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Found 2 results

  1. A trio of Vulcans at Nellis AFB for some low-level range work, January 1981. If memory serves, XL360 arrived alone and the other two came in the following week. XL360, 35 Squadron XL443, 35 Squadron XM654, 50 Squadron Thanks for looking, Sven
  2. Having had some recent disasters with modelling on other kits, I’ve decided to build a 1:144 scale GWH Vulcan as a mojo booster. I’m going to do this as close to out of the box as I’ll probably ever go on a vulcan kit, with only a few mods and unnecessary complications..... except that I’m going to use Trumpeter Vulcan jetpipes on the Great Wall Hobby kit because I want Olympus 301s and the GWH ones are currently attached to my most recent Vulcan, XH561, which is based on a Trumpeter kit. I ordered a decal set for this from Hannants, despite my large collection of Vulcan decals I never seem to have the right roundels in the right scales. The set I’ve ordered is Printscale’s 1:144 Anti Flash Vulcan sheet with markings for a B1, a B1a and three B2s. I only need this for he roundels and I could do with some more serials in pale blue, I don’t plan to go with any of the schemes provided in the decal set. Link here Some rather nice box art, although this is the box from the previous GWH Vulcan I butchered to make a B1a This is the one from this kit, same plastic just an extra frame of plastic and more decals. K2 parts stashed for future plans First thing for an anti flash Vulcan is to get rid of the RWR fairing on the tail. Very simple to do that. Some filler around the joint between the halves of the tail may be required.
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