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Found 4 results

  1. I started with painting the fuselage CDL bits. I`ve sprayed them with XF-57 mixed with brown and white, in order to make them less uniform. I`ve also tried something new - I wanted to give the texture to the painted CDL, so using the crayons I`ve simulated the fabric weave.
  2. Hallo again Here is my Fe2b. From WNW in 1/32. I did all after I did the Dh2 in 32 and 48. Therefore, I was a little more experienced. Well, WW1 a/c are a challenge and I like it sometimes more as a jet. Depends on my mood. Fun to build. Nice to grasp the rigging. Happy modelling
  3. Hello, So it happens that it`s the first WnW kit on my bench. I`m also going to build Bristol Fighter WnW with Aviattic decals simultaneously with this one. What can I say - it's simply awesome!! Love every second of the time I spent building it so far. The box picture is by Artro modelling (too lazy to take one on my own).
  4. I had it long time waiting till starting this wonderful kit..... the HANSA BRANDENBURG W.29 in scale 1/32 by Wingnut Wings. There is nothing unsaid about this amazing kit so that I do not want to loose time.... and start directly with the first pictures of it..... The engine.... I added some wire and replaced some parts with thin plastic pipes ..... and painted all in black / iron. The iron was polished aferwards before adding some oil paint, drybrushing and pigments to it ..... All interior parts got a primer with brown lifecolor, before making the wooden parts with oil colors. I wanted to give it a darker look on the inside and used mostly dark brown colors. The tanks and other metal parts were painted with Revell Aqua colors and received some polishing and oil color washing after it. Next I have added more and more parts to the interior ..... Do not wonder about the missing seatbelts... I am waiting for the lased cut parts from HGW right now ..... Hope you like it so far .... Cheers Michael
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