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Found 10 results

  1. I am about to start a Hurricane so |I thought I would start this thread. The Spitfire thread I started seems to be a melting pot where we all share and learn...first (stupid question)....I hope people find this helpful...doh!
  2. Hi Gang and a Happy Bank Holiday Weekend - for those of us enjoying it. I am looking for some honest opinions / advice / tips / tricks etc with regard to washes. Up to now I have only had a quick play with Humbrol washes and was very frankly - dismayed and disappointed. Today I've been watching some videos - such as these... ...now I know well enough that a good demonstrator can make anything look - easy / good / a must have - but I do want to get into this - as I think my aircraft are lacking a certain 'something'. I'm not really interested in chipping, but I am interested in adding some panel lines and light staining, as well as creating depth in recesses etc. Also - I'm about to have a dabble in the dark world of AFV modelling - where I think proper weathering IS A MUST!!! I would be really interested in thoughts on Flory and Ultimate washes - from anyone who has personal experience with them. The videos give lots of information - but is it as good and easy as it looks??? Thanks in advance as always - I know I can count on you to point me in the right direction - Steve
  3. I thought a new (Well, really not new!) discussion topic on the subject might be better than hijacking (Can you still use that term post-9-11?) the original thread. I have posted links to two photos that I think might be helpful. One is of a restored Bf-109G-10 and the other is of a restored Bf-109E. Both were taken from about the same angle and view. It appears to me, and I'm probably wrong, that the location of the mounting points for the landing gear struts is the same for both aircraft. The track, or angle that the struts are splayed outboard, seems to be greater on the G-10. That would perhaps account for the new upper wing bulges on the G-10 and other variants. I think another factor might be the missing panels that should be inboard of the struts in the G-10 photo that give the illusion of the struts being moved further outboard. In the Jochen Prien book on the Bf-109 F, G, and K, he states that the angle of the axles and struts was changed, as was the size of the wheels, but not the location. Does this help or make sense? Mike https://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=kVpkXPLLHYXKsQWT5L_YDg&q=Bf-109G-6+undercarriage+track&oq=Bf-109G-6+undercarriage+track&gs_l=img.12...131366.136742..139133...0.0..0.79.1385.20......0....1..gws-wiz-img.......0i30j0i24.eq5b1RiJvFI#imgrc=gzcAWZq78AHo1M:&spf=1550080811755 https://www.google.com/search?q=Bf-109G-6+landing+gear&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=v2_ywA0QlLfVCM%3A%2C1pIOpja9yBcnnM%2C_&usg=AI4_-kS9iJis44BHtQ24l0KvWoaNrRUWxQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjhmLG1pLngAhUL7qwKHZktCYYQ9QEwAHoECAMQBA#imgrc=PlRd81bc6GDcGM:&spf=1550080671289
  4. After a visit to iwm Duxford, I was wondering if there are markings in 1/72 scale, to build the F111 they have, black UH and v shaped markings on tail, Tiger on one side Indian on other side of nose?
  5. Hi guys, Having watched the Prince Harry documentary on BBC Knowledge with interest, I would love to build an Army WAH-64D. I noticed that Heritage Aviation and IsraCast made conversion sets for the Hasegawa kit and that the latter included a small decal sheet. Any idea which of the two sets is better? It seems though that the IsraCast set is OOP and that my only option would be the Heritage set anyway. Unfortunately there are no decals included. Is anyone maybe building the Revell/Monogram kit and not using the British option and willing to part with the decals? Would appreciate any assistance guys, and Pierre
  6. i have the Heller humbrol AJ.37/SF.37/SK.37 kit not too bad a kit to be fair, moulded in green plastic, my questions are firstly im not building the 2 seater, think it looks too strange imho, now kit comes with only a centreline fuel tank, but nothing else to hang underneath. what do i need and where to find it?
  7. I tend to have a number of posts and was about to start another. Edgar is great with his answers so maybe we can all use one place for our Q and A, I just received Hayes owners manual and I noticed that the cutaway depicts both TR9 (Top) and side antenna. Interestingly none of the restored spits have any wires showing. I am doing and early MKIX so was wondering what the low down was on when to use both, none, only one type? Next (stupid questions - I am doing one of the desert polish MK IX's Eduards paint ref show no walk lines. I looked at a poor quality photo, to no avail. I know that the early Vb's were rushed out and repainted on arrival. I would have thought that by the time the MK IX's were dispatched they would have come in desert cammo with all the bells and whistle i.e. "no step" etc.
  8. hi ive just been given as birthday (today) present the Italeri 72 scale F-35 A seems a nice kit. questions- it says 3x us decal options but it also includes Nederland, Belgium, Italy & UK national insignia ie RAF pink, blue roundels and tail flashes, i have a what if plan for RAF one so tail flashes on tails roundel upper lower both wings where do we think fuselage roundels will go, us stars n bars are on fuselage rear under tailplane,s load out it comes with a pair of AIM-120 and pair of GBU-31, carried internally what do we think RAF will use? ive seen a Academy one on e-bay in us which shows 3 under wing pylons, is this likely, wont it ruin stealth capabilities?
  9. Hi! I was checking the instructions for this helicopter and have some questions for the experts. 1.- in steps 67 and 68 what are those parts that go in the skies? 2.- is there any AM replacement parts for the parts in step 74 and 75, have anyone try to improve them? Thanks for the info Byron
  10. 1 did the F-4 C/D carry the SSU-23A gun pod ? im asking as the Hase weapon set II shows a E with one and i thought this already had an internal gun? my thoughts were C/D SSU-23A on centre pylon napalm on other pylon and a ter with bombs on the other. then possibly on the E a MER on center full of bombs then not sure what else. any ideas people?
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