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Found 4 results

  1. Hi all. This is my first for 2023 though I started it a few years ago with the bulk of the work done last year. It's the venerable 1/48th Hasegawa F-16N. I eyed off the 72nd version when I was a kid but never built it so when this 48th version kit came up cheap on a swap and sell table I had to have it. Replacement decals were at hand to replace the old kit items in the way of the W&D Studio decals so the NFWS aka Topgun option was chosen. Sad to say they aren't all that great as heapings of decals softener barely moved them. The only other small enhancements are DXM pitot and AOA probe and fibre optic cable for the static dischargers. The pilot is from the kit and the base is courtesy of some offcuts from Bunnings. My wife recently bought herself a router so I added a 45 degree bevel to tidy up the base. The rod is some clear perspex that's sanded to frost it up. The F-16N was the true hotrod variant with its small mouth inlet and big engine exhaust so I had to put it in flight. I cracked the air brakes so the pilot could pull the nose over to get a gunshot on his blue adversary...who knows what happened next. Cheers, Mick
  2. G'day folks. My current build is at the 95% mark so thought I'd better get cracking on another build before the motivation wanes so this is it. I've been eying this one off for a while and thanks to a discussion with some local modelling mates yesterday, I finally dragged it out and started cutting plastic. The DXM decals have been in my stash for a while now as have the WD studio turned pitot and AOA sensors. They were all looking for a new home and this is the outcome. The 'N' variant is a bit different within the F-16 blocks as it had the smaller NSI inlet but the bigger and more powerful General Electric F110-GE-100 engine. Sans gun and a few other bits and pieces this jet was one of the real performers within the F-16 stable. As such it'll be mounted on a stick with a dynamic posture. As it's on a stick there'll be no need to muck around with gear so I'm hoping the build will be relatively quick for this reason. The obligatory 'this is it' shot. It'll be one of the VF-45 jets with the ruskie star on the tail though I haven't decided on the jet number yet. The jet will only be carrying wingtip ordnance so the kit supplied holes need to be filled. Here I've used some plain old Evergreen rod to fill the holes. I'll tidy these up and then apply some Mr Surface to fill any remains gaps. As it's a wheels up model I've started work on closing the gear wells. A few minutes with a scalpel and a sanding stick and the main doors fit quite well. This shot gives you a good idea of just how well they fit. I decided to use the divider and bulkhead for the main wheel bay; more to provide some support and gluing area for the fuselage divider between the two main doors. There are some small gaps when dry fitting the parts but when I apply some glue they should tidy up nicely. The AN/ALR-60 antennae are supplied in this boxing but need a bit of work to remove the mould lines. I spent a few minutes tidying them up and making the forward seam a bit more pronounced. The holes for these ALR-69 antennae also need opening. The resulting pods and mounting holes for them. I mucked up the one on the right but I'll fix it up. The age of the molds is certainly showing. The first image shows a bulge in the plastic on the starboard intake side. I think it perhaps due to the addition plastic inside due to the ejection marks. The second image is shows the flash that's present on the inside of the NSI inlet which I've since cleaned up. The Hasegawa F-16 is well known for the work that's needed to clean up the intake. If you attack it in a way where as much clean up is done prior to committing glue then the result can be excellent. Perhaps not the Tamiya duct but tidy none the less. Here I've attacked the side walls of the duct with a file to remove the ejections marks from the plastic. Best do it now than when plastic has been glued. The holes for the antennae won't be visible when the intake ramp is installed. A rough fit show the intake is already starting to look pretty good. There's still some work to be done here though. Some sprue glue on the intake ramp to fill in the hole for the nosewheel. And finally, the easiest part so far - glueing the fin together. And not related at all to the topic, I repositioned a few lights on the workbench. Gives me a bit more room and gets that arms out of the way as they were in the way a bit. The room light is on but you wouldn't know it. And a question for the cognoscenti. As these aircraft didn't have guns, was the gun port blocked off or a blank of some sort installed inside? Hope you like it. Cheers, Mick
  3. Please vote for your preference - F-14 GB III or Topgun/NFWS GB Right, with the upcoming release by AMK and Tamiya of two new tool 1/48 F-14 Tomcats, I would like to propose the F-14 Tomcat III GB for 2018. If there is not enough interest, with Fightertown's recent releases of the excellent Topgun movie stars decals, who would be up for a Topgun GB, where any NFWS aircraft is fair game - F-14, F-16N, A-4E, F-5E, F-21 Kfir - you name it, as long as it was a Topgun/Navy Fighter Weapons School aircraft, it's on! No Airforce aggressors I'm afraid... Edit: 2018 instead of 2017
  4. A bit of a disappointing year in terms of quantity and unfinished GB's. Work and family life must take precedence however! Here are my three for the year, starting off with the 1/48 Hasegawa F-14A+ I did finish in time for the Tomcat STGB. F-14A+ 'Devil 102' of VF-74 Bedevilers in Desert Storm 1991 Next the 1/48 Hasegawa F-16N for the F-16 STGB F-16N of VF-43 Challengers And finally the 1/48 Hasegawa FW190A-4 as Hubertis von Bonin's mount in JG54 in Estonia. Hopefully I'll manageto get one or two finished over the next few days, but I won't hold my breath. Thanks to all of those who've commented on my builds, helped me with parts and suggestions and for making me feel like I MUST increase my stash! I'm looking forward to next year, going to try and build more as it should be less mental work-wise. To all, a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous and high model output in 2013.
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