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Found 3 results

  1. My latest sculpture is complete! I started this because I really liked the idea of turning something that is very small like a games workshop table top figure in a massive sculpture, I'm not very knowlegeable about it but I've always been a fan of the T'au. Very happy with how he turned out, originaly it was going to be 1/6 but after making the head a bit bigger then I realised it was actually closer to 1/5. Now he's done from the bottom of the base to the tip of his rifle is 52cm! And now I've checked his measurements and recalculated it he is in fact 1/4 scale so I've changed the title and added this line in. I sculpted him in 3 parts due to his size so I could fit him in the oven to cure, I started with his head then made seperate armatures for his legs and then upper body which was glued together after he was painted. He was sculpted in sculpey firm except for the the shield and gun which were made with styrene and foam board. Just to gove a sense of scale I included a mug in the first pic and left my hand in one of them. Heres a link to the wip: - And here are the pics IMG_20221003_123900801 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20221003_123935735 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20221003_123945753 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20221003_124022518 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20221003_124049206 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20221003_124125089 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20221003_124133787 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20221003_124148739 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20221003_124250074 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20221003_124301706 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20221003_124332659 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20221003_124352007 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20221003_124557865 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20221003_124607273 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20221003_124624330 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20221003_124647881 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20221003_124732997 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20221003_124741961 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20221003_124754428 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20221003_124813194 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20221003_124948338 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20221003_125028381 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20221003_125114658 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20221003_125153859 by Nick Frost, on Flickr And it now has pride of place in my cabinet IMG_20221003_131821471 by Nick Frost, on Flickr Thank you to everyone who commented in the wip and showed an interest, I always really appreciate it and it makes a build more fun. I've got a few project ideas so I'll be back on to the new build once I've decided what to do next. Thanks for looking, more soon
  2. Okay so basically my shed is too cold and needs a bit of a tidy so I haven't been working on my STAP build, but once it warms up a bit I'll be back on it. So in the meantime so I've got something to do (in the warm!) I decided to start on the Tau sculpture I've been wanting to do since finishing the last one below I know very little about the T'au or warhammer in general to be honest, always wanted to dip my toe in with miniatures but in all honesty I just dont have the patience for that kind of careful brushwork. So I had the idea of making a large sculpture of my favourite warhammer race, the T'au. I really like the idea of making a huge version of something thats only available in small scale, and in actual fact although I stated this as being 1/6 its actually a bit bigger than that, my measurements of the face where "eyeballed" and after measuring and scaling it up based on an eight head high figure it will be a little over 40cm high so I'll have to do the torso and legs separate so I can get it in my oven! Well anyway I just thought what the hell and watched a few sculpting vids on youtube as a refresher and then grabbed the tools and my block of super sculpey firm. IMG_20210207_132738 by Nick Frost, on Flickr I had some clay left over in a bag that you can see in this pic but I failed to bring it back from the dead so just chucked it and grabbed the new block, dont want to chance it going crumbly on me when I need to blend facial features smoothly. Started by making a rough armature from stiff wire with a tight ball of foil which was then wrapped around with thin flexible armature wire IMG_20210207_133041 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20210207_133131 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20210207_134042 by Nick Frost, on Flickr Then I rolled some flat sheets of sculpey which was pressed very firmly around the armature to ensure no gaps and plenty of stability for when I'm working on it. IMG_20210207_134529 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20210207_134622 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20210207_135214 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20210207_135850 by Nick Frost, on Flickr Then I started to think more about the shape of the head and began to add a bit of form to work towards making a basic head shape as a blank canvas to work on IMG_20210207_141053 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20210207_141609 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20210207_142001 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20210207_142007 by Nick Frost, on Flickr Then it was time to mark out the features and to correct the symmetry here and there by building up areas and then smoothing. IMG_20210207_143909 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20210207_144039 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20210207_145215 by Nick Frost, on Flickr Head was looking a little too round so I trimmed the sides a bit IMG_20210207_145507 by Nick Frost, on Flickr And building up more of the shape here and there IMG_20210207_150902 by Nick Frost, on Flickr Pretty happy at this stage, its looking like a blank head IMG_20210207_151944 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20210207_151944 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20210207_152139 by Nick Frost, on Flickr Got my marks back in place after reshaping a bit, and then began to think about features and shape of the face IMG_20210207_154023 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20210207_200613 by Nick Frost, on Flickr Now at this point, I lost my confidence a bit and started to feel a bit lost, and that maybe the first sculpt was a fluke and maybe I cant do this. Then I realised that in the first one I was a lot more "devil may care" and was just going for it a bit more without getting to hung up on the big picture and just working through one bit a time. So decided I was just going to get stuck right in because at the end of the day you cant do anything that you cant easily undo or tweak until your happy with it (which is basically what sculpting is) So I threw myself into the next session and cut out the basic eye recesses and shaping the head and face to the shape I was after by working on the chin jaw and mouth and overall tweaks here and there. IMG_20210207_202220 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20210207_203604 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20210208_190056 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20210208_190103 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20210208_190259 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20210208_190809 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20210208_190821 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20210208_190958 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20210208_191059 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20210208_191132 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20210208_191439 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20210208_191603 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20210208_191920 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20210208_191924 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20210208_192240 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20210208_192247 by Nick Frost, on Flickr I increased the eye sockets a bit, all of this will be covered over when I build up the brow later, I just need to bare in mind the eye socket shape and where I'm going to put the eyeballs. IMG_20210208_192725 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20210208_192731 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20210208_192744 by Nick Frost, on Flickr Right, I'll leave it there for now, Im on my lunch break at work and need to get back. Later on this evening I'll update more progress from last nights sculpt session, in real-time I'm up to the bit where I've done his basic eyes so more to follow soon. Been so pleased with this start, last time the thing that seemed to hold me up most was the non sculpted elements and the crazy posing chanllenges, so with this one its nothing crazy or complicated, just a T'au soldier with no helmet on in a standing pose and everything is being sculpted in clay. I already feel like I'm getting this done much quicker the second time around! Thanks for looking, more soon
  3. Hello Everyone, So I mention in Wills great thread about buying a Tau army. I only have a few things to make/play with right now. But as I start playing I am sure it will grow. Right now all I have is : 2 x Hammerheads (Skyray's with the parts). 1 x Devilfish. 1 x Piranha. 2 x Firewarrior Teams. 2 x XV-8 Crisis Teams. 1 x Ethereal. 1 x Pathfinder Team. 1 x Tau Commander Countless drones. I have kinda started on a Crisis Team and the Hammerhead/Skyray's (they where second hand). I've started painting the Devilfish/Hammerheads... I'm going to go with a sorta Gundam/Russian scheme. I know what I am doing I am really impressed with the orange dayglow tho. Even my GF commented on how bright it was. So I have decided to work on the Tau Commander first and then go from there... this will most likely be a slow build but I will try to update when I can. I have been looking for ages for the "Coldstar" variant of the Crisis suit... never realised that it was the commanders one. I might buy three more of these at a later date and make the "Enforcer" version. See how I get on first. The sprues are not much to write home about really. Not sure on the thrusters, I will have a look at them and see what I can come up with Other bits... This is my first time painting a base that I can remember. I think I have dry brushed it a little too heavily... it will do tho. More to come sometime this year As always, recommendations/tips are most welcome. Kind Regards, Dazz
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