid%3D6e99c29913cd38cada8087ff2b939524%26start%3D1025&edit-text There are some useful photos on these links - http://aviapassionmaquette.free.fr/Aviapassion Maquette photoscope alize.html https://get.google.com/albumarchive/106400408485037094643/album/AF1QipMYtvSe8K4mXXTVnHYipFChMPtAnNcQZPelTYgD http://www.master194.com/photo_avion/alize/alize.htm http://spotaero.blogspot.com.au/2011/02/cockpit-du-breguet-alize.html I found plans hard to come by so am using some old Aviation News plans from about 30 years ago plus lots of reference to photos which are quite plentiful. I am compiling this WIP retrospectively so apologies if it is a bit disjointed but I was not going to post my build until I felt sure it was over the hump and stands a good chance of being completed. In addition to basically using his build as a guide I decided that - 1. I wanted the wings folded similar to GAUDART's model 2. Cabin doors to be open which required making a new canopy - I was not happy with the shape of the kit original so it had to be done - GAUDART's article has a lot of information on how he made canopies 3. It is quite noticeable that there is a gap between the trailing edge of the wing spar and the start of the flaps - I discovered that this is because the front of the flap has a slot - I therefore had to make a representation of this to capture that feature. 4. control surfaces to be separated - the underside of the ailerons have a similar look to the flaps. 5. make sure at an early stage I get the sit of the Alize correct as it has a tail down attitude on the ground - GAUDART was not happy with the sit on his model & had to very carefully remove the gear after he had completed it and correct the sit - a very delicate operation. 6.Colour scheme to be what I believe is called type A - which looks close enough to EDSG/Sky to me The sprues have lots of flash some construction sketches I made as I assembled the Alize Some extra detail was added to radar operators cabin but once it closed up I don't think you will see much as it is a bit of a black hole. The nose wheel bay, Bomb bay, radar bay and arrester hook bay all need care as they are not positively located and benefit from bits of scrap strip here and there to assist locating them the fuselage cross section at the rear of the cockpit opening looks a bit pinched so I added a 3mm insert at the top to make it look rounder similar to GAUDART'S technique - also added an extension to the instrument panel shroud as it looks a bit more pronounced in photos. Aerofoil rib sections and spars were added to the wings - I also added and additional aerofoil rib section after this picture was taken to the inside of the one at the break to give the hydraulic rams something to anchor on to when it gets to creating all of the wing fold detailing. Plastic tube was glued to the rounded front of the flap and microstrip added underneath to represent the slot on the front of the flap - I guesstimated the gap between the wing and flap to be about 1mm or so. wing fold aerofoil section fitted the slotted flap Making a representation of the slot at front of the flaps The main components and feeling like I was getting somewhere Cockpit panels painted and a selection of Airscale instrument decals added This is the canopy mould - the frames are from copperfoil tape and were an attempt to get an impression of the frames on the thermoformed canopy but I had problems with alignment so removed them and will add frames once in situ on the model there are a few issues with symmetry between the left and right fuselage halves but nothing a few bits of microstrip and filler can't fix plasticard strips were added to the elevators to keep the halves the right distance apart and help locate them A bit of extra detail was added with fuse wire and plastic scraps to represent various boxes & pipes - GAUDART really has done a lot of detail in these areas on his model Alize Where i'm up to today - the aileron and flap are just sitting in the wing not glued yet - the plastic over the rear of the cabin is to hopefully stop me pushing the rear windows in to the cabin CJP
  3. Hi guys, I thought there might be some among you that have an interest in the Alizé. If so, just be advised that Christophe Touzet have launched a subscription for the third edition of his book, the only monography concerning the Alizé. If you're interested yet have difficulties with ordering (the site's in French), just let me know, I might be able to wait.
  4. Breguet Br.1050 Alizé. This aircraft is now privately operated on the French Civil register. Pictures thanks to Antoine.
  5. Breguet Br.1050 Alizé 1:72 Azur FRROM The Breguet Br.1050 Alizé (French for "Tradewind") was a French carrier based anti submarine warfare aircraft. In a design similar to its British counterpart the Gannet it was a conventional low wing monoplane, powered by a Turboprop engine, though the Alizé had only one engine and propeller. The aircraft was a development based loosely on the Breguet Vultur which was modified into the Breguet Br.965 Épaulard. The aircraft was fitted with a CSF radar system and could carry a torpedo or delpth charges in its internal weapons bay. Wing hard points could carry 68mm rocket pods of wire guided AS.12 missiles. Unusually the front section of the undercarriage nacelles carried sonarbouys. The prototype first flew in 1956 and the aircraft was exhibited at the Paris Airshow in 1957. 