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Found 4 results

  1. Not sure if any one has any tips. Second of two Tamiya kits that I have broken the front body pillar. Does any one has a way worked our of supporting this whilst cleaning and scribing before assembly?
  2. I have quite an involved aeroplane build going on currently that requires some downtime and a Rest & Recreation activity. And I picked up this at the LMS a couple of weeks ago. The tooling is, as far as I know, the original Merit product, which means that the kit is almost contemporary with the original car! I had a go at the Alfa Romeo 159 racer boxed by SMER last year and good fun it was too. Again from the same origins, and the kits are very similar in most respects. Progress has been stop/start and that's the nature of R&R builds. But I have managed to pull off a couple of mods and improvements that I'm quite pleased with. So I've decided to start a wee thread for it to catalogue the project. So far, I have an engine with a couple of extra bits, Ignition leads, fan belt, brass exhaust manifold studs. Instrument panel done in Ali foil, and the footwell board, And the front grill has been removed with a view to fabricating something better and more see-through. And in a moment of contraryness I decided to go for the yellow version. I think it's a Belgian racing team that had this version and without wishing to disrespect the fabulous French racing Blue tradition, I think the yellow racer looks good too. So the project is chugging along as and when I need some respite from Lockheed's finest metal wonders! 😎
  3. This is my first vehicle build, I didn’t do a W.I.P. As I wasn’t sure how I was going to approach the kit. The kit is the new Revell Series 3 landy. I am not sure about anyone else but I have never seen a land rover with the roof top spare wheel and roof rack of the style provided in the kit. I decided to have my first go at some sc ratch building and would make a more traditional roof rack. I built the with my own choice of colours, I figured that there are very few combinations of paints that have been used on Land Rovers by now that whatever I chose would not be wrong. I then built the roof rack out of square section brass rod. I then decided that it looked a bit bare up top. So after hours of scouring eBay I located a Fujimi “car and tool” series kit with some roof top accessories. The set came with a selection of roof boxes, a mountain bike plus bike holder and some extra spot lights. The mountain bike was a bit crude, so I added brake lines and separated the forks and seat stays as they had been moulded as one lump. The jerry cans were also an eBay purchase and are 3D printed. Finally I built a rear ladder so that I could get up to the roof rack 😀 out of the kit supplied roof rack.
  4. Morning everyone made a start on this kit yesterday so I though I'd make a thread to document my build. Now I'm far from s great modeller so please don't expect Roy or Shaun levels of modelling here lol but I do enjoy it and does help me relax So on to the build, well it's the Aoshima lambo. First time I have picked up a kit from this maker and so far I have to say it's well up there with Tamiya in terms of fit and quality, so much so I have the F1 gtr ready to be ordered on payday lol. (Or maybe two 🙈) I won't bore you all with the sprue shots but you certainly get alot in the box, and I'm going for something slighty different with the paint scheme, yup that is Roothmans blue you can see there...... more on this in a later post. Starting with the body, here you can see I've installed the side vents and the side skirts, although left the grill off the back of the vent, this should allow for easier painting and less masking (I hate masking!) From here the front bumper was cleaned up, no glued in place yet, simply placed From here the rear portion has received some work, the rear wing was built up and the first piece of photo etch applied to the rear And finally So after a little bit of work I have the start of an SV starting to take shape. Next up is adding the final details to the body and then into the paint shop. Note the bumpers and wing haven't been glued yet, these can come together after painting. But I'm certainly enjoying this one so far, hopefully have some more progress this week on the model, but I think it's safe to say my mojo is well and truly back up and firing All the best Matt
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