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Found 7 results

  1. I'm back! I meant to post these observations when I got the kit two weeks ago, but some nasty hacker program had blocked my ip address- it took Mike's help (Thanks, Admin Mike!) and a relay from two modeling buddies (Thanks, Mike E and BR!) to get me back online, so here are some quick observations after opening the box and actually handling the plastic: Hobbyboss 1/72 P-61B kit 87262 markings choices are 42-39440 "Swing Shift Skipper" and 42-39414 "Sleepy Time Gal II" HB did mold a new sprue with the upper fuselage/wings that is not the same one that comes in their P-61A kit. It does have the opening for the dorsal turret, and it does have the correct upper fuselage contours, with the swelling around the turret base! Yesss! The dorsal turret looks very good, and the shape looks just about right. HB also has the longer nose of the P-61B in the form of a new radome/nose cap. Unlike the P-61A’s, which had two identical size fairing doors that enclosed the landing gear which were both open when the gear was extended, the P-61B/C used fairing doors that were not identical, as the main fairing doors were closed when the landing gear was extended, with only a small one-piece fairing door being open, much like the one on the B-25. Hobbyboss did not pick up on this fact and the kit has identically shaped fairing doors. The Frog and Airfix P-61B kits got this detail right; the Airfix and Frog kits had the small fairing door as a separate piece, with the remaining doors being cemented shut. On the Hobbyboss kit, the small strut door sections would need to be cut from each of the large fairing doors and cemented together, then cement the large fairing doors in the closed position. It’s a shame Hobbyboss missed this, as all of the nice detailing on the fairing door interiors is wasted, as the doors need to be closed on the ground. Maybe one of the aftermarket suppliers will make a set of correct strut and fairing doors. So, that being said, it looks like Hobbyboss is to be commended for making the parts needed to make an accurate P-61B; the mistake on the proper main landing gear doors, while disappointing, is a pretty easy fix. I can't wait to see if they get the props, cowlings, airscoops and exhausts right for the P-61C that they have announced; also wondering if they will get the spoilers/speed brakes right, as IIRC, the ones on the P-61C were not the same as those on the earlier variants. (Glad I kept my resin F-15/XP-61E conversion bits!) Hope this helps! Mike
  2. This just in! Found this just now. In view of the recent discussion and build posted by Billn53 of his excellent P-61A, I thought this link would be of interest. It does appear from the sprue shots that Hobbyboss got the upper fuselage contours correct for their announced P-61B and P-61C with the dorsal turret! Can't wait for a B and using a C to do an F-15 Reporter conversion. Mike http://www.greenmats.club/topic/1067-hobby-boss-p-61-black-widow-новая-линейка-в-172/
  3. Hi guys, As a few of you might know, I did a 1:72 Airfix Vulcan with a full interior a while ago. It was an "interesting" build filled with research and frustration as I delved into my first experience with photo-etch, rescribing and resin; but it produced a half-decent model of a Vulcan B.2: So, with a new-tooled Victor B.2 in my stash (as of yesterday ) I embarked upon this build in the hope that it will be a less stressful build than the Vulcan and with the hope that I can utilise everything I have learned since that build. The Kit As stated previously this a new-tool kit from Airfix in the £50-60 range- there has been much discussion of the cost of this kit but I would state (in my opinion) that for the amount of plastic you're getting and the level of detail, it is entirely worth it. My plans for the build: -Construct the kit in either a conventional bombing or Blue Steel role (I haven't decided yet, what do you guys think?) -The camo paint scheme will be used (I can never get a clear dust-free white paint job on any large kit) -EDIT: This will be a flaps down, crew door open, gear down, airbrake open model -Weather the model moderately with some new AK interactive washes that I would like to test: The Build And so it begins! I started work on the cockpit first and despite the high possibility that barely any of this would be seen, I would like to detail every part of this kit as much as possible That's it for now, thanks for having a look! Kind regards, Sam
