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Found 3 results

  1. Hello all. This will be my entry to this Group Build, the old Airfix Mitchell. This has been around for a long time, 1964 or thereabouts. I know I built one in the 1967-70 timescale (it took less time than that!) and have done quite a few since. This will be strictly (well, almost) OOB. Family matters prevent me having too much time at the workbench so I am in this for fun and relaxation. I will make one or two changes to the kit, but will mention those as I go along. It will not be super-accurate, and the markings may not match the Mk which I build, but I have been given permission! Anyway, here are the intro pictures - first, the box: 'Lady Luck' is the one I have nearly always built in the past, I am afraid that to my eyes without a glass nose, it does not look like a Mitchell (there are two solid-nosed versions included as well). Who says first impressions as a youngster do not affect your outlook on life! I never could get a good finish with brush-painted Airfix or Humbrol Silver enamel paints, and they never seemed to dry properly. Now the parts: It has that nice, lovely silver plastic which retains all the surface detail marks when they get sanded off. I think I will leave it in all of it's rivetted glory. The kit gives three marking options, but not many transfers: I have decided to give the scheme a bit of a makeover, and will use markings from this set: And in particular, one of these two options: I have got mainly Humbrol paints, and the new-tooled version of the Airfix Mitchell suggests Humbrol 128 (I will have to check that) but Humbrol's conversion chart suggests that the equivalent for Xtracolour Neutral Gray was Humbrol 126. I know one alteration I will need to do is get rid of location points for the two sets of two guns on the side of the fuselage near the cockpit, images of RAF Mitchells don't show them. Another challenge will be masking for the D-Day stripes, something I always struggle with. Anyway, I am looking forward to starting this when the time comes. All the best with your builds, Ray
  2. Hi, just joining after chatting with @Dansk and @modelling minion. This build will be a bit familiar in that it is very similar to that done by @stevej60. But it will use different kits and be a lot slower and less well finished, I suspect. So…….apart from end-product (hopefully) not actually very similar come to think of it Apologies for repeating a bit of the chat thread but it describes from where I’m travelling. This is all @stevej60's fault! 😁 I saw his double Bf109 build and thought maybe I could have a go too? I only returned to the hobby at the beginning of the year so I'm still "finding my feet" as it were and hence still acquiring skills and knowledge. But I recently discovered GBs and having hardly even heard about such things before I plunged into the recent Blitz build. Failed, but thoroughly enjoyed it and wondered if I might do better in a less rushed approach. My plan is to have a go at these The old Airfix one (1986 boxing of 1976 tooling) almost OOB and will be the victim of my first attempt at mottled camo for 40 yrs: and also having never tried that with an airbrush previously it is probable that disaster is already looming. Whilst I'll try and do it justice I regard it as a potential mule for future experiments unless it turns out better. Meanwhile the one more likely to succeed is the ICM kit which is a lot newer and better thought of, I think. The box is an E3 but parts are included on the sprues to do an E7-trop. It doesn't need much in the way of decals, that I can source from the stash, to render a second JG27 desert subject with simpler un-mottled scheme. I would normally like to spend more time doing research on a particular subject. However, I was keen to join this GB and get some modelling done. I have also realised that what I used to “know” about things like WWII Luftwaffe colours is 3 or 4 decades behind the times and I’m rapidly trying to catch up and so take on board a lot of info. This is where BM is so wonderful and I will probably be asking some naïve questions; but beg forgiveness in advance if things have been discussed before. I try to work things out first so as to try and save the experten from repeating things, but I’m bound to miss stuff. Anyway, here goes. My “home” research resources are these I also have some less type-specific Luftwaffe volumes. These are supplemented by a selection of articles in a random collection of magazines from the 1970s and 1980s. And I have learnt some, but by no means comprehensive, on-line searching skills. Accordingly I have decided to do the Airfix kit in the scheme in the box. There are a couple of excellent b/w photos of “Black 8”, particularly a very sharp printing in the Shacklady book. I’ve also found this https://www.asisbiz.com/il2/Bf-109E/JG27-I-MTO/pages/Messerschmitt-Bf-109E7Trop-2.JG27-Black-8-Franz-Elles-Libya-1941-01.html I suspect it has been “colourised” rather than being an original colour photo, but it allows a decent look at some of the physical details and the shape (if not the colour) of the mottling. Having said that, the colours eventually applied to my model may be very similar . With the ICM kit I’m probably going to do this scheme https://www.asisbiz.com/il2/Bf-109E/JG27-I-MTO/pages/Messerschmitt-Bf-109E7Trop-1.JG27-White-6-El-Gazala-Libya-1941-0A.html There are several photos of “White 6”. Some have a mottled scheme, but I assume these are later than the plain one (also assuming they are actually the same aircraft). My preference, in order to keep modelling success more likely, is the plain sand over sky blue. I like the idea of yellow and a bit of red and white to liven things up. However, if anyone knows that these