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  1. G'day all; Here's my finished Showcase W&V Class Destroyer. The kit was my first ship and I must say I enjoyed it, though the learning curve was steep. Initially, I struggled with some of the PE as can be seen with the searchlight station for example. However, as I went on I became more comfortable with it and by the time I got to the railings and the other finishing bits and pieces I was more confident. I'm indebted to many who contributed in the WIP thread who offered guidance and references, as well as encouragement. Here's the WIP thread: The Wren was the last of her class to be launched, the remainder being cancelled at the end of the First World War. In constant activity from the start of the Second World War, she spent time between convoy escort, support of the Narvik operation, Carrier escort and Minesweeper protection. Consequently, she was one of six in her class that did not get her wartime refit to either long or short range escort, and it was in her as-built configuration (excepting the bridge conversion) that she went to the aid of two minesweepers off Harwich which came under attack from German bombers on 27th July 1940. The enemy aircraft switched their focus to the Wren and the accompanying HMS Montrose and she was struck by two or three bombs, one of which penetrated her decks and broke her back. A total of 37 of her crew lost their lives when she sank. Thankfully for me at least, my grandfather who was the Chief Stoker on Wren, survived. The photos: Cheers.
  2. Another new arrival on the slips - the 1/350 scale injection-moulded kit of USS Growler from Mikro-Mir...... Box art... History and paint guide...... Instructions for the hull....... Regulus I Missile and conning tower..... Final assembly.... Vertically split hull - with excellent engraved detail..... Conning tower, decking and one half of the missile..... Minor parts, missile half, decals and etched-brass..... I already have her sister-boat (USS Grayback) in my collection....... So this new kit from MikroMir should make for an interesting comparison.... Ken
  3. https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/profile/31456-maartenschonfeld/ Belgian modeller Maarten is converting the MikroMir 1/350 scale HMS Resolution SSBN kit into a Churchill Class SSN. As he has no means of posting WIP photos on Britmodeller, I offered to post them for him.... Over to you Maarten........ Ken
  4. Now I have finished practicing my skills with the Dodo Models Armidale resin kit it is time to turn my attention to my next project. I was given (at my request) the Atlantic Models HMS UPTON kit at 1:350 scale as my Christmas present. This was influenced by the kit review on this fine forum back in November 2015: http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234992178-hms-upton-ton-class-minesweeper-1350/ This is my first Atlantic models kit and I am very impressed with its quality. I have always had a liking for the TON class ships and I have fond memories spending a weekend on HMS BRERETON sailing to Douglas on the Isle of Man from Liverpool when I was a Sea Cadet. HMS BRERETON was at the time assigned to Mersey Division RNR and not surprisingly I am going to model BRERETON as she was in 1985. I shall get the controversial bit over and done with now so that it does not detract from a very crisp and detailed kit. The name on the kit box of HMS UPTON is deceiving, for those who know the history of the TON class, the ships underwent a number of conversions over their long lives with some ships becoming Mine Hunters and others remaining as Mine Sweepers. HMS UPTON was a Mine Sweeper retaining the original bridge superstructure. The Model in the kit is a Mine Hunter with the modified bridge superstructure and mast; In fact the kit mouldings match the Jecobin Drawings for HMS NURTON. To be fair, HMS UPTON was the lead ship of the class and by the time of their retirement no two ships in the class were identical. However anyone wanting to build HMS UPTON from this kit would need to do some serious conversion work as the bridge superstructure and mast are entirely different let alone the inclusion of the Influence Sweep drum on the sweep deck. That said with 119 ships in the class, a 30 year plus life and service in 9 Navies there is plenty of scope to build a unique model for those daring to build something different. This is not my first attempt at building a TON having scratch built HMS BRERETON in 1:144 nearly 30 years ago (and is now a bit of a wreck): I also have a part built Deans Marine kit at 1:100 scale which I am intending to finish (eventually) as HMS Iveston.: As a consequence I have a reasonable source of research material to help me with this build. I have 1:96 Scale drawings for HMS NURTON by Jecobin: 1:48 Scale drawings for HMS IVESTON from MAP Publications: And I have an ancient copy of Model Boats magazine with drawings by Eric Dyke for HMS WOOTON. Having said all that I am not anticipating that I will have need to refer the scale drawings as the detail provided in the kit is very good. There are some minor changes that I will need to make to the kit and I will address those as I advance through the build. First up pictures of the box and contents: I have also bought some extras to enhance my build, some 1:350 Scale Non slip deck PE by Fly Hawk and Brass Barrels for the 40mm Bofors. One of the things I like about this kit is that there is an option to produce a full hull or waterline model without the need for surgery and I will be presenting my model HMS BRERETON in her element in a similar manner to my other models. That’s it for the introduction hopefully I will be posting pictures of progress soon. I hope you all enjoy.
