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Found 4 results

  1. Hello everybody don't really know myself what got me into buying this general shape of resin supposedly representing the best!"! availabl 1/48 model of IAI attempt to challenge the F-16s reign over Israel in the late 1980s I already learned quite some things, e.g. that it was not powered by a PW-100, but a smaller version (GE-404 sized), also intended for the IAI Super Phantom, the PW 1120... all in all based on the F-16, but way smaller!! - interesting-!!! so, here it is, not "extremely" detailed or symmetrical (port/ starboard) etc... any good ideas on how to tackle it? decals look good at least! so here is what I have got an d my best attempts to align the fuselage , and also fit the cockpit section into place F-16 style intake, also fits nearly perfectly relatively nice PW-1120 with the characteristic sectioned petals so again, any ideas apart form the bin would be very welcome! Best, Werner
  2. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kinetic is buzzing... Something really new (I think so as a little birdie tells me...) or something out of the pipeline (MIIID/B, Harrier GR.1/.3/.4, A-4 Skyhawk, C-17, F-18C etc.)? Wait and see. Source: https://www.facebook.com/Kineticmodel/?hc_ref=PAGES_TIMELINE&fref=nf Source: https://www.facebook.com/KineticModel-France-284153468459310/?hc_ref=PAGES_TIMELINE&fref=nf Source: https://www.facebook.com/kineticmodeljp/?hc_ref=PAGES_TIMELINE&fref=nf V.P.
  3. Hallo Today I want to make some remarks on the famous Eurofighter. This aircraft is the famous newspaper a/c, since headlines are a constant accompany in this a/c life. It is comparable with the public life of the F-104 Starfighter. Anyway, the history of its design dates back to the 1980s to Israel. The Lavi was born. I was eyewitness of her maiden flight. This outstanding fighter. The US prohibited any further development or production to Israel. The US acted and acts the same way as the Catholic Church in the Middle Age. To prohibit knowledge to the common people. So, the drawings and calculation were sold to China. Their derivate was the Chengdu J-10. This a/c has a very familiar shape to the Eurofighter. Here I show you my model. The photos from the Lavi I made during a visit at Hazerim. Here ends the story of the Lavi and the melting design to the EF. In between just the J-10. Only one component of the EF is superior. This is the power plant. It is very well explained in a book (just for insiders to read!). The book is from K. Bauerfeind; Steuerung und Regelung der Turbotriebwerke. This book tells you all about the shortcomings in the F-100 power plant family too. As conclusion I can formulate that each nation may have good designs and a/c. Some are more capable as others. Some pay money to silence their opponent, but they are not better, just short sighted! Note: The air intake of the J-10 is more sophisticated as the EF. The weapon load of Python 3 missile! Happy modelling
  4. Israel Aircraft Industries Lavi (Young Lion) Developed in the 1980s as a 4th Gen Fighter, was cancelled mainly due to cost overruns. Pics from the Israeli Air Force Museum thanks to Dov.
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