  4. Eurofighter Typhoon- Revell 1:72 (New-tool) WIP: http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235013684-172-eurofighter-typhoon-operation-shader/ Good afternoon everyone! I picked this kit up at my local model sho, it is the new Eurofighter Typhoon 1:72 kit from Revell. I had already done a 29 squadron anniversary Typhoon so I wanted to do something a bit more beaten up As for the kit itself, it was definitely a joy to put together- much better than the "old"-tool kit from Revell: the panel lines are crisp, there is no flash present and the fit of the parts made it a doddle to build. I used Paveway guided bombs from an Airfix Harrier GR7/9 and decals were sourced from an Xtradecals set and some pylon/weapons decals from a Revell Tornado GR1. Disclaimer: I essentially used random serials and a scattering of assorted decals to create this model, it does not represent a specific Typhoon. -Also, note how at the sides of the fuselage roundel, the squadron makrings have been painted over- that's what i've attempted to represent. I based this build on a particular photo of a Eurofighter involved in Operation Shader (the RAF's action against IS): Credits:USAF Staff Sgt. Corey Hook Now, for the build: (I quite like this image....) That's it for now, thanks for dropping by! Kind regards, Sam
  5. Good evening all! Popped into the LMS today and picked up a new tool Revell Eurofighter Typhoon. The kit looks cracking- improved cockpit detail and much less flash than the older toolings (i've built one before and it is now hung up next to the Vulcan ): I've always modelled historical aircraft or display aircraft from previous years but I thought I would have a crack at an aircraft involved in live operations. Naturally, not many pictures exist of Typhoons involved in Operation Shader (RAF's action against IS) but those aircraft that are shown have the bare minimum of markings, are heavily weathered and have had any squadron emblems removed. While I do have an XtraDecals RAF/RN Update set with a few Typhoons included, they don't include the stencilling that you could otherwise use from a kit's decals. Bizzarely, the new-tooled Revel kit only comes with one decal option for a Luftwaffe aircraft- but having said this, the kit decals do include some of the basic dayglo green strips that are found just below the canopy and the no-step decals. No problems there then Now, armament. I do have a spare set of Storm Shadow missiles but I gather that these are rarely used, so 2 paveways will have to sufice for now. The commonly seen air-to-air missiles (fitted into the fuselage recesses) and the wing tanks should top it off nicely. Build pics!: (Out of focus- whoops!) Nice panel lines! Instrument panel coaming (although not shown here, the actual instrument panel is moulded as a clear part!) Very fine detail on the upper intake surface Right, that's it for now! With school having broken up for Christmas, I should have plenty of time to devote to this, thanks for having a look! Kind regards, Sam
  6. Good morning! This build was one that I had wanted to do for quite a while, so my LMS had one in stock the other day so I thought it would be silly not to get it This bulid also marks the end of my AS exams (culminating with Chemistry on Friday) and "liberation" from schoolwork for at least two or three months...... Kit used: Airfix 1:72 Hawker Siddeley Harrier GR3 Paints used: Vallejo "Model Air"- Barley Grey, Medium Olive, Fire Red, Black and "Metal Color" Duraluminium. The nozzles, heat-shield and gear legs were painted with Alclad Aluminium. Vallejo "Model Wash" Dark Grey was used as a general wash and also sprayed in my first attempt at post-shading. Decals: The kit decals were perfect, with no splitting at all and no excess decal film being visible once applied. Edit: Thanks to Airfix for supplying me with a missing half of a cannon-pod! Thanks for having a look! Many thanks, Sam
  7. Morning all, I haven't done a WIP in a while so I thought I might have a go with the new Airfix BE2c (1:72). I'm planning to do this as an "out of the box" build-apart from one or two scratchbuilt details along the way. First, the kit. A nice, small and sturdy box The contents. Exceptionally good decals, very neat! Clear windscreens without any blemishes, the only problem is that they are terribly small! The sprues- one or two ejector pin marks on the inside of the fuselage- but these are out of sight when the cockpit is fitted. Sam
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