  5. Well calling this one done it has not turned out as I had planned some mistakes crept in as I lost my inspiration of late. The thought of no shows to display for another year and the loss of some old work mates that had not been retired that long so it has got me thinking of other things and my mind has not been to focused on building models. Maybe I need a break work, eat, sleep repeat is not good for anyone 😱. But did get some good news today for a change our local model club can start up 20th May with limited numbers so something to look forward to. Anyway enough of my mooning on I present my take on this kit I have seen some delightful versions done lately and a BIG thank you to Michal @socjo1 for the mountain of reference he shared with me and the effort he and others have put in trying to keep me on the straight and narrow. WIP below link https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235086089-hms-portchester-castle/ Name it name plate to the rescue again
  6. It has taken some time but here are some photographs of my build of HMS Brereton a Ton Class mine hunter as she appeared in 1985 when she was attached to the Mersey Division of the Royal Navy Reserve. I managed to spend a weekend on board sailing from Liverpool to Douglas in the Isle of Man when I was a Sea Cadet. The model is based on the Atlantic Models kit and this is the first kit I have built from this range. I have made some improvements to this kit by designing and having manufactured some Photo-Etch detail. There is a complete build log on forum here: http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235001978-ton-class-mine-hunter-hms-brereton-and-minesweeper-hms-wotton-1350-scale-atlantic-models-kit/#comment-2348495 This gives some details about my build and about the Ton class that might be useful for anyone wanting to build one of these fine ships. So here is my model of HMS Brereton: I designed my own Photo Etch to enhance the model: As a post script, I have a spare set of the Photo-Etch available if anyone is interested. I hope you enjoy the pictures and I will back soon with my conversion of the same kit to a Mine Sweeper. Thank you. Paul.
  7. Rhapsody in Orange... OR...... "Gentlemen, I give you Orange October"....... Mikro-Mir USS Albacore - modified to an earlier configuration with + shaped rear dive planes and 'standard' propeller... She is painted in an orange primer coat before the application of topside black - as seen here......... Ken
  8. I'm calling it finished...... It's a great kit - if a little 'over engineered', but it looks good when finished..... Close up of the bridge and two missile launch tubes... The bow - with optional open torpedo loading hatch.... The rear end - with replacement 3d-printed props.... It's a big beast - and is being upgraded and kept in service to replace the too-expensive Typhoons. The Delta's are named after Russian cities - in this case Tula - note the city crest on the front of the bridge... Excellent replacement propellers from Michael Fuller..... The WIP thread is here...... Ken
  9. Just finished - the USS Growler from Micro-Mir...... I didn't get an exact straight line for the waterline... (the port side is better..) Colours are from rattle cans of Halfords Grey and Red Plastic Primers - with Humbrol Panzer Grey enamel for the non-slip decking. I've just realised - in my rush to get it photographed and on here - I've forgotten to weather it!!! (It's an age thing) Ken PS - WIP is here :-
  10. Just purchased from OKB Grigorov....... http://shop.okbgrigorov.com/ A resin kit of the Royal Navy submarine R10 - launched in October 1918 - just to late for the Great War. At just14cm (5.5in) long, the hull is a single superb resin casting - with a separate conning tower and etched brass parts for the diving planes, propeller etc.. The service from OKB was great - just a week from order to delivery - although the box with the hull/brass/instructions arrived first, followed a week later by the conning tower in a separate Jiffy bag!!! The instructions are a bit simplified..... .... but the resin moulding is excellent - crisp and bubble free.... There are no painting instructions - nor decals - which is a pity - so re-creating the drop-shadow pennant number on the conning tower is going to be a pain..... Still, this is a new welcome addition to the range of British submarines, so great work OKB Grigorov. Ken
