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Found 3 results

  1. I thought that I would start this topic for all those of us that have fond memories of and love the FROG model kits. In 1967 we came back to the UK from Singapore and moved into RAF Married Quarters in Alderton on the Suffolk coast. My father had been posted to the radar station at RAF Bawdsey. In Alderton the village Post Office sold FROG model kits. This was the first time that I had seen FROG kits and over the next four years of living there I got to love these models. FROG stood for Flies Right Of The Ground and the origins of FROG kits can be traced back to 1932 with Penguin models and flying models with elastic bands and small engines. The first FROG plastic kits appeared in the 1930s. When I was first introduced to FROG kits they were all in boxes, with different size boxes to suit the size of the subject. They were grouped into Colour Series, so Black Series were the small aircraft such as fighters, trainers, Bleriot and Supermarine S6B, then there was Red Series with such as the Blackburn Shark, Stuka and Airspeed Oxford, then Green Series with such as Blenheim and Boston and so on. Orange and Yellow Series tended to be the larger Hasegawa kits repackaged by FROG at their factory at Margate in Kent. I got to know the layout of the FROG models displayed in the Post Office window and I would make a note of it every time we passed it in the mini bus on our way to and from school in Bawdsey. If I saw it had changed I would excitedly rush back to the Post Office as soon as I arrived home, wanting to see what new FROG kits had arrived. Over the four years that we lived there I bought several FROG models from there, kits such as the Airspeed Oxford, Tupolev SB2 , Blackburn Shark, Westland Wessex, Hawker Tempest and HMS Hero. It was also useful to my brothers and sister who wanted present ideas for my Birthdays. My sister got me the FROG Spitfire XIV and Flying Bomb for my eleventh Birthday. Sometimes a model would disappear from the window and I would wonder who in the village had bought it. Then there would be a knock on our door and there would be one of my friends with a FROG kit that had disappeared from the shop window and he would ask me to build it for him. Or it might be one of my brothers who would surprise me with a FROG model from the shop window asking me to build it for them. To start with there were the earlier Black and Red series boxes of the very British FROG classics such as the Vimy, Beaufort, Skua or Master and then later modern aircraft such as the Starfighter, Corsair, Mohawk, Bronco and Thunderchief started appearing. I did not know this at the time but these were Hasegawa kits reboxed by FROG. If I wanted to see the larger FROG models such as the Avro Shackleton then I had to visit the model shop in Woodbridge when we went shopping. All of you who love FROG kits and have memories of them that you would like to share please feel free to contribute to this topic.............. A selection of FROG kits which I have found on the web to get the topic rolling. I do have a number of FROG kits and boxes in my collection which I will show as we go on. regards, Adrian
  2. Well after all this talking about FROG kits I have decided to finally get on and build one. This is the one that I have chosen to get the ball rolling, a 1970 vintage Fw Ta152 which I bought at the recent model show at Huddersfield with the intention of building it. At last a small model that can be built quickly without it taking up all my modelling desk like the Stratojet did. This model is what I would have bought on a Sunday morning at the Whitby Parade post office when I was thirteen, and I would have had it built and painted and possibly decalled by bed time. If only ............ I wonder which one I will do ? Beautifully crisp and cleanly moulded parts are making me excited with anticipation. I wonder if I can have it built in a week .......... or a fortnight Okay, I have the references, spares bits and the paints, there are no excuses now
  3. For my final entry in this very fine and very fun GB, I will build the famous Westland Wallace of the Houston Everest Expedition. Wikipedia has a bit of background here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Houston–Mount_Everest_flight_expedition Here is the box top and the sleeve for the decals from Arctic Decals in Finland. All the parts seem to be present and accounted for, including the stand, which I will be using. Mika's decals look very nice, as usual. High quality goods, these! And his decals guide is very informative regarding diplomacy... I'll start in this evening after it cools down a bit. --John
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