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Found 3 results

  1. Hi everybody; many of you may know about the recent releases from FineMolds of various Phantom subjects. My dear friend @Gene K was so kind and donated me this: This is going to be my first Long Nose Rhino; I thought (upon Gene's advice ) of throwing in also the Finemolds armament set and their pitot pipes brass set However, it just so happens that a while ago @Gene K had already donated to me another Long Nose Phantom kit, this one So I thought: why not a double build? Maybe trying to duplicate some of the features form the modern Finemolds kit and use them to improve the venerable Hasegawa kit? And maybe viceversa? Back then, I also acquired a few AM sets to spice up the HASEGAWA kit: Aires exhausts, Eduard PE set (full, not only the cockpit set) and Master Brass pitot pipes. And obviously, Gene's seamless intakes Right. Which subjects to represent, though? I don't really feel like I want to build a Japanese aircraft, at the moment; and I don't particularly care for the schemes proposed in the Hasegawa boxing too. So I ordered a decals set for an Iranian AC and one for an Hellenic Air Force Phantom. They're on their way from Poland and should hopefully be here soon. Both airframe have slatted wings, so the HASEGAWA kit is just fine, while the Finemolds one represents a model of the "hard wing" type, so the first challenge will be to upgrade that, copying the Hasegawa parts or sourcing stuff from other kits (a Revell F-4F, for instance - currently waiting to know from a friend if he has one to spare). This is going to be quite a long term project, also because I will put it on hold at a certain point, as soon as I receive my kits for the 453rd Museum build. It should hopefully be fun though. As usual, any comments, pointers and advice welcome. Ciao
  2. Does anyone have any good shots/ drawings of the swordfish leading edge wing slats please? Thanks
  3. OK, I know we are all getting pretty fired up to do FJ-2's right about now, and I'm sure this question isn't new, but selfishly for my benefit, could Sabrejet or Tailspin Turtle elaborate on this query? I want to get this one right! Regarding the FJ-2, on a natural metal VMF-235 Fury, would these colors be correct? Did Sword get the longer windscreen correct? Did I get this right? cockpit below consoles, seat: FS36231 dk. gull grey wheel bays, speed brake bays: FS 34151, chromate green landing gear doors, speed brake door interior, including edges: FS 31136, insignia red inner surface of slats, slat wells on wing leading edge: unpainted or dull, anodized aluminum Glad I have some spare Academy Sabre kits and Cutting Edge slat sets, as it looks like I'm going to need one of them! Mike To SJ- I'm betting the raised panels you illustrated on the kit fuselage are due to a non-original airframe being used for research, just like when they did their F3D kit. I'm looking through museum photos to see if I can find out which airplane, if any, matches the tooling on the kit.
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