  11. Another new resin sub kit from ebay seller subsmodels..... I must commend the service of this seller - the kit was ordered on 27 July, posted on 2 August and delivered today, 12 August - excellent service.... It is advertised as a U-Class Group III - which, according to my limited research were labelled as the V-Class. Cast in chocolate coloured resin, it is quite well detailed, but has a slight seam line down the hull where the rubber mould has been split - nothing that can't be fixed with a smear of filler... Port side..... The rest of the resin castings......... Conning tower and periscopes, rudder and diving planes, prop shafts and propellers, deck gun and (I think?) a radio mast. There are no instructions or decals and painting guides and it isn't as cleanly moulded as some other resin kits, but it should clean up into a reasonable model. As I already have a model of a U-Class boat (HMS Upholder) in my collection, I am going to make it as HMS Venturer She gained fame when she sank U-864 - the first time in the history of naval warfare that one submarine intentionally sank another while both were submerged. Ken
  12. One of the things I picked up at SMW Telford was a new resin kit of the Royal Navy submarine HMS Tabard - (thanks Chris for the heads-up) This Group III T-Class sub is made by Starling Models and is an excellent kit of an iconic British WWII sub. The resin parts come in a stout cardboard box - filled with polystyrene 'worms' to protect the contents.... The 8-page instruction booklet is well printed with eay to follow steps.... Note the two types of gun emplacement. Colour painting guide. Superbly cast one-piece hull - with some 'flash' - but no air holes or bubbles - excellent casting The rest of the resin parts. Gun barrels from Mastermodel, etched brass fret and decal sheet. This is a quality kit of an important British submarine - and if it proves as popular as it should, we hopefully can expect more from Starling Models. I can't wait to get started. Ken
  13. Look what the postman just delivered - all the way from the snowy wastes of Severodvinsk in Russia..... It's a 1/350 scale resin kit of HMS Oberon....... Cast in solid, chocolate coloured resin, it looks to be free of pinholes, with just a small casting seam along the hull... There are few parts - the above hull, plus a conning tower, fore and aft dive planes, two propellers, two masts and two styles of sonar dome... There are no instructions nor markings - but that isn't a problem - I think I can work it out. I got it from this eBay seller :- https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Submarine-resin-kit-of-SS-Oberon-class-the-UK-1-350-scale/264271889518?hash=item3d87d5046e:g:jlYAAOSwy8JctiIL ...and service was excellent - ordered on 21 June, posted on 28 Jun, delivered on 8 July. I might try to make it as HMS Opossum - with an interesting camo scheme and 'sharkmouth'. ....and it might inspire me to finish my HMS Tabard build...... Ken
  14. Finished at last - my conversion of the AFV Club USS Gato into the USS Sealion in her transport role designated LPSS. I think I've made the raised decking too high. The Marines helicopter is a Shapeways 3D printed S-55...... It hasn't turned out as good as I would have liked - but I'm blaming failing eyesight and fat fingers... The helicopter main rotor blades are scratched, the crew figures are from a Fujimi set. Not perfect, but something a little different. Build thread is here - and more of my 1:350 scale subs are here. Ken
