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Found 2 results

  1. Anticipating being furloughed for months on end, I bought a couple of GW board games to pass the time. Alas fortunately I'm a 'key worker', so I was spared long days fighting aerial campaigns in the W40K grimdark and the Titan Legion I planned are still in their box... yay, etc 🙄 Still, while I might not have enough time to fight endless miniature dogfights, I have been able to put some hours into building and painting a beautifully realised little Imperial fighter bomber. Here's what you get in the kit:
  2. Hi folk, Here's a look at the Warhammer plastic Imperial Knight model kit. This is not a cheap model at around the £95 mark but it does contain alot of parts. The version I treated myself to includes the Knight Warden parts for carapace mounted weaponry. I'm not a gamer but I do think this version looks cool. My model will be fitted out with the gatling cannon, Thunderstrike gauntlet and a rocket/missile pod along with the usual heavy stubber and flamers. There is a neat decal sheet in the box which carries markings for some of the noble houses and Knights featured in the Codex but I suspect my version will be more of a "Freeblade" where the builder is free to make things up as they go along. I have n't found a huge number of on-line builds so thought I'd pop a few photos up as I go along to give everyone an idea of how it looks. I'm following the build sequence which begins with the feet and legs. I'm employing a whole range of techniques on this project and letting my imagination run riot which is alot of fun. Almost all of the Knights that I've seen have natural metal undrecarriage with some painted accents on the toes. I have chosen to paint the leg/feet assembly and adopt some armour modelling weathering techniques to give this build more of alternative style. The plastic is well detailled and fits together beautifully. This is a new release so there is virtually no flash and little seam clean-up so far. Some of these workings will be hidden by the add-on armour panels but even so, I opted to perform some extra work. All of those pistons and rams are crying out for real chrome so I wrapped them in kitchen foil with the shiny side out. This had a wash over it to give that glossy oiled effect. Cheers.
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