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Found 9 results

  1. So, 20+ years ago, I purchased the Airfix 1/24th Hurricane Mk1 which I started ..... then stopped as other things in life and career took over. This year, I've been able to give a bit more time with being semi-retired, so here's where I'm at now ...... I have to say, it's been a painful journey getting to this stage .... the age of the kit, the number of parts that have needed a lot of work to make them fit and my somewhat rusty skills haven't helped, but it's getting there. Comments welcome ..... please be gentle!! 🤣 Keith
  2. Hi Pals, I think I can finish this upgrade / "face wash" of this model. It has not been, let's say, very aggressive, because there is no metal element on it, of each and every one that can be added, only empty shells on top, although they are not attached. The fear to ruin the kit, has been able this time more, because the plastic is not too good (if to that we add the time that I have since it was built in the factory). Still, the products used to add, more than to simulate as before, the weathering, I think they have fulfilled their function. I would like to put it on a base, and add some figure, but for now, I can not, for lack of technique and space, maybe later ... Thanks for the comments about how to improve the finish. IHMO, I think it has deserved the effort, more than anything to see if at this time, I improved my technique somewhat, maybe, although I still have to continue persevering ... Thanks as usual for watch and comment, cheers mates Black background... With some picture effects...aka old pcitures or news images of the time Until next model....
  3. Hi Pals, Here I present the finished model. I am quite happy to have dared to improve it (it could have been the opposite ... lol), it has not been very expensive and the additions have been very good. I think these oldies / cheap kits are a very good base to experiment, learn and improve hobby techniques and skills. On the one hand if it does not work out the way we wanted, the effort / expense is not "painful", although on the negative side, if it goes better than we expected at the beginning, the question remains "and if I had done this, or added this other , how would it have improved? ... " For this reason, I have some more model in the same circumstances, which I hope to improve (or otherwise, although I run the risk ...), now seeing them, I think I was not confident enough in my chances. As always, thank you very much for the comments and kind words that accompanied the assembly, and the interest shown. Here a link to WIP section for those who are interested, sorry a forget it... Cheers mates Some pics with a little base... And some shots in detail...
  4. Hi Pals, Here is a new small project of the "Renove Plan" to which I am submitting some of my "old" kits ... lol. Today I decided to "attack" the M24 Chaffee de Italeri, which would be the second improvement attempt on him, and I would say it will be the final one. This time it will be a "third party" improvement, because basically I have acquired some new tracks and a barrel gun as well. Undoubtedly, the most ominous part of this model, were the tracks, which is the heel of Achilles of all these oldies that had saved, because the material with which they were made, besides being really bad, has turned out to be super-fragile . The cannon is also easy to replace, and it will surely provide quality at a minimum cost-effort. I have opted for some Bronco tracks, because the Friuls, I find excessive in terms of price for the kit in question. They seem to be quite good, and especially with a reasonably easy assembly, at least for me. Some pics with the model finished, at it was Thanks for watch and comment, cheers mates 👍
  5. HI Pals, Now I have an interval of time and I'm going to start with the Sherman kit I have for Britmodeller's GB. It's all about an oldie, the M4A1 at 1/35 of Italeri. I had it stored in a closet about 15 years ago, and I did not buy it at the time, it came as a gift for deliveries in a collection of Osprey house books on armored vehicles. It's not my favorite Sherman, because it combines cast iron hull with 76mm long cannon, for my taste, hull with straight sides and short barrel, it attracts me more, but at the moment it is what I have available (I should not buy more kits until I do site ... lol). For the time that this kit has, it is not so bad, it includes a lot of detail, although the tracks will surely give me problems, because I have already finished other kits "brothers", and have almost always ended up breaking, because the plastic must be bad for the passage of time. I think I can get a decent result at least, although from what I've seen a little, there are already many models started (some finished), and the average level is very high. I hope to hurry, because there is less time ... Cheers mates
  6. hi Pals, For this occasion, so close to Christmas, and with the cold that it is doing (or is already doing..lol), I present a model very much in keeping with the dates we are living, it is a Panther by Italeri, a whole oldie. This is the 4th model that welcomes what I have called "Renove Plan", because I was already assembled before joining the forum, and with this if I started to take pictures, but not the process, if already finished, with the first smartphone that fell into my hands (I'm not an enthusiast of them, I prefer to modelling) ... very bad and I with very little experience of use, so the quality of the photos is quite low. This kit if I remember that it is the first one I did completely from scratch, and I have to say, that I thought it was a good kit, with more detail than I expected, even included the option to add Zimmerit, which I really liked. It is true that this kit at the time of its release, suffered from errors of accuracy, but as I had it, and it was starting, I decided to give it a try, it was also a PANTHER (I love cats and their derivatives ...lol) . The Zimmerit option was to add plastic plates, to the corresponding sides, and fortunately that was included, because without them, the union between pieces of the hull, left large gaps, quite difficult to fix, but with them on top, arranged. .. When I was picking up the hobby, my skills were in a lethargic state, I did not know very well that I was going to get out of this pile of plastic, and the means and resources I had were quite few, as I did not have pigments, washes, and so on. to do what is necessary (I would have given almost the same, because I had not used them before either). You can see that the splashes of snow are droplets of white paint, and dust and mud, what you can get with paint. In spite of everything, modestly, I was surprised, I liked it very much as it was, I did not expect it, because on several occasions, I was about to throw it away. At first, my idea was to make a tritone camo, but when I saw how I was left, AAARRRRGHHH !!!, horrible, then only Dunkelgelb, ugly, ugly ... a third attempt with Panzer Gray, and I almost got something more agreeable , and finally, why not add a little white here and another over there ... result BINGO !!!. Once with the winter camo, I began to test my skills in the new world of weathering. The final result I liked, I added some little things like the grids of the engine, and the tracks were glued with CA glue, but they ended up detaching, so I used seton to attach them to the wheels, a process that I would not like to repeat, for its difficulty and risk of breakage ... After about 3 years, I will try to improve it, only with weathering and some equipment detail, I will not play the tracks or the canyon,I think the damage would be very difficult to fix or impossible. Thanks for watching and comment as always, cheers Pals.
