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Found 4 results

  1. I have a "Delta Combo" boxing of the old Hasegawa F-102A and F-106 and built the F-102A for last year's Century Fighters GB. So next up is the F-106: Not many parts, but very crisply moulded. I will probably do the bicentennial scheme. The tooling dates from 1969. It needs a little bit more detail in the cockpit and wells, but otherwise it's good to go! FWIW, here's the Deuce from the combo: Regards, Adrian
  2. Hello everyone Im building a P-38J from the above mentioned Squadron/Group in 1944. Based in Italy attached to the 15th A.F. So far all I have found are forward 1/3 or 1/2 views. The two or three that are full photo’s are to blurry to decide if the vertical tails have any horizontal stripes. Supposedly my aircraft has blue trimmed with gold but cannot confirm ? Id like to make sure before I add the decals in case I need to repaint ? My build as it sits ? And a link to the build thread. https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235114684-philip-goldstein-and-the-story-of-his-p-38j/ Any help would be gratefully received. Dennis
  3. This is the 'late' boxing of the Great Wall Hobbys kit. One of my branch members and I had had a lockdown build of the T-33 he used the Academy kit with loads of resin and I used the GWH kit with just some metal seat belts. We did it via WhatsApp and took a fair number of photos. Both are now finished but I haven't his permission to show you his lovely Navy trainer. 20200507_194313[1] The cockpit is a little too wide at the front and unless shaved down it can distort the nose leading to fit issues with the nose cap. I also had problems with the fit of the wing to fuselage which i haven't had before ( have already built two of them) 20200507_194346[1] I used the kit decals which were great to work with and allowed me to make an aircraft of the 49th FIS, USAF to go with my Monogram F-106 of the same unit. One day I'll be able to display them at a show I hope. 20200507_194334[1] 20200507_194323[1] Thanks for looking
  4. I'm going to have stop building these lovely old kits as I'm running out of storage space so this the last for a while. it is the old Revell/Monogram kit from the early 1990s. Pretty much strait out of the box with just some vents cleared out and a bit of extra work in the cockpit. The only addition was a Master nose probe. I used the lovely Caracal decals for a 49th FIS machine based at Griffiss AFB in the 1970s. As always thanks for looking
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