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Araby Guard unit

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Hi folks,

As a wind-down from finishing the sniper I painted these Warmaster figures - quite a shift from 1/8 to 10mm scale :) They're really nice castings, full of life, and metal with all the pros and cons that entails. Mostly pros, I think, although it's a long time since I touched any metal minis and I keep missing the tags while cleaning them up. I undercoated them black and followed a scheme fairly close to the pics on GW's website because I liked the red and turquoise against the black, and these guys are supposed to be elite troops so black uniforms seem appropriate. For the rank and file I think I'll use the same turquoise with white uniforms maybe?


Click for bigger

Quite fiddly to paint as you can imagine, and my first go a a freehand banner looks nice until you get too close-up to it. Need to work on the consistency of my brush strokes. One huge plus is that I bought a Tamiya "pro" 00 brush and it has the most fantastic point, it's like painting with a laser or something. Very cool.

Obligatory "look at me, I'm small" size comparison picture :D


Now to clean up my work area and do some proper modelling. LCAC and Wessex both need work.



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