Please allow me to introduce myself...........
When I was much, much younger I used to build model aeroplanes, ships and whatnot. I built quite a few and probably very badly. I also became a bit of a plane spotter! Then I grew up!
Then, a couple of years ago I found myself laid up, due to injury, for a couple of months and got bored! So I bought a model aeroplane ( A Saab Gripen) and breaking all of the rule of accuracy, built it and even painted it! I used the old Humbrol enamels and a paint brush and was quite proud of my achievement. So I bought another etc.
So here I am a year or so after building my Saab (I have a soft spot for the brand!) introducing myself to a world of, from what I have realised, very accomplished and serious model making folk.
I'm completely humbled by the skills and dedication to detail that I've seen on this site and I've realised that I'll never get to that level of competence!
But hey, who cares? As long as we enjoy what we do? Nothing else matters...........
I might, one day, dare to darken your site with images of my attemps!
Untill then