Hi all, my quandary is a clunky as the title I’ve posted (it’s a difficult one to phrase correctly). Everyone has their own style or preferred method for painting/weathering armour and I had just seen a guide posted on Pinterest.
(Won’t let me post here at the min for you to actually see)
It shows three well known methods for painting lighting on a tank. These being panel lighting, Zenithal lighting and modulation. I’m still too new to modelling to say I have particular preference, as still experimenting with each model. The guide did make me wonder, it suggests pros and cons of each style (now I know their is no wrong or right answer to this, that it is in-fact a matter of preference) and wanted to gauge other modellers preference, take a poll if you will of that others did or thought was best. As we are a shy and retiring bunch not very keen on giving our opinions (only kidding by the way). So who prefers what out of the three options or do they have fourth or even fifth options not listed?