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Found 5 results

  1. Hi all 😎 Started in the mid 1990's but never finished, the build was resurrected summer 2020 and the first full kit completed since returning to the hobby after a break of 23 years. This is also the first kit I've completed using the airbrush and acrylics, having previously used only enamels and brush painting for projects at home, the first attempt at weathering a proper military land vehicle, and the first proper attempt at painting detailed figures. The kit had previously been part painted and built, so needed completely dismantling and stripping (see the photos in the WiP thread). Paint is Tamiya acrylics, with matt clear coat. Weathering and chipping on the vehicle and jerrycans using a mix of hairspray technique, sponge and finished off with Tamiya weathering powders. The jeep was painted in US Army olive drab with desert yellow over the top for chipping. Figures painted with Tamiya acrylics, skin tones are Citadel Miniatures. Kit is built out of the box with a couple of scratch-built extras: condenser tank pipe made from a piece of electrical wire; bags, water canteens and goggle straps made from paper; jerrycan racks make from thin brass sheet. All other accessories are from the kit. Comments always welcome! 😊👍 Cheers!
  2. Hi all 😎 Started in the mid 1990's but never finished, the build was resurrected summer 2020 and is destined to be the first full kit completed since returning to the hobby after a break of 23 years. This is also the first kit I've have completed using the airbrush and acrylics, having previously used only enamels and brush painting for projects at home, the first attempt at weathering a proper military land vehicle, and the first proper attempt at painting detailed figures. The kit had been part painted and built, so needed completely dismantling and stripping. This took a couple of weeks on and off, as 23 year old enamel proved a bit stubborn to remove. Paint is Tamiya acrylics, with matt clear coat. Weathering and chipping on the vehicle and jerrycans using a mix of hairspray technique, sponge and finished off with Tamiya weathering powders. The jeep was painted in US Army olive drab with desert yellow over the top for chipping. Figures painted with Tamiya acrylics, skin tones are Citadel Miniatures. Kit is built out of the box with a couple of scratch-built extras: condenser tank pipe made from a piece of electrical wire; bags, water canteens and goggle straps made from paper; jerrycan racks make from thin brass sheet. All other accessories are from the kit (I'm a predominantly out-the-box type of builder). The jeep after stripping and rebuilding ready for painting. Still got the jerry cans and a few accessories to go. The underside still shows evidence of the original enamel paints, however for the underside of the chassis, I wasn't too concerned with getting the strip pristine. The first results of airbrushing bodywork with acrylics and doing chipping. The jeep was sprayed in olive drab overall, sealed with a satin coat, then hair-sprayed before adding the desert yellow. Most of the chipping was done with a very worn out, short bristled old flat brush (from the days when I used to do a lot of watercolour painting). Accidentally broke the drivers seat backrest in the process, but no drama. First go at painting detailed figures (stock crew from the kit) - all Tamiya acrylics, with skin tones using Citadel Miniatures. The base colour of the uniforms was airbrushed, but the rest hand painted/brush. A minor bit of scratch-building - jerry can racks from a bit of brass shim. Nothing measured just cut and built by eye..... good enough for effect and government work! Racks fixed in place and painted/weathered. Other accessories starting to come together - all acrylics and apart from the sand channel boards, all hand/brush painted. Onto the final stages of fitting the various bits of kit and touches of weathering. Straps for the bags are made from paper (normal inkjet paper). Comments and suggestions always welcome! Photos of the completed build will follow 😀
  3. This has taken up about 2 months of my retirement and was built utilising the Tamiya 1/35 SAS Jeep kit and the Long Range Desert Group Kit with terrain techniques taken from AK's Diorama FAQ. It was all about me trying to build a desert! I hope you like it; your comments and critique are as always welcome!
  4. Here are a couple of recent Tamiya SAS Jeep builds, have added photo etch and custom detailing. Feedback welcome. Sly
  5. This is most probably my best 1/35 model, as I haven't build many, painted less and nearly everything a long time ago. I am basically a 1/72 guy. But sometimes for a change I make something, and I was quite inspired (if I may say so myself) when I built this one, in just two intensive days with the help of my brother. Usually I am not either a fan of making very worned out vehicles (I normally like vehicles just arrived from the factory), but this clearly cried for all the weatherings one can think of and then more. Here is the result (more pics here; http://toysoldierchest.blogspot.com/2013/05/tamiya-british-special-air-service-sas.html);
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