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Found 5 results

  1. Started in December last year (sooo long ago! 🙄), this project has now rolled off the line ... It's my first Takom kit and proved to be an enjoyable build. I've added extra detail to the engine ... fuel lines and wiring along with the usual wathering. Painted with Vallejo and Ammo acrylics, weathered using pastels, oils, environment 'mud' that has grass in it and enamel effects. This represents a vehicle of the 117th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, VI Corps in Germany during April 1945. So,on with the pictures .... Thanks for dropping by ... your comments and feedback are welcome! Keith 😁
  2. After a prolonged absence I'm back at my makeshift workbench. I've managed to collect several kits of my favorite British sports cars including the postwar (1948) MG TC. I've started on one of them which is the re-issued kit by Minicraft in the 2000's. I also have two of 1970's issue Entex kits in my stash. The kit itself is a very nice with much of the mouldings still crisp with minimal flash and a few sink marks here and there. Anyway, I started with the engine. I've added a few bits based on my reference photos. I separated the various pulleys from the moulded fan belt and filed the V grooves as I will scratch build the belt at a later stage. I also made the adjustment bracket for the generator. I will modify the generator to add the drive unit in the rear. Here's the stock kit's firewall. A lot of modifications will have to be made to match my reference photos. I scribed the edges of the lids and the "X" on front of the battery box to add further definition. Scratch built one of the latches. With a bit of primer to check things. Now I just have three more to do. I turned my attention to the kit's steering wheel. I was not happy with the "toy like" appearance. I decided to try and convert it to a Brooklands style four spoke wheel. I started by stretching some sprue from the kit. I started by cutting one of the spokes, reshaping the hub and the spoke stub and added one of the wires. It's a bit nerve wracking. Finished one of the spokes. It was a constant struggle to try and keep the spacing even. I'll set this aside and allow the cement to cure. Hopefully, it will be firm enough to allow me to handle cutting the other spoke in sequence and add the next spoke. Thanks for looking.
  3. After finishing my recent epic build, I looked at a Tamiya Panther as the next victim project, but decided I needed to do something that hasn't got tracks and lots of wheels so I released this from the grip of the not-a-stash stash .... This is my first foray into Takom, although having seen many of you build their products, I can't foresee any issues (I have my fingers crossed now as I've pre-ordered the 'Big Box' Tiger kits'!) and a first with 1/16th too. The nice thing here is the chance to have go at adding some extra details, such as wiring and brake lines ... Opening the box reveals this pile of goodies .... At first glance the parts look relatively flash free and crisply moulded, so off to a good start. And after bit of cleaning up, I have the three chassis parts ready to go together .... As always, comments and feedback welcome ... Keith 😁
  4. Long time Lurker, rare poster, but I'm coming up on my 40th Birthday, and mid life crisis. I'm looking at buying and building the M16 Gun Carriage from Trupeter, now I have read a few reviews and realise this kit has a few minor flaws. so i would like to get reference material, spare parts and tips to try and make My M16 better than just plain old OOB. also advice on painting this beast, would like to do a Winter Camo, also I don't have access to an Airbrush, so id like to know if it is possible to paint this with brushes and rattle cans. My birthday isnt till May 21st so i have a bit of time to get things organised, will be making a dedicated file to put this info in so electronic files and pics would be really good Many thanks Richard
  5. A departure from my usual subject but not unrelated. Used a slightly started second-hand Eduard 16th scale kit to get this one in the display cabinet. Although the sub-assemblies were all together there were no surprises in putting parts together apart from a little work to fit the cap to his head. Painted using a mix of Humbrol and Revel enamels by brush.
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