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  1. I've become Boaty McBoatface. I didn't realize Flickr would be so lacking in security. Also managed to find the image edit function with control and right click.
  2. Let's try Flickr out. I don't seem to be able to change the sizes with Flickr pictures though.
  3. I put the photos on Facebook, and then posted the link here. So, in theory they should work, but many don't seem to. In fact I can't even see the pictures I posted recently. I don't really display them. They're on a shelf, I never really get to a finishing point on anything, so I just kind of dump them. The one I'm making now is about 25cm by 30cm, though I've made a wall that will extend that a bit. It sits on my desk waiting for more stuff to be added.
  4. I've tried doing real things, and it's difficult because of a lack of information. Some parts of things are well known, right around the corner maybe no photos. So I find it easier to make my own, and I can make it more stylish too (hopefully)
  5. The new model got changed a lot, having difficulties getting all the towers to point in the same direction, no matter what I see to do with it (the one at the back).
  6. I was going to post this stuff in January, but I forgot the password and then got locked out and now it's May.... uh oh. This is the end of the build, I got bored and have now moved onto to something a little more vertical.
  7. I've moved on from what I was doing. I've found that Sketchup is a great tool for doing this stuff. Instead of trying to get my head around 3D stuff in my head I can get it all organized on the computer and make it with a lot more creativity and accuracy. I've changed the way I do windows to make them look a little more medieval. I'm still trying to work on make it look better. This is more or less what I've been doing in the last year. The last three buildings are quarantine buildings as I've not been able to work because of the Coronavirus since the end of January. The last three buildings the photo is a little strong because I edited it on my phone before sending it, I think it'd have looked better original now, but hey.
  8. Seems to have been a while. I've spent the last half a year doing the other side of the road. Next stop is another tower with an entrance into the city that'll nearly double the size but with a lot less work.
  9. Some new photos, edited to get rid of the rubbish out the back. I've glues most of it together except the tower on the left. Time to start on the buildings to the right now, once summer is over and I get some energy back.
  10. Okay, so the town hall remains unfinished. I got kind of bored and the progress was slow going. Also because I'm worried about over exerting my eyes, I've moved away from doing things exactly as they should be, or as best as I can. I've gone back to doing Ploenlein in Rothenburg, but making it my own somewhat too.
  11. Actually what I do is go around the neighbourhood with an electric shaver and attack the cats, there are plenty of them. I only use the finest dirty stray cat tail hair. I think it has something to do with first licking balls then licking the tail that gives it the optimal atom count that prevent nuclear reactions with the paint. Just kidding, yes, beard hair, because I can't cope with facial hair, and I'm too lazy to shave anywhere else. I'll probably get back to doing that at some point, but I need to finish the Rathaus first, so, maybe this time next year....... there's a garden behind some of the other buildings...
  12. Here's part of the Rothenburg Rathaus that I've been plugging away at for the last two months. Finally got some parts together after making all the outside parts. The roof is going to take forever, 24cm receipts needed for the outside part. It's going to be months more before it gets anywhere near to looking something like what it actually looks like.
  13. It went okay, I didn't do very much with it, yes, made texture for the ground, like grass. Just makes a bumpy surface which you can then paint on top. I don't have any photos of it, the model is still somewhere, but I moved flat since then.
  14. Well Photobucket has become useless, so I made a group in Facebook for me and my fake other facebook account to add someone as a friend. So now I have somewhere to post things and then to be able to get them up hgere. I've changed what I was doing since the last time (a long time) I posted. This is because I managed to lose the bridge I made, it probably fell off the desk into the bin and got thrown away, so I scrapped what I was doing, and the new Google Earth came out, which is pretty amazing, and it allows me to see places I couldn't see before in Rothenburg ob der Tauber. So I'm making Rothenburg again, only this time I'm starting from the centre, and it's a little larger than before, the red building is about 6.5cm by 7.2cm. None of it is finished. The red paint I had was bought in England but was rather dry and old. So when I went back to England this summer I bought some more and have, at times, diverted myself from what I was doing to trying to make the paint job better, which was made easier by getting my hands on a much smaller paintbrush. I live in a city of 8 million people and, as far as I know, there's one art shop, the size of a broom cupboard and their smallest paintbrushes are like size 1, which is way too big. I'll have to look on the internet at some point and see if I can get some more, as the one I have is exceedingly useful. Well, I'm working on the town hall of Rothenburg right now, which should take months at the very least, but it's a nice project.
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