75 aircraft were produced for the French Navy, and a further 12 aircraft by the Indian Navy (the only export customer). It was reported the Indian Navy purchased a further 5 used aircraft from the French Navy. The French Navy would go onto upgrade the aircraft in 1980 with a new radar as used on the Atlantique aircraft, an OMEGA navigation system, and a new ESM system. Another upgrade was to follow in 1990 to 24 aircraft. This consisted of a new decoy system, digital data link, new avionics and a FLIR. France would use the aircraft during the NATO campaign in Kosovo in 1999 flying from the aircraft carrier Foch, They were to retire the next year along with the Foch. The Indian Navy would go onto use their aircraft in Combat during the invasion of Goa in 1961, and the war with Pakistan in 1971. One aircraft would be lost to a Pakistani F-104. India stopped carrier operations in 1987 but the aircraft still saw active service supporting Indian operations against the Tamil Tigers during the Indian peacekeeping operations in Sri Lanka. The aircraft was retired in 1991. The Kits Each kit comes on 4 sprues of light grey plastic. The plastic is typical of that we see from FFROM with restrained panels lines. The canopy sprue is bagged separately to protect it. Constructions starts of surprisingly in the cockpit! The consoles are added for the pilot, navigator and radar operator followed by their seats. Additional parts are then added in the cockpit area to the insides of the main fuselage. the turbine exhausts are also made up and installed one into each half. The cockpit and front landing gear well are then installed into the right fuselage half. Into the left fuselage half you then have to install the rear radar and its compartment. This can be in the retraced position if sitting the model on it's undercarriage or extended if you wish to model the aircraft in flight. Once in the coaming can be fitted in from of the cockpit and the fuselage closed up (it is recommended 8g of nose wright is added). The next step is onto the wings. These are of conventional Left/Right with upper/lower surfaces. The four part main undercarriage nacelles are then made up and one added to each wing. The main wings, tail planes and rudder are then added to the main fuselage. The next major step is to construct and add the undercarriage. This is substantial as you would expect for a carrier aircraft. There is a single nose wheel with double wheeled units for the mains. The launch tubes for the unique nacelle mounted sonarbouys are also added along with the gear doors, arrestor hook and propeller. The six wing pylons are added along with the modellers choice of rocket pods or AS-12 missiles. 3 prominent aerials are then added to finish off the model. Decals Each boxing has a small decal sheet. There is no printer mentioned, they are in register, and look colour dense. FR0028 This boxing represents earlier aircraft and has three decal options all French Navy; A. No.72 Flottille 4F 1966/70. B. No.2 Coded I, Sqn 10S (CEPA), 1959/60. C. No.16 Flottille 9F 1966. FR0026 This boxing represents earlier aircraft with the ALM upgrade, and has three decal options, A. No.42 Flottille 6F High Vis Scheme 1981. B. No.41 Flottille 6F Low Vis Scheme, Clemenceau 1997. C. No.55 Flottille 4F Low Vis Scheme, 1989-1996. FR0031 This boxing represents the aircraft operated by the Indian Navy and has three decal options; A. IN206 INAS 310 "White Cobras" INS Vakrant 1970. B. IN204 INAS 310 "White Cobras" INS Vakrant 1985. C. IN203 INAS 310 "White Cobras" INS Vakrant 1971. Conclusion Though there have been other Alize kits, it is great to see the at people FFROM do a new injection moulded kit of this important French aircraft in 1:72. Highly Recommended. Review samples courtesy of
  6. FRROM is to announce a 1/72nd new kit at Telford. Source: http://www.frrom.com/index.php?page=Accueil-2 Bets are open. V.P.
  7. They're not a lot of reference books about the French Fairey Gannet I mean the ASM aircraft Bréguet Br.1050 Alizé. If the history of this aircraft is of your interest here's a book for you. The first edition is already sold out. But by pre-booking (without pre-payment!) you could have it. Click here an fill the subscription form: https://sites.google.com/site/alizebreguet1050/contact - 296 pages and +/-1000 photos & illustrations. Preview: https://sites.google.com/site/alizebreguet1050/extraits Homepage: https://sites.google.com/site/alizebreguet1050/ V.P.
  8. Chocksaway's 2012 Collection 2012 was not a particularly productive model-making year for me. Lots of excuses for this being the case, none worth repeating. I managed to add 4 more Harriers to my 1/48 scale Harrier collection (now up to 13), built my first 1/48th scale biplane, my first egg planes and built a model I should have made 30 years ago - the wonderful SR-71 together with a 1/144 YF-16 and a competition entry 1/100th Alize. Without further ado, here's how they turned out... Harrier GR7 - ZG532 operated by IV(AC) Squadron, RAF In the rarely seen two greens scheme using the Hasegawa / Revell 1/48th scale kit ... RFI Thread A pair of SR-71 "Blackbirds" The old Revell 1/72nd scale kit ... And the Hasegawa Egg Plane version ... RFI Thread Harrier GR5 - ZD412 / AH operated by 3(F) Squadron, RAF around 1990-91 Another two greens Harrier, using the Hasegawa GR.5 1/48th scale kit ... RFI Thread Sea Harrier FRS51 - IN623 / 23, 300 Sqdn, Indian Navy, circa 2012 The latest (last?) camouflage scheme of the just about flying Indian Navy SHARs, using the venerable Airfix 1/48th scale kit ... RFI Thread here Ansaldo SVA.5 - Italian Air Force, c 1918 Having joined the Great War SIG, I felt obliged to get my act together and build a 1/48th scale biplane, the Fly Models Ansaldo S.V.A.5 (Early) ... RFI Thread Breguet Alize - IN202, Indian Navy For our club's "6 Month Challenge" we are given a kit to build and do with it as we please - I decided not to build it quite the way it was intended. It's a Heller 1/100th scale Breguet Alize with scratch Indian Navy decals ... RFI Thread Harrier AV-8B II - 162074 / VL-07 of VMA-331 "Bumblebees", USMC, c1986 My latest Harrier Project Harrier, an AV-8B II using the Revell / Monogram 1/48th scale kit ... RFI Thread Harrier GR.1 Another Hasegawa Egg Plane, this time a Harrier GR.1 of the HOCU built from the box. A not very paint job it has to be said (may have another go at it) ... General Dynamics YF-16 A quick and dirty build of the Revell 1/144th scale YF-16 whilst building my next Harrier. A cockpit tub, seat and plasticine pilot added, else it's out of the box. Paper clip and milk bottle top for a stand. My Italian Navy Harrier is unlikely to get done now this year, but will be finished in January and the 1/144th scale A-6 Intruder is also on hold. The plan, but not the New Year Resolution, is to do more models next year, but the road to hell is paved with good intentions, so they say. Seasons greeting and best wishes for 2013 to you all
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