  15. Ever since finding this photo of the Balao-class sub USS Sealion, I have wanted to try and model her...... All I needed was a 1/350 scale model of a Sikorsky HRS-3 helicopter to place on her widened deck aft of the fairwater..... Then I found that Shapeways Models made a 3D-printed S-55 heicopeter - so I was ready to start... I'm using the AFV-Club Gato-class sub as a starting point....... Sealion is a Balao-class sub (improved Gato), so I needed a late-style fairwater - also made by Shapeways..... The S-55 helicopters are sold in blocks of 4 - and they are simply stunning.... Here's a single example - all of 36mm (1.5in) long....... I just hope my failing eyesight and fat fingers can do it justice... All I need to do now is widen that decking aft of the fairwater........ watch this space. Ken
  16. "Gentlemen, I present to you the Soviet submarine Project 629..... 1 ping only Vasilly" This is the solid resin model from Polar Bear Models - who sell ready-made and painted submarine display models in 1/350 scale. As a sideline, they also sell the subs as 'kits' - consisting of a rock-like, chocolate coloured resin one-piece hull with separate propellers, masts and dive planes plus a decal sheet. I had to fill the display base mounting holes and sand down some bulges from its display origins - as well as the seam line down the middle - and wore out a few sanders and drill bits doing so - the resin is REALLY hard! Anyway - It's finished........ It was hard work - but it adds another Soviet type to my collection of 1/350 scale subs. More photos of the build here. The Polar Bear kits are quite expensive - but I might be be tempted to get a few more - especially the more unusual types. Ken
  17. I thought it was about time I started posting my completed builds in the Ready for Inspection section; starting with some pictures of my model of HMS Somerset, my third and favourite ship on which I served from December 1994 to October 1998. Somerset is the 11th Type 23 Frigate (although her yard number was T23-12). I joined the ship whist she was in build in Glasgow and had the privilege of being part of the team that brought the ship to life. I modelled HMS Somerset as she appeared in the period 1997 to 1998 and the starting point was the Trumpeter 1:350 HMS Kent kit and White Ensign (now Atlantic Models) Etched brass. I made some minor adjustments to both the kit and PE to correct some small mistakes and I designed my own PE for the first time with this model and I would like to thank Mike McCabe who helped me getting it made. All the details of this build can be found on the forum here: http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234979406-hms-somerset-f82/ Thank you and enjoy.
  18. Here is the second of my Ton Class models, this time HMS Upton a Minesweeper. I was not originally intending to build this model but as I had decided to develop Photo Etch for Brereton I thought I should go one step further and develop PE to enable me to build another model to show the extent of the difference between a Minehunter and a Minesweeper. So I designed the PE and bought another kit. I originally started out with the intention of building HMS Wotton which is why the build log refers to HMS Brereton and HMS Wotton. http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235001978-ton-class-mine-hunter-hms-brereton-and-minesweeper-hms-wotton-1350-scale-atlantic-models-kit/#comment-2348495 However I changed my mind as I had no connection with Wotton whereas I grew up in a village called Upton. I am aware that in doing so I am causing confusion with the Atlantic Models kit that I converted. To be clear the Atlantic Models kit is a Minehunter and is actually HMS Nurton and not HMS Upton as stated on the box cover. Not that it matters too much as it is an excellent kit and a joy to build. So here are pictures of my HMS Upton, a conversion from the Atlantic Models kit to a Minesweeper: And finally here are some pictures with my models of HMS Brereton and HMS Upton together: I hope you enjoy the pictures Thank you Paul.
