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Found 5 results

  1. Hi all and just finished this one to get me out of a post-summer slump. Built OOB with Tamiya tape for belts. It's the standard Airfix P-51D in the Top Gun Maverick boxing. Went together very nicely but the canopy frame sides needed sanding to fit right and the u/c legs were badly warped. I decided to paint the stripes instead of the kit decals. Paints were Tamiya and Mr Hobby Extreme Metal. Super Metallic Super Chrome Silver II. Thanks for looking, happy modelling. Dermot Ground run!
  2. Hi all and this is my latest finish, AMK's L-29 Delfin trainer in 1/72 civilian scheme from the Aeroclub of Kharkiv. The kit was generously donated by @chiefwiggum The short build thread is here but to recap: Kit: AMK L-29 Delfin No. 86001 Build: Out of box Paints: Tamiya, Mr Hobby Acrylics Decals: From Kit 😱 Weathering: light wash and panel lines with water-mixed pigment. The Good - a lovely kit with beautiful, fine engraved details, terrific fit and plenty of decal and build options out of the box. Small P/E fret also included The Bad - tricky build as the instruction images are quite small so hard to see where certain parts locate The Ugly - the blue/white civil decals were shocking and disintegrated/cracked/shattered when placed on the model or moved around. Worse. Decals. Ever. I stuck in as much nose weight as I could fit and also added it to the sides of the cockpit tub - seemed to do the trick. I decided to stick with the build and repaired the decals with paint as best I could. Definitely not my finest hour and best viewed from 6ft away. 😜 AMK_L-29_Delfin_172_done (3) by Dermot Moriarty, on Flickr AMK_L-29_Delfin_172_done (13) by Dermot Moriarty, on Flickr AMK_L-29_Delfin_172_done (12) by Dermot Moriarty, on Flickr AMK_L-29_Delfin_172_done (11) by Dermot Moriarty, on Flickr Quite a rugged design for a trainer compared to something like a Hawk or T-38 AMK_L-29_Delfin_172_done (6) by Dermot Moriarty, on Flickr AMK_L-29_Delfin_172_done (8) by Dermot Moriarty, on Flickr AMK_L-29_Delfin_172_done by Dermot Moriarty, on Flickr Thanks for looking, all the best and happy modelling. Cheers, Dermot
  3. Guess I'd better declare mine here - seems that there's quite a few of these about so I'll leave out the box contents, but just to be clear this is the kit in question. Because I tend to build at a pace similar to a snail on spice this will be done straight out of the box. And as my first car build on returning to the hobby was the 2006 version, I absolutely have to build it in black with gold stripes to resemble it's cousin from four years ago (looking at the picture now I realise how much neater my more recent builds are under the camera!): But first, a small confession. Although I haven't started building anything yet, I have got some paint on the body as I tend to leave a couple of weeks between coats and could see that holding me up. It's just had the colour coat (pics at some stage over the weekend) so still decalling and clear coats to go. Hope that is ok as there is well under 25% of work done to date, but it's not a completely fresh build from 10th July.
  4. HI all, Just thought I would share this one that's been on my workbench for the past few weeks but I never got around to posting here...an OOB build of Revell's F-16 Tigermeet '09 Box Contents.. The big decal sheet that doesn't quite fit inside the box!! (note the bend in it) Started with the cockpit and apart from seatbelts, all OOB. Drybrushed the panels instead of using the kit decals.. This kit really falls together nicely, just the odd area to watch out for the fit.. Simple one colour paint scheme of Gunship Grey applied with a brush (first coat) And the underside masked up for the light grey bit.. Started the decal work on the drop tanks, to see how they worked. Really nicely printed by Daco and settled down lovely with some MicroSol.. And then on to the airframe! Did I say the decals were lovely? Well, they are but they're oversized for the kit and needed endless trimming and re-fitting to get them to work. And MicroSol for the curves.. Underneath pic... And with the doors removed... And how she looked the other night....the tail decal was a bit of a bear to fit More updates tonight hopefully! Thanks for looking. Dermot
  5. If it isn't too late to join I'd like to participate with my Airfix Blenheim I. It is a lovely little kit with a well appointed interior, options for an open bomb bay and additional external bomb mounts, well engineered positionable landing gear, flap, and turret parts, and two nice decal options in the box. The first of these is for a Romanian aircraft, and the second for an airplane flown by Arthur S. K. Scarf with 62 sqn. in Malaya. On December 9, 1941, Sqn Leader Scarf and a flight of blenheims were taking off for a raid on a Japanese airfield when they were bounced by Japanese fighters. Scarf's aircraft was the only one to get passed and he pressed on to the target. He evaded fighter screans and completed his bomb run. On the return trip, Scarf's aircraft was attacked once again by fighters and he was mortally wounded. He crashlanded his blenheim and saved the lives of his navigator and gunner. For his actions, Scarf was postumously awarded the Victoria Cross. I began the build with the wing. There are two internal spars which form the front and back of the main gear bays, along with some gear strut details to mount inside the housings. All of this, allong with the inner flap surfaces were painted with Humbroll 78 - which looks a tad dark to my eye. Surprisingly, Airfix doesn't offer gear bay side walls, but I'll leave things be, as the idea is to have an enjoyable out-of-box (almost - nearly) build. Almost, because I'm replacing the solid moulded wingtip lights with clear bits, and I may attempt to open up the access hatches. More exciting stuff to follow shortly.
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