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Found 3 results

  1. Came across this while surfing the interweb and thought I had to build one, I may even attempt the digital camouflage. Step 1 as the plan is slightly bigger than A4 I resorted to good old pen and paper drawings to scale it to 1/48. I’ll mold it as wings, tails, booms and fuselage/canopy so quite a bit of woodworking to follow.
  2. I'll jump in with the Lift Here Models 1/72 Piper Enforcer, which started out as the Cavalier Mustang, an aircraft created for the COIN or counter-insurgency mission. It began as a creation of Dave Lindsay, owner of Cavalier Aircraft, but as his company was too small to mass produce the design, it was sold to Piper Aircraft around 1970. Not to be confused with the earlier Cavalier Turbo Mustang III, which used a Rolls-Royce Dart 519 engine, the PA-48 Enforcers used the Lycoming T-55-L-9 turbo. While never accepted for manufacture, they were still 19% ACTUAL Mustang, and they looked like a Mustang! As of now the fuse halves and cockpit stuff have been sawed from sprues, soaked in Green Stuff cleaner, and primed with Alclad II grey primer. They await December 14th! Ed
  3. Patrol Craft Fast (PCF), also known as Swift Boats, were all-aluminum, 50-foot (15 m) long, shallow-draft vessels operated in Vietnam primarilybby the United States Navy, Initially patrolling the coastal areas they later took to the interior waterways as part of the 'Brown-water Navy' where they carried out interdiction, counter insurgency, troop transport and special forces insertion. In total Eighty-four Mark I Swift boats served in Vietnam, with a further twenty reserved for training, however they are frequently overlooked in favour of their more heavily armed and warlike cousins the PBRs, Landing Ships and Monitors with whom they fought alongside. ..... The Brown Water Navy as a whole is rather overlooked in modelling terms, and the PCF is no exception despite it's distinguished service. As far as I'm aware the Revell kit is the only kit generally available and although being rather old (1967), quite basic (61 parts) and lacking in any type of interior detail it appears to be quite accurate and has some potential. .... For the princely sum of £20 inc p+p I now have 2 of these. I shall tackle one and hide the other for a possible future project (original civilian or demobbed perhaps)
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