are just plain wrong, then please let me know. So I’ve set the stall out as to what I think I’m aiming at and now I need to actually get on and bash something!! But a bit more waffle first…..sorry. For the ICM kit I don’t propose to do sprue shots as these have been covered elsewhere on BM. I said previously that although it is an E3 boxing of the kit, the sprues seem to contain bits for the E7/trop as well. To check I am going to use the correct bits, I managed to download from Scalemates a copy of the ICM E7 instructions. As I suspected, it is simply to do with the canopy, spinner and air intake tropical filter. I had read in some builds of this kit that the tailwheel is undersized, and so it would seem when compared to the plans I have. That’ll irk me if I don’t replace it, and I need some spares ‘cos I have a “thing” about losing tail wheels (as Chris @bigbadbadge keeps reminding me ). The other thing I noticed is that (having had a problem with them on the more recent Airfix Bf109E in the Blitz build) the guns are very delicate in plastic. So whilst ordering the tailwheels I might have a look at resin or brass replacement armament. The rest of the kit looks quite nice with plenty of restrained detail externally and similarly in the cockpit. Crossing fingers, I think I can cope with that (but modelling is easier without crossed fingers ). Now we come to the older Airfix which I've had stashed away in the loft since I bought it when it came out in this form (Family and work took over so modelling was put on hold). I had the pleasure of building the “new” (surprisingly now 10yrs old) version in the Blitz build. What a lovely kit it was, apart from the tiny tiny pieces that kept breaking or being lost due to their size and my ham-fistedness removing them from the sprues in a bit of a rush. The older one here is “of it’s age”. It seems to be pretty good in overall outline as far as I can tell (I’ll check that further as we go along) but there’s not much in the cockpit and nothing in the wheel wells. The wings come in 4 pieces rather than the more modern(?) 3, so making a symmetrical dihedral more of a challenge. But the real issue is that it appears to have had a visitation from the Mad Rivetter of Rawtenstall!* The plastic is quite hard and I think I could file my nails on the rivets if I gave it a try. Why did they do this? Because they knew they were there and thought they should be included? This aircraft was flush-rivetted and you just can’t see them in photos from even quite close to. If one holds the wing pieces at the correct angle to the light one could convince oneself that the protrusions above the wing surface are just a bit less than 0.5mm. Being generous, let’s call it 0.2mm. Assuming I’ve done me ‘rithmatic correctly, in full scale terms that’s approx. 14.5 mm or just over half an inch!!! Talk about a drag queen ……. My dilemma is this – 1. should I just live with these things, slap the model together and get the paint going (afterall the GB theme is desert paint schemes and I also want to have a go at mottling) which deffo consigns this model to a life of muledom, or 2. do I take more time to address some of these quirks (which could be quite enjoyable) in the hope that a higher standard model will result (but with the risk that it could still end up as a mule) Any thoughts anyone? [What luxury to have this as a “problem”.] I think that’s enough rambling for now. I promise I’ll do something with plastic in the next update. And it won't be as long on text, unless someone wants a natter .. Thanks for looking. Keep safe. cheers Rob [*- Purely fictional but I liked the alliteration. Any similarity to anyone living or dead is entirely accidental. For those unsure, the place name is pronounced a bit like Rottenstorl although please don’t take that as definitive.]
  3. It's odd sometimes how you select the next project to work on, isn't it?!? "Of all the kits in all the World, you walk into this...." I don't know how it works in the brain, but this reissue from 1958 is what I've started tinkering with. I've just taken delivery of a bunch of auction wins.... 2 wins comprised of 5 kits.... So I need a WIP to keep me from wandering off on some of the other delectable items. I'm planning on sticking with the kit supplied livery, G-AORG of Jersey Airlines. Should look good if I can pull it off. Here's the state of the bench currently. (I know..... 😋) Some work internally and preparing for the windows to go in. In the background is a pile of seats, 14 in all. I'm not a huge fan of interior furniture and stuff that can't be seen, but this thing is like a glasshouse with these big windows. If ever a plane needed some seating, it's this one! Wing root recesses are blanked off, and the front bulkhead has had an opening carved into the blank plastic. Cockpit and 2 pilots is progressing... They are basic but workable - the rest of the figures supplied are shockingly bad. And finally a couple of engine units and one of the tailplanes that I have been tinkering with.... The model is a notorious tailsitter and the scope for getting ballast up front is very limited. The supplied passenger stairs can be used to support the tail end if necessary but I want to at least try to balance things. So the nacelles have Ali tube fitted right through and the rest of the nacelle is filled with plasticine. It's not a lot, but 4 of em should be some contribution to weight up the front. The trailing edges of the wings and tailplanes are thick and blunt, and I've been trying out a method I've used before to help the situation with this elevator. I'll explain what I have done shortly. So the plan is for a straight kit build with a few improvements as I go, and nothing too radical. 😎
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