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Archiving your Personal Message (PM) Inbox


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Go to My Controls, the link is at the top-right of the forum screen. When there, on the left side you'll see the Menu. In that menu, there's several sub-menus.The top-one is named Messenger. In this, there are 9 links. No. 8 says Archive Messages, click that. You now get a Menu on the right side, with several options:

  1. Archive from which folder?
  2. Archive messages received in the last
  3. Number of messages to archive
  4. Delete messages after archiving?
  5. Compile datafile as <make a choice>

with a drop-down menu for each. Select the appropriate settings, such as Inbox, all days, 20, yes, HTML page and click Process. You'll get an e-mail with the archived messages attached as an HTML-page that you can save in the appropriate place on your comp. Click on Inbox on the left and look at an empty(-ish) one.

Thanks to Martin for offering this one up ;)

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