  7. Hi Pals, today I would like to share with everyone, this model in the WIP section, instead of the RIP, although it is already finished. The reason for this is that it was one of the first ones I did, when I resumed my hobby after many years, and I was not yet a member of the forum, and did not even notice, that I could document the assembly, or share the result afterwards ... Although not bad, IMHO, if we consider that it may be the 4th or 5th model that after about 20 years without touching the hobby, still did not have many resources or utilities of new generation, and new techniques, was still discovering them. The kit, is a ZVEZDA, and should really be an Oldie, because if at the time (about 15 years) that "sleep" in a closet, you add what probably had been packaged since its manufacture ... It was made of light gray plastic, and since most of the kits I had kept, the halves of the hull, were somewhat crooked, so I had a hard time straightening them and keeping them aligned. Some pieces were also broken in the process, although I could fix them. What really annoyed me, is that at the time of making the cannon, were all the pieces, except the cannon, damn ... In that moment of beginning of the hobby, the metal cannons for me were an unknown totals, besides being very difficult to obtain. It occurred to me how to fix it with the means at my disposal, namely, in the box of spare parts, I had a 76mm gun of the Sherman of Italeri, already mounted and kept "centuries" of a kit become pieces. Since there was a staple where the missing piece had to be, there was a perfect gap between one end and the other, so I just had to cut the Sherman's cannon "tailor-made" and adjust it. I modestly believe that the result was good, feet their measurements I checked them by doing scale conversion calculations. The point that certainly was, and is not the last time that happened to me (ISU-152 same case), are the tracks that brought the kit, extremely little detailed and with a very rigid and unnatural plastic. With this issue, the same as with the metal cannons, Friuls or similar ... What is that ?? ... lol. As always, I tried to do my best with what I had. As for weathering, similar, I had some new products (pigments, and enamels), but very few and not knowing how to use them properly ... test-error. I remember trying to make a modulated painting, leaving the base color much clearer at the end, but I liked it as it was. Basically, the final result, made me continue the hobby, and did not think about discarding the kit, which served me well to train with the new in the world of modeling. Now, after about 2 years built, I decided to try to improve it, because all the handicaps mentioned above, I have been solving with the passage of time. My idea is to put a new "slippers", metallic drag cables (what brings, I think they are pore of scale, very thick?), And a more aggressive and real weathering. With that I think I will win this modest kit a lot. Here below I leave a few pics, as it was finished at the time. You can easily see in some pics, the roughness of the tracks ... Next week, next update (i hope...), as always, thanks for watching and commenting
  8. Hi Pals, I recently tested a new product for me, specifically artificial snow, and I liked the finish, so I made new pictures with a SLR camera for clarity, I hope you like them, cheers mates Some shots on detail.... O L D S H O T S.......... Hi folks, here my kit completed, i like share with everyone. Cheers Added link to assembly post http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234993366-m-24-chaffee-135-italeri/ Thx for watch and comment, cheers
  9. Hi mates, this time, the WIP I propose is a little different, because this is a model that i do about 30 years ago. I have recently been doing cleaning and I found a couple of boxes with the surviving models of my adolescence. Although it has long seemed they were very good (modestly), now, are the opposite. Therefore, I estimate that only about 4 or 5 models will be able to "upgrade". One of them is the venerable MERKAVA MK1 of the Tamiya brand, a classic in my opinion. The original model is painted with Enamels and brush, all processes, because at that time no acrylics, much less airbrush ... I have recently seen a thread called the EARLY YEARS and encouraged me to do something. From what I see, we all have models of youth still conrservan a special charm. Here are some pictures of the model as is Cheers
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