  19. Finally finished - the MikroMir 1/350 scale kit of HMS K15 - which I have built as HMS K22 (ex-K13). I also converted another K15 kit as HMS K12 - with a raised fordeck in front of the bridge. The WIP is here - from months ago. They aren't the best models I have ever made - lost my modelling mojo halfway through - hence the long tome to complete. Anyway FWIW, here are the photos..... HMS K22 - straight from the box.... Ken
  20. Finally finished - the E.V.A Resin kit of the wartime HMS Upholder - along with my scratch-built 1990's version........ The 'distressing' looks a bit overdone, the camera makes it look worse - it doesn't look that bad to my tired old eyeballs - honest!!! I replaced the deck gun with one from a Mikro-Mir kit.... Ken
  21. Another resin kit from Blue Ridge Models - and the same comments apply - superbly cast, with excellent packaging and presentation. Two versions can be buit from this kit - the earlier missile-armed SSGN or the later, special ops boat with a SEAL delivery hangar and DSRV As I have already built a PIT Road Regulus-armed SSGN variant...... .... I'll be building the Blue Ridge model as converted for Special Operations. The kit...... Stout cardboard box with artwork.... Rear of the box showing the two variants. Excellent packaging and presentation - this is a quality product. Resin parts - note the two different sails and DSRV - plus etched brass and decals. Even the instruction booklet is colour (color?) coded for the two versions - a neat touch. This is another model that I will be adding to my growing collection of Special Ops boats. Ken
  22. Look what the postman just delivered....... The latest 1/350 scale submarine kit from the ever productive Mikro-Mir ..... and it's BRITISH !! The hull is in two vertically-split halves - minus the missile decking (which aids conversion) The decking - plus sail, dive planes, masts etc are on a separate sprue..... The package is finished off with an etched brass propeller and a simple decal sheet (why are British subs so plain? - not even a pennant number) The instruction sheet is a simple exploded diagram...... .... and a simple painting guide - black, black or.......... black. This is a very welcome addition from Mikro-Mir - if sales are good, maybe we will get more British submarine types. Thanks Mikro-Mir :thumbsup: Ken
  23. This is my conversion of the Airfix HMS Trafalgar into the earlier Swiftsure class sub HMS Spartan. This sub was fitted with a Dry Deck Shelter (DDS) for covert operations with the Special Boat Squadron (SBS). I was inspired by this series of photos - the only ones I have ever seen of the DDS. On my model the hull is shortened by 7mm from the Trafalgar kit, the single side vents are replaced by twin vents and the rudder is shortened by approx 5mm - all to make a Swiftsure class sub. For HMS Spartan, the decking behind the sail is extended to port and a scratch-built DDS is fitted - as well as a bathtub-shaped bulge on the starboard flank. I have tried to replicated the missing anechoic tiles seen in the photos when she was operating in Brazil...... Two 1/350 scale crew figures are added to give scale.... Clseup showing the DDS on the extended decking..... Starboard view showing the DDS, rear 'bathtub', twin vents and general scruffy appearance of this boat. I do wish Airfix would follow up their Trafalgar with some more submarine models - especially WWII types. Now, where is that photo of HMS Astute fitted with a DDS ???? Ken
  24. Look what's just 'surfaced' in my mail..... It is a solid resin model of a Soviet Golf-I class submarine. Made by Polar Bear models of Severodvinsk - they are sold as ready-made models - but they also sell the parts as 'kits' - minus instructions or painting details. This is not a problem as there isn't much to construct, the parts are self-evident and a view of the ready-made model shows the colours :- http://www.subs-n-ships.com/pics/subs/ussr/golf/400_golf.jpg The hull is a one-piece solid chocolate-coloured resin casting with a joint seam along the centreline, but is superbly moulded with no flaws or air bubbles... There are large holes in the keel to take the brass stands of the ready-made model - so they will need to be filled.. Once cleaned up it should prove simple to build.... A decal sheet, rear deck dome, forward dive planes, shnorkel, masts and propellers are included. I ordered the kit on-line and payed via PayPal - delivery took a while - but not a problem. I shall certainly be purchasing more of these kits from Polar Bear Ken
  25. The Mikro-Mir kit is supposed to be HMS M.1 - but as I already had a resin model of M.1, I decided to make HMS M.2 - before she was comverted into an aircraft-carrying sub. The only changes I made were to source the M2 decals from my spares box - white characters on top of black to get the 'shadow' effect. I also left off the deck gun - Internet photos show it not fitted.... The M-Class were nicknamed 'Mutton Boats' - because the 12in gun mounting looked like a leg of mutton. HMS M1 and M2 together...... This is another in the expanding range of 1/350 scale subs from Mikro-Mir I understand that they are planning to make HMS M2 with a hangar and floatplane - plus M3 when she was converted into a minelayer. Ken
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